Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

Castle was at the precinct now, sitting at his chair staring at the murder board. Looking for something, anything that the others may have missed.

Kate placed his mug of coffee on the desk as she sat down with hers.


"I'm not really sure, but something tells me this guy had some connection with the victim that we don't know about. Maybe we should look into his financials"

"alright, I'll look into it."

She began typing away at her computer, and suddenly realized Castle was staring off into space.

"Hey, what are you thinking about?"

"Uhhh... nothing"

"Come on, you can tell me."

"I can't stop thinking about Jo"

"She's at home now honey, dad called and said she's studying in her room"

"Yea I know"

Kate wrote a small note then and left it on Esposito's desk, she then walked back to her desk and put her coat on.

"Come on, let's go home"

It was 6pm when they got back to the loft. First thing Kate did was check on Jo. She found her asleep. She lightly tapped her and woke her up.

"Hey, we're home"

Jo opened her eyes and stretched out a little.

"Your dad bought you a new phone"

"Where is it?"

"Jo, I told him not to give it to you until you tell me where you were that day"

"I went out for a movie with Danny okay. Why are you guys making such a big deal about this?"

"Now do you mind telling me, who this guy Danny is to you?"

She sighed. "Mom, Danny's a year elder to me, and he asked me out one day. So we've been going out this past week. That's all."

"Why didn't you tell us"

"Cause I find it ridiculous that I have to tell you guys everything, including who I date and where I go"

"But baby, of course we have to know. Your dad and I are worried about you. Especially your dad, he doesn't want you to put yourself in trouble"

"Don't even get me started on Dad, he's being so rude. I don't want to talk to him. And mom, come on, don't tell me you didn't do your fair share of dating when you were my age"

"I'm not going to deny that, but I also made my fair share of mistakes because I hid things from my parents. We just don't want you to get hurt. And we want you to be honest with us"

Jo rolled her eyes. Something Kate knew she had picked up from her

"And your dad, he feels bad for the way he reacted. But he's not going to stop worrying. It's his duty to worry about you."

"I need to get out of here. I need some fresh air"

"You can't. You're grounded, remember?"

"Uggghhhh" she groaned in frustration.

"Why don't you come downstairs?"

"No. I'm perfectly fine up here."

Kate got up from her place on the bed and said "Dinner will be ready in an hour or so. Come downstairs then"

Jo nodded.

By the time Kate joined Castle to help him get dinner ready, Jim was getting ready to leave

"Dad, stay for dinner please"

"No Katie, thank you, I'd love to, but I've got some errands to run. I'll come by tomorrow okay"

"okay dad" she kissed him goodbye and he waved goodbye to Becky and Castle and left.

Kate filled Castle in on that little talk she had with Jo.

"You need to talk to her" she said.

"I know. But it doesn't look like she wants to talk to me anytime soon."

Nate came walking downstairs, yawning and dressed only in his undershirt and shorts.

"Hey, you guys are home!"

"Hey big guy, slept well?" Kate asked him.

He walked to the living room, grabbed the remote and switched the TV on

"Yea. Slept all afternoon"

"Don't you have exams coming up too?" she asked him

"I do"

Kate grabbed the remote from his hand then and said "then go study"

"Can't I watch the TV for an hour at least?"

"Nope, you can have the TV all to yourself once you've aced your terms"

Castle laughed from the kitchen.

Nate followed his mom back to the kitchen where he had left his book on the counter top. He sat there and began to read.

"So, Nate, mind telling us what's going on between you and Leila?"

His face went pale. He looked up at his mom and dad, not knowing how to answer.

"Who told you that?"

"Javi tracked you down"

Nate face palmed himself and Kate laughed at him.

"I should've known. It's nothing. We just hang out"

"Are you sure? Cause your face, when we took her name, seemed to tell a different story"

"I can't believe I'm having this conversation."

"The cat's already out of the bag. You can might as well spill" Castle said to him.

"I like her okay. And I think she likes me too. But I haven't told her yet. We haven't really gone out alone or something. It's always with a group of friends"

"What's stopping you?" Kate asked.

Just then Jo came downstairs and their topic was cut short.

"Jo, can I talk to you for a second" Castle asked his daughter.

She looked at her mom and then back at him and nodded. She walked on into the living room and he followed her. She stood with her hands folded in front of her.

He picked up a box from the table and gave it to her and said

"I'm sorry I smashed your phone"

she looked at it for a second. It had a small post it note on the top that read. "I'm sorry sweetheart."

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