Chapter 27

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Chapter 27

Rick was on his way to the doctor's. Alexis was at the loft minding the kids. He really didn't think it was necessary to see the doctor, but Kate had told Alexis to insist that he go to the clinic and get proper medication for his head-cold.

Dr. Charles was his old family doctor and he knew Rick and Martha personally. Rick hate to think that the old doc was once his mother's lover.

After exchanging pleasantries and prescribing medication, the doc asked

"I don't believe that you came to see me about a head cold."

"Rick chuckled. "You know me too well I must say. I wasn't going to come here either. But my wife gets a little paranoid when I try to overlook tiny flus."

"I always thought you got yourself a good one"

"The cold?"

"No silly man. The wife"

"Ahhh... the Mrs. Yea... well I'm lucky"

"That you are. You have a nice family Mr. Castle"

"Thank you" Rick said with a smile. He would usually be proud at a moment like this. But he knew things were a little rough with his wife right now. He hoped it'll all be better by tonight.

"Daddy yelled at mommy last night" Jo whispered into Alexis' year.

"What, why?"

Just when Jo was about to tell her more, they heard the front door open.

"I'm home" they heard their father's voice.

He walked into the kitchen to pour himself a glass of water

"What did the doctor Charles say?" she sat at a stool at the kitchen counter.

Castle came and stood before her

"eh. He prescribed a few meds. Said I'll be fine in a few days"

"Dad... Can I ask what's going on between you and Kate?"

Castle looked at her for a moment, and then down at his glass.

"Things have been… rough lately"

"Jo and Nate told me you guys were fighting"

Castle took a deep breath; he wiped his face down with his hand and then began to speak.

"I don't know... these past two days we've been arguing about anything and everything. and I don't even know why…

I want to apologize to her for the way I've been acting, and I'm sure she does too… it's just that we've both been under stress with work lately.. maybe that's what's affecting us… and it just seems like we're venting out on each other in a negative way.."

"I think I know what's going on…"

"Then tell me. Cause I really want us to be okay. We've never fought this much before and I miss her."

"That's exactly it, isn't it? with her cases getting tougher and demanding more hours from her, and your deadline coming up, pressurizing you to write all the time.. you guys are left with hardly a few hours in the day to spend with each other… cause even those few hours, usually fly quickly when you guys are tending to Nate and Jo…"

"So what you're saying is, that we have hardly given enough time to each other lately. And maybe that could be a reason as to why there's been so much tension between us?"

"Yea dad. I mean come on. Think about it. What else could it be…?"

And for a moment, Castle gave it a thought. His daughter was right. These past few weeks, they had gotten so busy with their work-lives, and it was un-intentionally causing tension in their relationship.

Come to think of it now, the last time they made love before falling asleep was almost a week and a half back. Ever since then, they'd be so tired by the end of the day after putting the kids to sleep; they'd fall into dream land as soon as their heads touched the pillow. He missed Kate… and admitting that to himself now made him feel lighter. He missed her. And he needed to let her know.

"Dad, I can help you sort things out with Kate" she had a confident smile on her face.

It was evening now, and Kate knew that she would have to be at the precinct for another two hours and then she could go home.

But the wait to finally talk to her husband to try and sort things out between them still seemed too long. She knew that even after she went back to the loft, it would take another two- three hours at least, with dinner, and the kids, and clearing the house up a bit, until finally she'll have him alone to herself in their room.. And all this tension between them was driving her nuts.

She was having a horrible day at work, her feet were aching, and she just wanted to go home and soak in her bathtub, maybe even with her husband if things went well. The last thing she needed was another argument. If they argued again, she knew she'd break down; she wouldn't be able to hold herself together. She was tired of fighting with the man she has come to love more than her own life.

She turned the key in the door and stepped in. it was strangely silent. Where was everyone?

"I'm home" she called out.

"In here" came his voice from the living room. She kept her keys in the bowl and took of her coat and then walked to the living room. And when her eyes saw what he had done, her heart melted.

The lights were all turned down. There were candles all around the room, on every surface he could fill. The sweet smell of lavender filed the air around her mixed with a delicious aroma coming from the kitchen.

And there he was standing near the couch, his hands in his pockets, waiting for her to react, to say something… but she was speechless.

She looked around. And then at him. He smiled softly. She looked down. And when she looked back up, he was standing before her.

"Where is everyone?"

"I'll tell you all of that later. What's important now, is you and me" he took her hand and led her to the couch. She was hesitant, but she knew he was always good at this. He was always able to fix them.

When they were seated. He took a deep breath and spoke

"How was your day?"

"It was… Hectic... was on my feet all day. But I'm home now… and you're here and… I'm better."

He smiled and placed a stray flick of her hair that was falling beside her temple, behind her ear.

"How was your day?" she asked him.

"Alexis was here to entertain the kids, I got some writing done. And the words seemed to flow well today for some reason. I think it'll be much better tomorrow though"

"Why so?" she asked with a shy smile.

"You'll see" he said. And then sat closer, taking her hands in his.

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