Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

They walked downstairs and Rick served them both. They took their plates and a glass of wine and sat on the couch together and had their dinner. Kate told him about her case, and about how the boys were helping her keep her mind of the twins.

Rick told her about all the things he and Alexis did all day to entertain the kids. He told her about how Nate was making a fuss to eat at first, but then after some cooing and convincing, he finally gave in.

he told her about how Alexis put the music on and made them listen to her favourite Taylor swift songs and how Nate seemed to enjoy it, but Jo began crying after a while. "She probably doesn't like that genre" he said. And Kate laughed.

When they were done with dinner, they washed their plates together at the sink and the other dishes too, and finally they snuggled together on the couch, their wine glasses in hand.

Kate took her last sip from the glass, placed it on the table there, and leaned back against Castle's chest. She turned her head a little and kissed his jaw softly, and breathed out "I missed you today Castle"

he kept his glass aside then and with his finger he angled her face to let him softly brush his lips against hers, and they kissed for a few minutes. Allowing themselves to get lost in the feel of the other. When he pulled away he said

"I missed you more. We all did. But don't worry; when the kids are a little older, I'm coming back to the NYPD to follow you around. Nikki Heat needs her Jameson rook"

Kate laughed and turned fully over him and this time, she kissed him with more purpose, and that purpose was to make him forget his own name.

She let her hands wander, her tongue invade his mouth, and her hair tickle the sides of his face. She took his hands and placed them on her, inviting him to use those talented hands on her. And he gladly obeyed.

After all, her every wish was his command. It was his pleasure, to pleasure her. And as he dipped his hand further into her dress pants, she half-whispered in that bedroom voice of hers,

"Oh Castle, this is exactly what I needed"

he softly whispered in her ear,

"Good. Cause for Round two, we relocate."

"Okay" she panted between kisses. And began moving her body at the mercy of his fingers.

She awoke suddenly, and looked at the alarm clock on her bedside table. It was 3 am.

She looked at Castle and he was still fast asleep. What had woken her up? And then she heard it again.

That soft little cry. She recognized it to be Jo's cry. But it didn't sound like she was hungry. Kate sat up and pushed the covers off of her. She ran her hand through her hair as she walked to the cradle and carried her crying baby girl in her arms.

She rocked her a bit and cooed her to stop crying.

"Hey baby girl, what's wrong? Did you have a bad dream? Don't cry honey, mommy's here now"

"She must have though you didn't come home last night. She didn't get to see you before she slept"

Kate turned to find Rick awake and looking at them.

"It's alright; I'll put her back to sleep. Go back to sleep Rick"

"Give her to me; I'll put her to sleep. You need to get up for work in a few hours" he argued.

"That's alright Castle. I don't mind losing sleep over putting her to sleep." Kate walked around the room, rocking little Jo in her arms, trying to coo her back to sleep.

Rick had fallen back into his deep slumber. He was really tired.

Not only had he been on his feet all day, entertaining and looking after the twins, but she had clearly worn him out tonight on their couch. Not that any of them were complaining.

She blushed at the thought of the things they did. Round two did not happen in their bedroom. Neither did round three and four.

Jo had finally stopped crying 15 minutes later. And was slowly falling asleep again.

"That's my good girl."

Jo put her fingers in her mouth.

"No baby, don't do that. Come on, why don't you lie down with me."

Kate took Jo and placed her on the bed between Rick and herself. And lightly tapped her baby. Jo lifted her hand and placed it on her mommy's breast.

"You hungry baby?"

Kate had stopped breast feeding them a week back, she had started using the breast pump. But the twins were taking time to get used to not being nursed by her.

"Come on" she pushed the neckline of her t-shirt a little off her shoulder, exposing her breast a little, and Jo immediately latched on to her mommy's breast.

'Yup, she was hungry.' Kate concluded. Little Jo placed her small warm hand on her mommy's chest and softly sucked on to it.

Kate watched her little baby girl drink her milk and slowly noticed her growing sleepy again. She softly ran her thumb down her cheek and said "Time to sleep baby girl"

She adjusted her t-shirt again, stood up and put one of the baby towels on her shoulder and carried Jo in her arms. Softly rocking her and rubbing her back until she felt the little baby belch. When she realized she was fast asleep she laid her back down in the cradle.

After kissing her goodnight again. When Kate came back to bed, it was 4 am. She had three hours more to sleep, until she'd have to get up for a new day at work. Rick was fast asleep lying on his back.

She snuggled closer to him, resting her cheek against his bare chest, and placing her hand over his heart. And the soft sound of his slow relaxed heart beat lulled her to sleep.

The last thing she remembered was his arm holding her and his lips kissing her on the top of her head. Her entire body melting in his strong embrace.

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