Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

Kate parked her car and took a deep breath. She then checked her phone. There was a text from Castle

"I'm serious. Stay safe okay. I love you."

He was worried. After all she had a family now, and she wanted to always be there for them. Her job was dangerous one and she needed to stay safe and alive for them. Her babies.

She wanted to go back home tonight and every night, to hold her babies and tell them how much she loves them.

Kate Beckett had more to lose now than before. She had a family of her own, that she loved more than her own life, but she was their life too and she had to be cautious about the risks she puts herself into while on the job.

She quickly replied to his text.

"Just reached the precinct. Don't worry, I'll be home soon. I love you more Rick."

It was afternoon now, and all Kate had been doing since the morning was paper work. She had been welcomed warmly by her colleagues, but soon after, there was a bunch of papers on her desk that she had to finish.

She kept her pen down for a second. And looked around. Ryan and Esposito looked as bored as she did. It's times like these she wished there was a case to work on. She picked her phone up and considered calling home to find out what Castle was up to with the twins.

He was surely keeping them well entertained as always. Otherwise he would have called her if there was a problem.

She noticed she had received an image from him. She quickly opened it and it was a picture of Alexis and the twins, holding up a poster that was made probably by putting a crayon in the kid's hands and guiding their hands to write.

It was colourful and scribbled upon, and there were hearts drawn all around the poster. And in the centre were the words. "We love you mommy."

Kate smiled. She couldn't help the overwhelming bout of happiness she felt on seeing that picture of them, of her three children. Yes, she considered even Alexis to be her very own.

"Awww, that is so cute!" a voice spoke from behind her.

Kate looked behind to find Ryan and Esposito peeking in over her shoulders at the image on her phone.


"What? It's not like you're sexting or something" Esposito said.

"Yea, it's a family pic. I show you so many of my family pictures" Ryan defended.

"Firstly Espo, either way, you are not supposed to peek. And Ryan, there's a difference in showing it to you, and you guys peeking over my shoulder."

"Why are you getting so paranoid?" they came up in front of her.

"I'm sorry guys... I'm just..." she looked down at her phone.

"Missing them?" they said in unison.

She smiled at both of them. They truly were her brothers.

"Yea... you could say that."

"Well, maybe this could help you get your mind off Alexis and the toddlers at home"

he held up a small note of an address.

She took it from them. Read it and stood up. She put her coat on. "Let's go"

before driving out to the crime scene, she quickly sent a text over to Castle

"Caught a case… Thank you for that. It's just what I needed. Give them a kiss from me."

"And what about me? ;) " came his quick reply.

She laughed at that, then looked around to see that no one was looking. She then took a picture of herself, puckering her lips for him and sent it to him with a text that read,

"There. This will have to suffice until I'm back home tonight ;) "

She then locked her phone and got out of the car and walked to where she could see Lanie and the boys in the distance. Her first case since the twins were born. She felt great to be back even though she had to leave her little angels at home.

"Welcome back honey" Lanie greeted her as she put her gloves on.

"Thank you" she smiled at the medical examiner, her dear friend.

"How are you doing? Your first day away from the kids…"

"I'm coping." she smiled. "But I'm glad to be back."

"Good. Cause Emily Stewart here needs justice."

Kate looked at the victim, pale and cold lying on the pavement.

She sure did miss her babies. But right now, it was time to bring justice to the dead, to Emily and her family. And when the sun sets tonight, she'll go back home and be there for her own family.

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