Chapter 23

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Chapter 23

"Everything alright Beckett?"

Esposito asked her.

"Yea. Actually. No..."

She then looked at Ryan and asked. "Ryan is Jenny home today?"

"Yea, why?"

"Is it okay if Castle drops the kids off at your place for a few hours? He's got an urgent meeting to get to."

"Oh. Yea sure. Let me just call jenny and let her know that he'll be stopping by"

Ryan went in search of his phone, and Kate immediately texted her husband.

"Ryan's talking to jenny. You can drop the kids off there. As soon as I can get off duty, I'll go pick them up"

"Okay" came his reply.

Just an okay. Why was he angry with her? Couldn't he see that it wasn't easy to get out of work that easily, especially during a case? It's not like she doesn't want to be with her kids. In fact it's all she ever wants. To be with them every single minute of the day.

He had no right to snap at her that way, however urgent his meeting was. She kept her phone away and tried to focus on the murder board before her.

It was 7 pm now, and Rick was making his way back to the loft. He had a horrible day to say the least.

After that call, he had to haste and the kids were making a fuss that they wouldn't get to go to the park with him. So he thought maybe if Kate could come home. They wouldn't have to be disappointed.

But no.

After Kate's suggestion to get black pawn to reschedule the meeting, Rick couldn't help but wonder whether subconsciously, Kate considered that her job was far more superior to his, because he was more flexible as a writer.

It didn't always work that way, being a writer doesn't mean you can break all the rules and ethics of professionalism. Why couldn't she understand that?

He parked the car and got out. He felt the weight of the day on his shoulders. He was tired and he desperately needed a nice warm shower. He turned the key in the door and opened it to be welcomed with a delicious aroma filling the room.

Kate. She was cooking. He kept his keys in the bowl on the table beside the door, and hung his coat. He walked in and found Kate preparing a salad in the kitchen. She hadn't looked up at him, even though she knew he had just come home. He then turned to the living room to find the kids running around… playing tag.

"Hey guys" he said with a warm smile. And they ran to him on seeing him.

He knelt down and opened his arms to them and they hugged him tight. He closed his eyes and breathed them in. this was just what he needed.

"What did you guys do when I was gone?"

Jo ran her hand through her daddy's hair and said "We played at uncle Ryan's house, and aunty jenny made us some soup too."

"Oh yea?"

"Yea." Nate said. "Then mommy picked us up and we came home. Mommy played tagged with us for a while and we danced for a while too"

"You danced, without me..?"

"You weren't home." Jo whined and pouted.

"Yea, you're right. And I'm sorry I had to change our plans so suddenly"

"It's okay daddy, we forgive you" Jo said and kissed her daddy's nose.

He smiled and then he looked at Nate too.

"Do you forgive me too?"


"Why not buddy"

"You'll have to make it up to me"

Castle smiled. "Tell me, anything. I'll do it for you"

"I want to go to the zoo. Jonny gets to go to the zoo. Why can't we?"

Just then Kate came into the room. "Kids, dinners almost ready, why don't you go wash your hands and face and come back down"

"Okay mommy" they replied and ran upstairs.

Castle got up from his knees and turned to look at his wife.

She looked at him for a moment and then began to pick up a few toys the kids had left on the couch; she went to the player and packed up the CDs that they had taken out today.

Castle spoke "Nate wants to go to the zoo"

"No. not yet."

"Kate, kids their age already know most of the animals. They need to learn."

"I said no." she looked at him.

"What are you afraid of?"

"Are you seriously asking me that question?"

"Kate they're a lot older now... that happened years ago, what makes you think it'll happen again."

"Castle, can we not discuss this now?" she snapped.

He huffed. Then turned around and walked upstairs. He needed that shower.

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