Kaleidoscope Eyes

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Brendon's POV:

What's taking her so long? I already woke her up, I guess she went back to sleep. Today is the start of touring, Pray For The Wicked Tour to be exact. I am very excited this time around because this time Elise is with me but also sad because I have to leave Sarah. Sarah has to stay behind to watch over the house. But she wouldn't be gone for long though, she'll join us on the international tour. Ryan is coming with us too, he was very excited he wouldn't stop talking about it. As for Nate, Ryan asked Sarah if she could take care of him while we're out.

I got dressed and I tried to check if I'd miss anything. I made a little checklist, it comes in handy. It's like five in the morning I find Elise asleep all curled up like a cat next to the two dogs. I didn't want to disturb her she looks so peaceful. I silently rocked her back and forth and whispered,

"Wake up darling, wake up."

She wakes up, I smile at her cute tired face. At first, she looked confused then she groggily greeted me.

"Good Morning?" She answers with uncertainty.

I couldn't stop smiling at her. I told her to get up and that we're leaving soon, she quickly got up. I was surprised that she was already dressed I guess she's that excited. Sarah made us breakfast, typical.

"Guys! I have decided." Eli announced.

Sarah and I gave her a confused look. There was a sparkle in her eyes, the kind of sparkle that looked like the second coming. She ran down the stairs almost tripping in the process. She giggled as she bear-hugged Sarah.

"I'm really gonna miss you.....mom." Sarah was surprised.

Elise never called Sarah 'mom' this was the first time. Sarah's face lit up, she was really happy. I could also tell that she was sad that we were leaving.

We heard a knock on the door, it was Ryan his suitcase and his trusty guitar. Nate was with him, he looked slightly pissed at his dad.

"RYAN!" Eli yelled and hugged him Ryan hugged back.

"How's it going, Nate." She hi-fived him.

Sarah had prepared us food. I could see Ryan's kid talking to Sarah and Elise talking to Ryan. I awkwardly just sat there eating, it's funny 'cause it's like I'm watching a tv show. This all would seem normal but there was something wrong, I could see Nate giving quick glances at Elise. I knew those eyes anywhere, they were the eyes of guilt.

"So Nate, any hobbies?" Sarah asks curiously.

"Well... guitar of course and I like... anything random I guess." He replied.

"Do you wanna eat out later?" She asked again.

"Sure." He said which made Sarah smile.

I'm happy the two are getting along well, I look over to the other two and as I listen to the other conversation.

"Yeah... I can teach you some songs on the guitar." Ryan chuckled.

"Also, can you teach me how you do your killer ass makeup?" Elise looked at Ryan with puppy dog eyes.

"I never thought we'd go back to 2008." I chimed in, They all laughed.

Not long after Zack comes in, we knew it was time to go. We quickly grabbed our things and put them all on the bus. I said goodbye to Sarah and kissed her on the lips, Elise hugged the person she now called her mother.

We had already left. Elise quickly passed out into one of the bunks. For the time being it was just Me, Ryan, and Zack. The others will be picked up in another area. To be honest, this is very nostalgic, I remember the times we were just eighteen going crazy and Zack constantly scolding us. Now, we are just adults with a kid but still crazy.

It was bugging me a lot about what was going on with Nate. He wasn't himself, he looked guilty but it wasn't as mad or scared kind of guilt it was more of a sad kind. Ryan stared at the window with his note pad, of course, that only meant that Ryan has a song idea.

Ryan looked at me and then looked out some more. I peeked at his note pad and scanned through it. I read it as the sun starts to rise. 'Lonely Moonlight' in typical Ryan Ross fashion it was about love, but as I analyzed it some more it wasn't just about any love.

"Is there something wrong with you and Nate?" I finally got the nerves to say something.

"He knows..." he said under his breath.

"I... w-" I was lost for words.

"How long are we planning to keep this..." Ryan said.

"More importantly... how will she take it?" I added.

We have to tell her, she has to know but not yet. We looked at each other, scared we knew the truth is gonna break her.

"We'll figure something out, I promise."


Sorry if there has been a delay on release dates let's just say I'm doing a project of sorts. Also, dude frickin 2k reads?! That's insane. For the millionth time this will never be a perfect story but if you guys like it then it's good enough for me.

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