Chapter 2

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Disclaimer: I do not own Castle

Chapter 2

Kate knew this moment wouldn't be complete without him. She looked up to him, and smiled and said

"Come here daddy, don't you want to meet your little ones?"

He was at her side in less than a second, taking his eldest in his arms, and all he had to do was look at her, and a tear fell out of his eye, he heard Kate say

"hmm... All it took was a baby to turn you into a softie, I'll remember that."

He laughed, and it woke his daughter up. Her tiny eyes opened up a little, and he saw the beauty in them, and as expected, the little ones were totally in sync. Their little boy started crying in Kate's arms, and she started cooing and rocking him a bit.

And she couldn't help the overwhelming joy in her, this little guy, had blue eyes, just like his dad, and that's all she's ever dreamed of: having his children, little Castles that had his blue eyes.

She looked up at him and said

"Castle, he has your eyes"

castle looked at his son in Kate's arms, and then back to his baby girl in his arms and said

"so does she! She's beautiful. Other than the eyes, she has all of your features..."

Kate couldn't help the blush creeping at her cheeks, they switched babies then, and Kate cuddled her eldest to her heart. Castle looked at his son and said

"You and I are going to have a lot of fun; I'm going to teach u baseball. Of course I'll have to learn it first" he mumbled.

He heard Kate laugh.

He chuckled and continued

"I'm going to teach u how to be a charming young man, and together we'll evil scheme against your mommy and elder sister and grams. And trust me, I'm glad you're here now, I was beginning to get soft living with so many women"

Kate couldn't help the laughter in her. Watching Castle bond with his new born children was the most adorable sight ever

she asked him then,

"Do you want to hold both of them?"

And his face lit up, she slowly put their daughter in the cradle of his other arm.

Castle was a strong big man, and watching him, holding two tiny little beings, cradled in both his arms was the most heart-warming thing she'd ever seen.

He looked at both of them, and then up at Kate and said,

"They're so beautiful Kate... I'm going to read to them in bed every night, I'm sure they'll fall in love with Nikki heat. their my own blood after all." He chuckled.

Kate glared at him and said

"Castle, I'm not going to let you read murder novels to my children!"

He laughed and was about to put forth his argument, when there was a knock on the door, and a redhead peeked in and said

"does the eldest sister get to see her younger siblings yet?"

Kate laughed and said "come in already"

Alexis ran to her dad, and kissed him, and then took her little brother in her arms.

And by then, a whole Jing bang had entered after her. Everyone was there, Martha, Lanie, Esposito, Ryan, Jenny. 'Congratulations' were all around.

Martha had come to her and hugged her tight and said

"I'm not sure if I'm happy or sad; you made me a grandma of two. You did great darling."

and Kate laughed and said "well their lucky to have a grandma like you Martha"

Kate was then distracted with the man entering the room.

Jim Beckett walked to his daughter, with a smile she hadn't seen on him in a long time, and suddenly, all she wanted to do was hug him tight. And that's exactly what she did. He hugged her and whispered

"congratulations Katie, I'm so proud of you, your mom would've been so proud of you if she were here…"

A tear crawled down her cheek and she whispered "I wish she was here dad"

He kissed her cheek and said "I know"

and that's all he needed to say for Kate to be alright again.

Jim then looked around and said "ok, time to meet grandpa now"

Lanie and Ryan who were currently holding the twins, handed them over to Jim and Kate, while the others chatted about celebrating the two new family members.

Castle knew Kate was getting a little emotional thinking about her mom; he came to her side, and placed a butterfly kiss on her forehead.

She looked at him, and he said "don't worry, you'll b alright" he held her hand "we'll b alright"

she smiled; assured with just the sincerity in his eyes

"I know, I never have to worry when you're here"

she lifted her head to him, and he placed a soft gentle kiss in them.

Just then, a nurse entered the room and said.

"How about we all come back and check on the little ones and the new mother after a while. It's time to nurse them.

They all said their goodbyes, except for Martha and Alexis, who said they'd be waiting outside. Jim handed the baby to Rick, and said

"Congrats Rick, you'll make a great father to them, of that I'm sure."

He then turned once more to Kate and said 'I know this would have been much easier for you had she been around, but I believe you can be as good a mother as her. I can see it in your eyes when you look at the little ones. It's the same way she looked at you when you were born. She would sit and gaze at your little face for hours on end"

Kate was speechless; she muttered a "thanks dad" and he kissed her head and left, with a promise to come see her tomorrow.

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