Can't Fight Against The Youth

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Elise's POV:

Today I decided to call up Clair and Nate. I haven't seen them in a while so I thought this was good timing.

"Hey!" They both said in unison.

"So... uhh... what's up I missed you guys." I said.

"We missed you too," Clair replied

Well, today for them was a school day so they didn't join us. Honestly, I just wanna stay inside my room for the whole day considering I just showed them the letters I wasn't supposed to show and second my lazy ass doesn't want to get up. At this point, it just felt weird to go down.

"So got any plans this weekend?" I asked curiously.

"None why?" Clair asked with a face indicating she knows what I'm thinking.

"Well let's go out I don't know let's do something, anything," I said sounding desperate like I haven't been out for years.

"The movies?" Nate suggests.

"Is there any good?" Clair question Nate.

"Skate Park!" Nate rebutted.

"What's this the 2000s? Also, that sounds good to me!" I answered.

"Then it's settled!"

I mean didn't own a skateboard but I could always borrow from my dad, maybe he could tag along too it's always nice seeing dad and Ryan hangout. We ended the call, I continue to stare at the ceiling as was slowly being engulfed with music.

Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I told whoever was on the other side to come in. The door opened slightly, the two dogs ran quickly against my lap. I knew there was someone underneath that door why else would that door even open. I saw bits of hair sticking out of that door. I knew that it was him, I could hear him slightly giggling.

"Alex? What are you doing?" I said pretending to look and sound mad.

"Sorry, El." He played along as he stepped into the room.

I was surprised he followed, it was nice, it liked it. For some reason when whenever he's around the aura is different and I couldn't figure out why. He isn't like most, he's more reserved and thinks differently. He gave me a sincere yet concerned. I forget he's the son of Josh Dun, literally that band has been focusing on those messages for years so probably that mindset rubbed off to Alex.

"So... how are you feeling?" He asked me curiously.

"I'm not sure... thoughts are a bit too complex ya know? How 'bout you?" I asked.

"Same thing." He said looking nervous as if he wanted to tell something.

"You're hiding something aren't you," I told him.

"Come on! the truth wouldn't hurt right?" I added.

He gave me a sighed as if he lost a bad argument.

"Have you ever fallen in love with some and though she's never gonna like me the way I like her." He said with eyes looking at me.

"Maybe," I said with all honesty.

"Alex, you text me basically every day and ask me if I'm alright. Your face lights up when you see me down that hall. I just wanna ask why I mean it could be any girl but why me?" I asked looking at him straight at the eye.

He looked at me again then quickly shrugged it off.

"You aren't fake, you aren't bitchy, you aren't trying too hard, you're beautiful, you know what? Fuck it Elise Catherine Urie I-"

My lips pressed against his like a magnet. It felt like fireworks on the forth of July. Chapped lips, it felt weird and so right. Our lips disconnect and we went back to our senses. We looked at each other knowing what we just did. I thought for a second and then laughed which made Alex confused.

"I never thought I'd kiss Josh Dun's son." I laughed, I didn't know why I was laughing.

"I never thought I'd kiss a Urie." He joked. Suddenly his face went serious.

"Elise, I lik- no I love you." He said once more.

I looked at him and then I stared at the window. Who would have thought, from a girl who only saw the world in black and white now has color. Sometimes I think of my life as I dream that I should be waking up by now. I felt a tear roll down my face, it wasn't from sadness but from happiness. Alex was doing the same but he was hysterically laughing at himself which I found cute.

We both knew that what we are doing now is gonna get complicated, heck we don't even know how Dad or Josh would react. My hands getting tingly and so is my face. We both look insane right now but that didn't even matter.

"Soo.... do you accept or not?" Alex asked but I didn't reply which made him sad.

"I-I uhh.. mean it's o-okay If-" He strutted.

"I'm not saying anything 'cause you already know the answer," I said softly and sincere.

We hugged each other. This all seems a bit hazy, I just couldn't believe it.

"Let's just promise ourselves to take it slow, we have all the time we need," I whispered as he nodded.

We finally decided to leave this room. The dog went out first running. We stepped out probably looking like complete freaks which made the guys confused and slightly concerned. We probably acted so drunk but we didn't care, we quickly ran out to the backyard celebrating and screaming our minds off. To them, it was probably weird but for us, it was not.


Well, you know what they say "things are shaping up to be pretty odd."

Calm before the storm.

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