Chapter 31

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Chapter 31

Castle's eyes opened up a bit and those beautiful brown tresses of hair were the first thing he saw. He smiled to himself, closed his eyes and buried his face deeper into her hair and took a nice long inhale of that cherry scent.

She hummed in her sleep and he pulled her closer to him. She was a little more awake now. She turned her head a little and he nuzzled his nose to her cheek, leaving butterfly kisses all along her face. She smiled and held his face to kiss him.

She turned fully now, so that she could properly face him and kissed him firmly. His hand wandered down her side and stopped at her waist, and she deepened the kiss. Her hand slid from his shoulder to the back of his neck to play with the soft ends of hair, tickling his skin and leaving goose bumps in their wake.

His hand crept to her back and pulled her closer if that was even possible. Their lips disconnected softly and a gentle smile donned them, their foreheads un-willing to let go of each other.

"Good morning beautiful" he said

And she hummed in appreciation "good morning babe"

"I'm guessing you slept well?"

"I did... I love you"

"I love you too"

"come on, got to get breakfast ready for the kids"

"but it's still so early!"

"Castle? Its 8. Both their alarms would have woken them up by now for school."

Kate kissed his nose and got out of bed. She hardly put her robe on when there was a knock on the door.

"Mom! Nate's taking too long in the shower again and I need to be early at school today!"

"come in honey"

17 year old Jo pushed her parents' bedroom door open and rushed in.

"thank you"

she ran to her mom and kissed her on the cheek. "I won't take long, I promise"

She was just about to rush into the bathroom when Castle said "Don't I get a good-morning kiss?"

Kate quickly says "what? Mine wasn't enough?"

"ewwww TMI!" shouted Jo as she walked to where Castle was seated on the bed.

"And they never believe me when I tell them I got late cause my dad wanted a kiss from his girl" she grumbled with a smile before planting a kiss on her dad's cheek.

"Hey, don't blame me. Your big sister spoiled me" he said back to her as she ran into the bathroom locking the door behind her.

Kate laughed while she was picking out clothes for herself from their closet. "well Alexis got over it. You however, miss it."

"I'm not going to deny that" he admitted.

He then got up from the bed and put on his robe too. And quietly tip toed his way to where Kate was, so engrossed in looking for something good to wear to work. He caught her by surprise when he wrapped his arms around her and softly began nibbling on her ear.

"Castle!" she giggled slightly at the things his tongue was doing on her skin, reminding her of last night.

"you think we can have another round after the kids leave and before you have to leave for the precinct"

She turned in his embrace and bit her lip and thought for a moment. He wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Come on..." he pulled her flush against his body... "I know you want me just as bad as I want you."

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