Chapter 20

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Chapter 20


"No Kate… listen to me now. I'm sorry. I'm sorry about this morning… I really didn't mean to sound so demanding. And I know that you know what's best for the kids. So if you feel all of that is unnecessary, I'm not going to argue. I respect whatever you decide for them Kate."

"No. no Rick... that's not the point..." she took a breath to collect her thoughts.

"I over-reacted. I did have a problem initially, but now I see why you wanted to have a photo-shoot for your book… I don't know what made me so upset in the morning… I think it was also the fact that you'd been on the phone the entire morning, and that really got to me. Because well, I took the day off to be with my family. And you are my family Rick. You gave me a family."

"I'm…" he began.

"No Rick wait…" she touched his cheek gently, looking up into those blue eyes of his.

"I was upset, but I had no right to yell at you that way... you were just trying to talk to me. and I accused you of being more bothered about your books, when actually you were just looking out for the kids… and I felt horrible after we fought, and even more after you left… so i guess what I'm trying to say is.. I'm sorry… I'm sorry I was so rude to you and I hope you can forgive me Rick."

"Kate... theres no question of forgiveness. I don't hold anything against you. You're my wife, and if anything, I just wanted to talk to you again. I've been going crazy all day not talking to you, not touching you, not getting a chance to kiss you…"

Kate was looking up at him with eyes full of love.

"I'm equally at fault Kate… I should have known you'd get worried about me when I took so long to pick up the cake. But in that state I was in. I didn't reply to your text and then that led to me snapping at you again at home, which was totally unnecessary. I've been a total jackass to you today Kate… I'm sorry." he looked down at their feet. Feeling so ashamed for treating her that way.

Kate leaned in and kissed him. It was sweet, soft, slow, passionate, and full of apology, forgiveness and promise. It was like their first kiss all over again. The love overflowing through it was overwhelming and hypnotising. It took both of them to a new world. One in which it was just the two of them who existed in this world and nothing could come between them.

It was like the one they shared on their wedding day, and the one they shared when they found out she was pregnant, and the one they had when they held their kids for the very first time. It was new and beautiful, just like her.

And Rick was still in his world of 'kiss-bliss' when she pulled away.

"Open your eyes" she whispered to him with a smile.

And when he did, she said "You can be a real jackass sometimes and sometimes you can be the most responsible and caring man I've ever met. But jackass or not, you're mine. And I love you."

"I love you more Kate... Alwa…"

"Shhh... I know. Say that to me tonight, in the silence of our rooms, when no one's watching us and there's no loud music playing."

He smiled naughtily and came close to her ear to whisper "there will be no loud music, but I expect a lot of loudness from you tonight…"

She hit him playfully on the chest and said "Shut up." he nibbled lightly on her ear and then came back to lock her lips in his. This time he drove her crazy with the kiss. His tongue seeking entrance into a mouth and owning it. Her knees went weak and he held her up when he found her melting in his arms.

"I don't know how you manage to do that" she whispered breathlessly when he pulled away.

"I can do it again and show you"

"No!" she said quickly.

"Let's keep this party pg-13?"

He laughed. "Yea. The guests do seem to be staring at us"

Kate looked around to find her friends now suddenly turning their heads to look away and pretend that they weren't just looking at them. She laughed.

"Don't worry just a few hours more. And you'll have me all to yourself."

Rick looked behind her and said

"But right now, there are two people who want to cut in." Kate looked at him, confused for a second, then irritated the next, at the thought of someone else coming to interrupt the only dance she was having tonight with her husband, and then looked back to where he was looking and smiling. And Jim brought the twins to them.

Her demeanour changed immediately. She would never mind her kids interrupting them. They were the only ones allowed to come between them.

Rick carried Jo in his arms, and Kate took Nate. And they held the twins and each other and swayed to the music. The kids were already sleepy now, and were resting their heads on their parent's shoulder.

"Did you guys have a fun time today?" Rick asked Jo and then looked at sleepy Nate on Kate's shoulder.

Kate spoke "I'm sorry that your daddy and I were fighting today. We promise we'll make it up to you both." she kissed Nathan softly and he hummed.

"Maybe we could go to the zoo again"

Kate looked up to him disapprovingly.

"… Or maybe not" he continued.

"Nope. We're not taking them to a zoo until they're a little older. I can't risk losing any of them again."

She reached out and lightly, lovingly touched Jo's head.

Rick leaned in again and kissed his wife,

"It won't happen again Kate. I promise you. Don't be scared."

And while they kissed, they heard a soft giggle from Jo, and then Nate looked at his sister and giggled too.

"Yea. You guys love watching us kiss don't you?" Rick asked them playfully and Kate just laughed.

"Well, get used to it. Your mommy's too beautiful for me to resist. And he kissed her again.

"Enough." She lightly pushed him away after a long kiss. "Save it for later okay" she teased.

The song ended and soon, the guests began to leave. And a beautiful party came to an end.

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