Have Some Composure Where Is Your Posture

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Elise's POV

Alright, just three more days till the contest and right now the three of us are now at school. Yep you head that right we were allowed to go back to school. We noticed more stares than before. Rachel of course still gives us the death glare. Everything is going okay... I think. Classes are fine I guess at least the teaches are more understanding than in my old school.

Nothing anything noteworthy to talk about but we just used up our time practicing. I honestly can't help but wonder what my dad is doing around this time.

Brendon's POV:



"I was wondering if you could stop by my house now."

"Why what for?"

"It's important."

I know what he meant by "It's Important." It's been about two weeks since everything crazy happened, him and I are coming along quite well actually. I invited him on tour and of course, he said yes.

"Hey, darling... what's on your mind?" Sarah asks as she strokes my hair.

"Uhm? Oh, it's nothing, Ryan called in and asked me to drop by at his house."


Sarah doesn't actually know yet what's going on. As much as I'd like to keep it secret I can't, eventually, everyone will know. I got ready and gone ahead to go to my car. I felt hesitation in my body, I was scared. I was scared he would take her back, I was scared she would hate me, all of us. I tried to shrug my emotions off by just jamming to music. Who knew his house was just a few blocks from mine 'cause I didn't.

As requested, I arrived at his home. I rang his door as I stood outside collecting my thoughts. The door opens, and Ryan greets me. I go inside his house, it was quite clean while still keeping his aesthetic.

He lets me take a seat as he ruffled his hair.

"We did a lot of crazy stuff back then huh?" Ryan spoke.

"Yeah.. too many to count." I chuckled before I got serious.

"It's about Elise," Ryan spoke up as I sighed.

"Don't worry I know." I gave Ryan a reassuring smile which shocked him.

"Why else would have adopted her... well I mean that wasn't the only reason I chose her," I added.

We decided to talk a little in more depth. To be honest we have no idea how we will approach her.

"When Keltie got pregnant... at that time our relationship was getting too toxic. She decided that I would no longer be part of her life. The last and only time I saw her was the day of her birth. I tried desperately and begged her to see if I could see her, but she wouldn't let me. As much as I hated it, I had to give up. I wish I was there for her." Ryan said almost choking at his words.

"Well, what matters now is that she's here," I said reassuringly.

"Is that why you never came back?" I mumbled, he heard it and nodded sadly.

Ryan managed to buy a couple of boxes of pizzas, looks like I'm gonna be here all night. I called Sarah and told her to pick up both Nate and Elise and bring them straight to Ryan's house after school ends. He overheard my little phone call and at the corner of my eye, I could see him fidgeting. I told him that he could do it.

How long will we keep it secret?

*Time skip*

We played an intense battle of Guitar Hero, it feels like 2007 all over again we need now is to strip ourselves of underwear. Just two dudes playing guitar hero with like 10 boxes of pizza. As always Ryan always beats me, it's not that I suck it's just that he's really good.

"So, you still talk to Jon?" Ryan asked.

"Yeah... The feeling is mutual." I responded.

"And you?" I added.

"Yeah, we're good." He responded.

Me and Ryan figured we should invite Spencer and Jon if possible to the tour as well and maybe even Dallon. So I guess it could be a little reunion tour.

The doorbell rings Ryan gets up and gets the door. Sarah and the two kids comes inside. Ryan lets them sit on the couch. Nate goes straight to his room to change for his I'm guessing he is going to his little hangout with his dudes which leaves me, Ryan, Elise, and Sarah.

Elise's POV

I feel my phone buzz in my pocket I grab my phone to find a text from Alex Dun.

"Hey, I forgot to mention we both go to the same school, I'm a year older ofc 😏"

Heh right, right to be honest though he is kinda cute. I blush lightly Sarah spots me and smirks.

"Who's that?" She asks.

"Someone," I respond.

"Alright then." She gives me a wink.

Brendon's POV

So we talk some more, boxes pizza the never-ending madness of guitar hero. I can see it in his eyes he wants to spend more time with her.

"Alright darling, Ryan wants to tell you something important. Right, Ryan?" I nudge over to Ryan and I can see uneasiness in his eye.

I let out this small sigh, "Ryan is yo-"

"I'm going on tour with you." He chimes in and cuts me off.

Wait why the fuck was I about to tell her the truth? She can't know yet, she's not ready.

"WHAT?!" She screams while Sarah just laughs at her.

"Are you sure there is still one more slot for me on tour? What about your tour members.." Ryan whispers.

"Yeah.. um.. don't worry I'll sort it out," I whispered back.

She runs over to me and gives me a hug, I hug her back. Elise goes over to Ryan and pulls him into a hug, Ryan couldn't help but smile and hugged her back.

I wish it could be like this forever.

Hey, Hey! Merry Christmas you guys! Also thx for 600+ reads

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