Chapter 24

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Chapter 24

Kate did not want to be reminded of the horror she had gone through years ago when Jo was lost at the zoo. She had had nightmares about it... enough to never think about taking them there again until she considered them old enough to know what to do if they ever got lost.

And Castle was being ridiculous by bringing this up even after knowing what she feels about this. She ran her hands through her hair and then went to the coat room to take his coat out. This one needed to be sent to the laundry along with a bunch of hers.

But before putting it with the pile of her coats, she held it close to her, and breathed in that scent of him. It was comforting. She missed him today, and honestly, she hated that they were fighting. But she was upset and she needed time to figure things out in her head first before they talk about whatever went down in the afternoon and also about what just happened.

It was a habit for them to kiss when she got home every evening. His way of telling her how glad he was that she was home safe.

When he entered a few minutes ago, she had this hope that he would come to her and hold her and kiss her, and all the tension since the afternoon would vanish with a kiss. But maybe he was hoping the same. For her to come up to him and greet him with a kiss.

But was it wrong that she wanted him to make the first move? Maybe. She couldn't help but think.

The kids were down soon enough and she had them seated at the table. Castle was taking a long time to come down. She served the kids. And waited for her husband before serving dinner for herself and him.

He came down in a few minutes, wearing his shorts and his green lantern t-shirt. His hair was still slightly wet from the shower and he looked fresh and clean. He went into the kitchen to serve himself but Kate walked in behind him and said

"Go sit, I'll serve you dinner"

he listened and sat at the head of the table. Kate placed his plate in front of him and then sat beside him with hers. They ate silently.

"Nate, don't play with your food honey" Kate told her son. He seemed restless.

"What's wrong, you don't like it?" she asked when she realized he wasn't eating.

"No mommy. The food is yummy. But can you feed me?"

"Nate, mommy's eating too" Castle told him. The little boy folded his arms and sat back in his chair.

"That's okay. I'll feed him first." She got up and sat beside him and began to feed him.

"Mommy, did you put a bad guy in jail today?" Jo asked.

Kate smiled at her baby girl's interest in her job.
"Yes honey I did."

"Yay for justice" the little girl squealed and Castle chuckled.
Kate laughed to her hearts content.

She stole a glance at her husband, who seemed to be enjoying his food. Yet he was purposely eating slowly. He probably wanted to finish along with her. When the kids were done eating, she sent them to go wash up and change.

She sat back in her chair and continued to eat. The silence was killing her.

"The food's delicious" he said.

"It's not as good when you cook." She told him.

"I cook almost every day. I like it when there's something that's not made by me" he was still not looking directly at her.

"Thank you" she said softly. He nodded.

"How was the meeting?" she asked.

He took his time and then answered. "Was good"

"What was it about?"

"They were discussing the book tour dates with me, and the places i would have to go"

"It's the usual?"

"No, they've added a few more places to the list."


"I told them I'll think about it and let them know if I'm okay with it."

There was silence then and they finished eating together. Kate noticed that Rick only picked up his last bite when she did hers. And she found that sweet of him.

They got up and he took her plate to the sink. Kate wanted to go help him with the dishes, but the kids were making a racket upstairs. She needed to go check on what they were up to.

She opened their bedroom door to find them fighting with their toy swords.

"Sweethearts, you'll played enough today, come on, it's time to go to bed." She walked in and Jo gave her the sword in her hand, but when she reached out to take Nate's, he wouldn't let go of it.

"I don't want to go to bed"

"give me the sword honey, you're tired. Your eyes are droopy"

"No" he yelled and pulled the sword back and ran to the other end of the room.

"Nate!" she called out.
Jo had climbed into her bed- the lower bunk.
He laughed because he had gotten away. But not for long. His mommy was walking up to him.

"I don't want to sleep just yet. I want to play"

"You can play tomorrow. Right now you need to sleep"

"No!" he yelled up at her stubbornly.

"Nathan Jameson Castle. Hand me the sword or else I will not let you watch TV for a day!"

"Daddy will let me watch! You're never at home anyway"

"Nate!" Jo whined from her bed. Kate was shocked.

"That's it. You're not going to watch TV tomorrow" Kate strode up to him and grabbed the sword from his hand and carried him up. But he began to kick and scream and stiffen his body trying to jump out of her grasp. He may be just 4 years old but he was a strong boy, and his kicks were hurting her.

"Hey hey hey! What's going on here?" Rick walked in hurriedly to see what the commotion was about.

"Daddy" Nate cried out. "Mommy yelled at me."

Rick came in and took Nate from Kate.

"Why did she yell at you?"

"Daddy I don't want to sleep. I want to play"

Castle looked at the sword in Kate's hand. He then reached out and said "Give it to me"

"What? No." she replied.

"Kate. Give me the sword."

Nate was wiping his tears. She handed him the toy and he gave it back to Nate.

"Castle, what are you doing? It's way past their bed time."

"He's going to get tired eventually" he explained while taking the other sword and beginning to play with his son.

"So you just give in to his tantrums?"

"It's better than having him crying and yelling" he snapped back.

"I can't believe you. Castle if you just give in to whatever he wants he's going to misbehave all the time. Is that what you want?"

"Kate, enough!"

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