I Know The World's A Broken Bone But Melt Your Headaches Call It Home

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Elise's POV:

"Brendon, How could..."
"Brendon, How could.."
"Brendon, How could."
"HOW COULD YOU." I snapped.

"Why did you adopt me? Was it for really for me? Or was it just for him." I started to shout.

"Elis-" Ryan said but I cut him off.

"You... you left me... you left me... AND YOU DIDN'T BOTHER COMING BACK. I spent seven years in a hell hole because of you!" My voice quivered, I couldn't control it.

I was crying, I couldn't stop, Brendon's mad expression softened. Ryan looked guilty, so it's true then. Brendon stood up wobbly, he was probably still dizzy from the rock hard can.

"Did you even bother to find me?" My voice started to quiver some more.

"Elise... I..." Brendon gave me a sympathetic look, I didn't need it right now.

I pushed him hard, he almost fell. I was scared of what was happening, I was scared of them, I was scared of myself. Brendon's face now went to angry.

"Fuck you." What have I done.

" Excuse me?! Language! Young lady!" He said sternly as he yelled.

"After all, I've done this is how you treat me?!" He snapped, I slightly flinched.

"Brendon I think you sh-" Zack got cut off.

"Maybe it would have been easier if I never adopted you!" He yelled.

The words echoed and silence fell. I didn't move, I knew it he doesn't love me. No one loves me. He looks shocked like he didn't mean to say it but it sounded like he meant it.

"You know what? You shouldn't have..." I said wiping my tears.

"Where are you going?" He mutters.

I did not respond, I ran to that door but Ryan suddenly grabbed my arm. Ryan, the man who made me get through everything was now the man who made my life come crashing down, but there was something in me that almost stop. Almost.

"I-I'm sorry." His face was full of guilt, he held my hand rubbing it in circles.

"Leave me alone," I muttered.

I pulled away, I ran as fast as I could. I didn't know where I was going but there is one thing for sure I'm not going back there. My phone, my charger, and fifty dollars in my bag I wasn't sure what I was going to do.

Walk the streets of the cold busy city with my phone ringing constantly, I eventually offed my phone. I was guilty, why? Isn't my life normal? Why didn't they love me? Why did he leave? Why am I like this? God, I'm so stupid. I sat in the park the darkness was slowly engulfing me. I felt suffocating staying in one place I wasn't stable.

"Don't leave me." I thought to myself.

"Don't leave me." It repeated.

"No..." I began to think coldly.

I decided to get up and continue to walk the streets, I ended up going to McDonald's to eat, I was starving. I tried hiding with my face with my hair and my hood so that no one could recognize me. I opened my phone with literally hundreds of text popping up. I read each one of them one text stood out the most it was Ryan's text.

He explained everything to me.

"Elise, you don't have to love me but you deserve to hear the truth from me... I sorry for everything"

A new wave of guilt hit me, why am I so stupid. Ryan probably saw that I left him on read so I closed my phone again. I didn't know he had to endure all that. My mom wasn't the best but at least she still had the room to care for me, if what Ryan was saying is true then that does not give her the right to keep me away from him. Brendon? I'm still mad about what he said but I still feel guilty, I'm such a pain in the ass for him. Of course, I didn't know what I was doing, I never wanted this to happen. I stayed in a few hours just to keep myself warm. I checked my phone again even Tyler, Josh, and Alex began calling me, Zack called the fans to keep a lookout for me. I suddenly became paranoid and left. I went back to the park and went to a place no one can find me.... a tree?

I can't sleep too many thoughts in my head. I sang to myself 'Trees' hoping that I could calm myself down. Tears were falling I realized that I lost my chance, because of my outburst, because of my inability to understand, I lost them and it was my fault. In the end, I knew that my life is messed up, I probably just ruined their lives.

"I know
Where you stand
In the trees
And that's
Where I am
In the trees
Why won't you speak?
Where I happen to be
In the trees
Standing cowardly"

I didn't know what I was doing but it felt right. I texted Brendon and sent him the lyrics to Trees. My eyes started getting heavier and heavier.

*Time Skip

Dream are weird, this time I was in the ocean just floating watching the sky like a time-lapse. I wake up to an unfamiliar area... the park I forgot I spent the night at the park. It was cold the wind blowing my hair with the sound of chirping birds, it felt nice but eerie. I went to the nearest local restroom and examined myself. A few bruises on my arms and a tired-looking face. The color of those innocent eyes was now gone. I feel myself changing to someone I wasn't, I stare at my arm.

Just one...
Maybe two...

Brendon, after I texted him out of the blue that night he started texting me back. I noticed this, I didn't know what to expect but what can't I expect I got nothing else to lose... right?

"Elise, baby I'm so sorry please come back."


"We need you."

"Ryan needs you."

"I need you."

"I'm sorry I yelled."

"I didn't mean it."

"I just caught up by the heat of the moment."

"I'm sorry for everything... I should have told you, you deserved to know."

"I love you, That's a fact."

"Darling pls answer... it's late you're gonna get sick."

"Please just call me... I don't want you to get hurt anymore."

I stare at a sight I never wanted to see again.

"You can't do yourself you're gonna get hurt."

"Please darling just come back to me I'm not mad."

"I'm not I promise."

"I'll do anything please just come back."

"I promise I won't get mad at you if you come back."

"I care for you and I love you so much."

"I love you."

Those last three words hit me the hardest. A person would not text someone at 1 am all worried not unless the person cares. I was still hesitant but I knew it had to be done. No matter how stubborn I could get I still end up giving in. All I ever needed is love, now I have it but I ran away from it. I can't keep running away forever. If I can get through the other stuff then I could get through this. I shouldn't be scared but I am, I am because all eyes are on me. If they really love me then they have to show it, the problem is they already did thousands of times. I built up all my courage and press send.

"Don't leave me alone."
Sent 7:45 a.m.


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