Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

A few months later

"Castle, where's my coffee?"

Kate walked out of her bedroom, through the study and out into the living room, rushing to where her bag was on the couch to put some files in. she was late, thanks to Castle and his morning surprise for her in the shower.

He was crawling on the ground now, chasing after Nate, with Jo on his back holding on tight to his hair.

Nate was hurriedly crawling all over the carpet, trying to escape his daddy and sister.

Jo's giggles filled the room as she tapped her daddy's head to go faster and faster. Clearly enjoying being hoisted up on her daddy's back like a horse ride.

Castle stopped and turned to look at his wife,

"Uhhh... It's on the counter. But wait, it might have gotten cold now. Give me a sec, I'll make you another one"

he was about to put Jo down, but Kate didn't want to disturb that little game of theirs.

"No, it's alright, I'm already late, I can't wait any longer. I'll buy one on the way" she put her bag on her shoulder, and then walked over to where Nate was. Nate, seeing his mommy coming towards him, thinking she was part of the game, and was coming to catch him, began to crawl faster away from her.

Kate laughed and took longer steps towards him until she finally picked him up "Gottcha!"

And Nate squealed! Kate kissed him on his cheek and said, "Don't worry; I'm on your side. Win this one for me. Don't let your daddy win okay?"

Nate looked at his mommy and mumbled something that sounded like an agreement.

"I can't wait to hear you talk honey." She said, and then put him back down to play. Nate smiled.

Kate then walked over to her husband, and kneeled down to look at her daughter.

"Be good okay. Mommy's going to be home soon. I love you." She kissed her. And Jo held on to her hair.

She loved her mommy's hair. They all did.

"Give mommy a kiss baby." Rick told the little girl on his back. And Jo puckered her lips. Kate leaned in and let her daughter kiss her cheek.

Kate then leaned lower down and kissed Castle. Hard and passionate on his lips, pulling away with a smack, just before she knew Castle might get weak at the knees and fall flat on the ground.

"Thank you for this morning" she said.

"Always" he smirked and wiggled his eyebrow.

"Have a nice day at work okay"

"I will" she got up and went to the door to put her heels on, and with a fly kiss, she left for the precinct.

She badly needed a coffee. The ones from the café weren't as good as the ones Castle makes for her himself, every morning, but it'll have to suffice.

It was early evening now, and Kate had just wrapped up a case, she was just about to message Castle to check on them, when she heard the ding of the elevator doors, and a few giggles and laughter.

She turned in her chair to see what the noise was about to find Castle there, rolling in the pram with her twins in it.

She stood up and walked the distance towards them, where a few of her colleagues had stopped to say hi to the little ones and play with them a bit.

"Castle, what are you doing here?" she said, half shocked, half delighted to see him and her kids.

"Hey you…" he leaned in and gave her a soft kiss on the cheek.

"I told you last time I don't like the idea of them being in the presence of criminals and murders."

"Yea. But look on the bright side Kate. They're also in the presence of police, detectives and heroes of the city. It inspires them"

Kate rolled her eyes at him.

"What? They like to come to their mommy's work place. Look how happy they are"

Kate looked over at them and saw the delight on their faces while a few of the guards and policemen took chances to carry them and play with them. It was also kind of funny to see the rough and tough L.T play peekaboo with Jo.

"Okay. But what are you really here for?"

"i was just on my way to the park, thought I'd take them there to play for a while. I ordered the cake; you just have to go check it out. I want you to see it before I confirm the order. Just take my name, they'll show u the one I picked out, and if you like it, tell them to place the order.

And I also had to remind you to speak to captain gates about..."

"Oh yea... thanks for reminding me. I almost forgot"

"Not a problem" he said and Kate looked at him with a smile.

"You want some coffee, before going to the park with them?"

"Yea. Yea. I could do with coffee" he followed her to the break room. Knowing she just wanted the privacy.

He stepped in and closed the door behind them; she immediately leaned in and kissed him, linking her arms around his neck and his gliding around to her back, pulling her closer.

"God I miss you around here" she whispered between kisses.

"I know"

she kissed him some more, lightly biting down on his lip and then running her tongue over it. She lightly ground her lower body against him and then pulled away and said

"You still want that coffee?"

"Actually, no. I think I should get going... before I get tempted to do anything more here"

She chuckled and straightened his collar. Smoothening his shirt with her hands.

"you owe me for making me drink coffee that wasn't made by you this morning"

"I intend to make it up to you tonight"

she leaned in close to his ear and whispered "I can't wait"

he winked at her and they both left the break room and walked on to where Ryan and Espo were with the kids.

"Hey man" Espo greeted castle. "Long time"

they shared a bro hug as they call it, the same with Ryan.

"Yea, how's it going"

"All's good" Castle said.

"You guys coming over tomorrow with the ladies right?"

"Of course, wouldn't miss it" Ryan said. "The little guy at home can't wait either."

"Awesome. I got to go now, before the park gets too crowded. I'll see you guys tomorrow"

they said good bye and Kate walked Castle and the kids to the elevator. And before he could go in, she kissed him good bye, promising to come home soon tonight, and wishing then a fun time at the park.

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