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Elise's POV:

Tour starts today, I got to hang with Alex, Tyler, and Josh.

"And so that's the true story of how Josh and I really met," Tyler said with a proud face.

"He's doing it again," Alex whispers.

"Doing what?" Tyler asks with an eyebrow raised.

"True story." Alex did air quotes, Tyler pouted.

"So uh... Josh maybe you could help do drums sometime?" I nervously said to Josh.


I normally don't ask but this time I wanted too, I wanna spend more time and get to know them more. They don't know about me and Alex, well except for Tyler and Sarah. I guess both of them saw something in us. Dad in the other hand, he'd probably freak and that may or may not be an understatement considering his overprotectiveness.

Tyler is like the eccentric uncle you'd always want to be around. Josh is more of that person you wouldn't think he's your uncle, he's that cool. Josh and Tyler were telling us stories of their early concerts and concerts in general. Truth is I've never been to a concert it would be cool if I would stay in the pit or something. Unfortunately, I can't stay in the pit it's not that I don't want to it more of they won't let me because again 'Security Reasons'.

Someone knocks, "Welp, that's our cue!" Josh says Tyler nods.

"Knock 'em dead!" I shouted as they left.

Alex stood up and reached out my hand,

"You going?" He asked.

"Where?" I responded.

"I don't know, the pit?" He said.

"I told you a thousand times, dad and the guys won't let me," I said.

"I wish I could though," I whispered to myself.

He left without a word. I left the room and went to dad's, he was there doing his vocal warm-ups. He eventually noticed my presence his serious face turned into a smile. I really wanted to ask him, I am willing to stay literally anywhere even if Zack has to stay with me just not backstage.

"So where will I stay during the show?" I asked like I didn't know the answer.

Of course, it was the same answer again, well there goes my chances. Dad called the guys and did the pre-show shot. I joined...kinda since I not allowed to get alcohol he ended up giving me some sparkling cider. While they were doing their shit I just sat there thinking of possible ways on how to Well... you know.

So I devised a plan where I could make it into the show. When the guys go up on stage that's the time I'll strike, most likely Zack might be with me but I think I could go past him. They had given me a lanyard which is basically my pass to go in and out.

It was time for them to go, Tyler and Josh came back in.

"Dad? Not even tech both?" I said with a slightly sad expression.

"I'm afraid so." He said as everyone started to walk away.

As they started to walk away I could hear Ryan,

"Cmon you aren't gonna let her just stay here right?" I heard Ryan say.

Dad sighed before he could say anything Zack was already calling him. I was probably an idiot thinking of doing this. I managed to sneak out without a trace, I put on some makeup and a beanie to disguise myself, I texted Alex and I told him what I've done. Guilt hit me like a bomb, I couldn't go back.

"Well... well... well... what'd ya know." Alex had a cheeky grin.

We heard the first chord hit, "come with me." Alex pulled my arm and we went to the side over to the almost front.

I suddenly felt my phone, it was Zack.

"Kid, where did you go?" He texted.

I was starting to panic, if he found out I'd get butchered.

"Oh, I'm doing ladies' things." I lied.

"Ladies things?" He replied.

"Yep, Ladies things." Why am I bad at this.

The first few songs where amazing. No one noticed us, I think. Its time for the big reveal, Ryan Ross. There was a video it was a timeline of sorts showing clips of old Panic! But still mainly focusing on Ryan Ross. Everything went dark the fans where screaming and so were we. The spotlight was on Ryan, he strummed the first cords of Nine In The Afternoon.

Suddenly, a group of drunk dudes beside us started going crazy. They were starting to get out of control, they started throwing stuff on stage it was okay-ish at first but then they had cans of beer. They started to throw that, Alex and I slowly walked away from them, who knows what they'll do to us if they knew who we are. My phone was buzzing non stop, crap.

Dad's voice suddenly stopped and we could hear the mic drop to the floor. I and Alex turned around and saw my dad collapsed. He was hit by a full beer can, we were shocked I could see both Zack and Ryan go over to him. I couldn't move, I was in pure shock myself. One of the guys recognized us as we walked out to get air.

"Hey!" The guy yelled in a drunken manner.

"Hey... know you... you're the little Urie!" He slurred on his words

We tried to walk a little faster, eventually running but managed to catch up.

"Keltie Knight." He said.

"What?" I was slightly confused and surprised.

His expression changed, his drunken persona turned serious. He starts to pin me to the wall. Alex was stunned I mouthed to him "Call Zack."

"Don't think I know your secret?" He said in a slightly devious tone.

"What secret?" I said stuttering with confusion.

"They were right, you really don't know." He said.

"Why else would Brendon adopt you? Not unless there was something special about you."

"What... what are you saying." Tears started to fall.

"Why did Ryan suddenly come back? Was it for him or was it for you?" He said.

"Did Brendon ever really love you." He got close and whispered to my ear.

I tried to fight back and so did Alex.

"Did Ryan ever tell you about his little relationship with Keltie?" My eyes widen.

"What about the little accident?" He grinned.

Out of nowhere Zack comes and restrain the guy. He looks at me with a whirlpool of emotions.

"Say hi to your real father for me." He said as the police come and drag him away.

Zack took Alex back to Josh and Tyler. As for me, he took to the hospital, the car ride was silent.

"Did Ryan ever tell you about his little relationship with Keltie?" Those words repeated.

The picture, no wonder... it all made sense now. My hand was shaking, I finally understood now but I had to make sure. I took my phone and searched for everything. I was shocked by what I found, all this time... why... no... this is fake. This needs to be fake, this has to be fake, please... please...

We arrived at the hospital. I could feel anything, I was distraught, all color in me drained, everything was black and while once again. Zack led me to the room I wanted to run away, all this time they never told me, they were right I was just a tool.

I walk in to find Brendon with an angry expression.

"Elise, what did you do?" He said firmly with a father-like tone... he isn't my father.

I stare at his bruised face blankly, I was crying but I was mad.

"Brendon how could." I looked at him angrily.

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