Waiting for the sky to Fall

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They say every day is a new adventure right? Maybe not, but I'd like it to be.

I wake up to the sound of my sweet alarm clock, ah yes waking up to Pretty. Odd. is always a good motivation for me. I get out of bed I hear the voices of a bunch of kids which startles me; I go up to the edge of the room and look at the calendar.

"Oh..." I sighed with disappointment.

It was adoption day, I have nothing against adoption day, in fact, I love that the kids here can have a chance to get good families or families in general, well that's all but except me, I guess I always get the short end of the stick. I envy those people who still hope, their innocence is something I could never have.

While the kids are getting ready I quick dress-up to a pair of Vans and a regular black shirt.

"You aren't wearing anything more presentable, a dress maybe?" The foster mother comes out of nowhere.

"Well um... I'm not feeling it today" I responded with a hint of slight disappointment.

I have come to the conclusion that no one would want me, the fact I have been staying here for 7 years now just prove my point, it's kinda frustrating, I was here since I was seven, I'm tired of waiting I just want to accept the fact no one would want me I just but can't. It's the same routine, it's impossible not to get tired in this place.

"Roll call, everyone!" The foster mom yells as all the kids go down

Oh no, here we go again. All of us line up waiting for the group of soon to be parents to come in. There were people of all kinds that came swarming in. There were a bunch of people, some looked determined while others looked lost. I was just standing there, seeing a bunch of people looking at the kids, talking to them, and seeing them slowly drift away with the kids. Just seeing them go away happily, it feels like I just got hit by a truck too many emotions and thoughts were circulating around my body. Know this will never be me was enough, the noise felt like a discomfort I anxious go over my phone to open my playlist and began hitting shuffle. When in doubt I always turn to music.

Music was my escape, my comfort from all the shit going on in my life. This is the last aspect that brings color to my life. I drift away to the sweet sound of music, I hear a voice towards me force of habit I immediately look down.

"So... uhh... what do you think?"

"I think she's perfect!" Said a familiar voice, I feel like I heard him before.

"Are you sure? there are other kids, younger kids. We could show you if you'd like."

"We've been over this before, I think she's perfect." Again, said the familiar voice.

"Alright, if you say so." She shrugged.

The two go towards me I slowly look up, It was a man wearing a black shirt and a leather jacket. It took me a while to process and then it hit me my heart pounded, my immediate reaction was, "OH MY GOD ITS BRENDON URIE!" my eyes widen internally freaking out unable to blurt out words.

"H-hi I'm... Elise... Clark." I said nervously not making eye contact.

"I see you're a fan." He chuckled as he looks at me straight in the eye.

"Alright you guys, follow me." My foster mother said.

We followed her to her office and both of us sign the huge pile of paperwork.

It felt weird, it felt like a snap or a dream. He looked at me as if he knew me, I was bewildered yet astonished.

"Alright sign here, here, and here"

It took a while, but we managed to finish it. I began to go upstairs shaking, Brendon followed me to my room. I froze as I face the door, at this point I was scared. A hand rested on my shoulder he looked at me with a soft smile the kind that yells "everything's gonna be okay" I walked slowly and went inside the room, I started to pack my stuff, I got my luggage and started putting my clothes. It suddenly hit me on how it was that fast to get adopted, didn't you have to have a house check or something like that?

"May I help?" Brendon asked politely.

"S-sure" I responded nervously.

He noticed I owned some posters so he began them rolling up and placing them in a separate bag. I was still taking in everything, for one I have finally been adopted, second, I have been adopted by the one and only Brendon Urie.

"So why me?" " I ask Brendon, carefully building up my confidence.

"Uh... well you seemed different I guess" Brendon responded smiling.

We began to crack a few jokes here and there and I must admit he is just as funny and down to earth as he usually is in Twitter and Periscope. We soon finished packing my stuff we go out of the room I get surrounded by the kids, one of them said.

I never thought this day would happen, and just when I thought my life was going downhill.

"I gonna miss you Elise" One of the kids ran to me and said.

"I'm gonna miss you too"I hugged the child tightly.

Another kid approached Brendon and asked him.

"Hey, aren't you that guy Elise always talks about." Asked smiling innocently.

I start blushing as Brendon starts to chuckle while putting his arms on my shoulder.

"Yep, I sure am!" He responds with glee.

All the kids gasp and began hugging me, I hugged them back.

"Hey! Mister, take good care of her you promise?" The first child said in a serious tone before cracking up with a smile.

We go out of the Forster home, before leaving I stood in front of the building looking at it one last time, I slowly face Brendon who is standing In front of the car smiling

"Shall we m' lady?" He said playfully in a fake British accent.

I couldn't help but laugh as we both go inside the car. It was like a dream I need to wake up from. Brendon began to open the radio.

"Alright up next is your favorite song, Victorious by Panic! At The Disco"

"Oh, nice one!" Brendon laughed.

" Tonight we are victorious
Champagne pouring over us
All my friends, we're glorious
Tonight we are victorious

The silhouette of the foster home slowly fades away as Brendon and I began singing along to the song without a care in the world. At long last! I can be finally happy with life, I am indeed victorious.

Just a therapeutic chain of Events || Adopted by Brendon Urie ||Where stories live. Discover now