House Of Memories

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I felt that someone was shaking me, at first I thought it was just the bus but then I realized we had stopped moving.

"Darling, you gotta wake up." He says.

I opened my eyes and mumbled "Dad?" He chuckles.

My body is still sore from yesterday. I look at him and noticed his face again, the bruise didn't quite go away just yet. He was wearing shades to hide the black eye. It throws me off that someone would do this to him, but then again I did just ran away from him. Seeing him like this made me want to hug him. I know it's stupid, I just don't want anyone to hurt him. I get out of the bunk, he followed me.

"Where is everyone?" I asked.

"We figured you need rest so we let you rest." He said while going over the fridge to grab an ice pack.

"But you woke me up?" I said questionably.

"Well, it's good to know we are both covered in bruises." He chuckled, completely ignoring my questions.

"You still haven't answered why?" I told him

"Let's just say I felt lonely." He told me.

"Well, you did look lonely," I said the joke to myself.

I smiled back as I sat down and ate some toast. I still couldn't get it off my mind, I still have questions which made me a little anxious.

"I'm really sorry about the other day, I didn't know what got into me," I said sincerely.

"I know you are, heck if I was you I'd probably do the same thing." He said softly.

"What do you want to do kid?" He suddenly asks.

"Uh... I don't know. What do you want to do dad?" I asked back, he smiled.

"Spend some time with my daughter." He gave a big smile.

"You've changed," I smirked.

"Changed?" He looks at me confused.

"You act more like a father now. At first, you acted like that one cousin babysitting me." I said with a smile.

"What do you expect?" He raises one eyebrow then laughs.

We continued talking, it made feel safe in a way. I wanted to spend time with Ryan, I felt bad for him. Does this mean Nate is my brother? This is pretty crazy.

"Does mom know?" I asked.

"Yeah... about that." The ice slips out of his hand which made me laugh.

"You know what? All call her right now!" He said proudly but then suddenly he buried his face on his hands.

"Fuck, how am I gonna tell her?" He looks at me as if I was gonna give him the answer.

"Language!" I giggled.

He looks at me then he smiled as he ruffled my hair.

"See? now we're even? You don't have to worry, I mean it's Sarah after all." I reassured him.

"Welp here goes nothing."

Ryan's POV:

"Mike, what do you think I should give her?" I asked.

He looks slightly annoyed by my rambling but then he laughed.

"Dude, it doesn't matter as long as it's from the heart." He said patting my shoulder.

"But what if she doesn't like it?" I ask again.

"Then she doesn't, simple as that," Zack said bluntly.

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