A week has passed since my first task with Harry, and during those seven days I’ve performed five out of six tasks with him. Although I usually pick on him and he still constantly annoy me with his foul mouth and cocky attitude, I have to admit that things between us have been turning to the better. I no longer wish to die during every moment I spend with him, though sometimes I do, but not at the same rate as I used to before. And fortunately, he doesn’t act too cocky around me no more.
Today was just like any typical Thursday to all normal people, but to us, it was ‘nerve-wrecking’ day. You’d think we’re a bunch of heartless, fearless bastards, and I don’t disagree, but this particular day is very traumatic for us.
Today is the day when my parents and Mr. Beck died. Although Mr. Beck had died after my parents by four years, they died on the same day and at the same moment. They were killed by Eagles assassinators, so my guess was that it wasn’t a coincidence how they died similarly and on the same dates.
As I walked through the fraternity building, I could sense the sadness and grieve vibe off of almost everyone here. Formal members or new-comers who never even met Mr. Beck or my parents were emotionally wrecked. I could feel the air laced with the smell of death, if that made sense. Every year, on that particular day, I would visit my parents’ and Mr. Beck’s stones which were in the back yard of the fraternity. They were big-heads in the institution, so their bodies were buried at the place they loved and served.
“Why’s everyone so grumpy today?” Eleanor asked after she’d caught up with me. I looked around while walking in the hallway to my office before speaking.
“It’s just some sad day where everyone decides to wear black and shed semi-faked tears over our deceased leader and two head members.” I replied sarcastically, feeling as if the whole scene all over the place is so dramatic.
I mean, sadness is in the heart, not in tear-filled eyes or fake-loud sobs.
“Who killed them?” I looked over at her, dumbfounded by her ignorance. “Oh.” She replied after a moment of realization sinking in. I shook my head before getting in my office, Eleanor following and shutting the door behind her.
“I don’t even like wandering around the fraternity for it causes me such a severe headache.” I threw my hands up in the air to add more dramatic effect. Eleanor let out a snicker.
“Yeah, it’s pretty depressing.” She stated and I rolled my eyes.
“Don’t let their acts fool you; they’re all faking it, trying to gain sympathy from particular people.”
By saying particular people, I meant myself, Louis and Niall since the two head members who were killed were my parents and Mr. Beck was very close to us. Their acting never really hit a soft spot inside me, for all I am made of is emotionless cells, but Courtney’s tears always brought Niall to tears too and he’d always shush and comfort her; lame.
“So, what’re you planning on doing today?” Eleanor asked interestedly, but I knew better than to tell her my tradition of visiting their stones.

Immortals || H.S.
FanfictionIn the midst of corruption, Immortals think it best to face fire with fire; to wage storms on hurricanes; to take the lives of those who took lives of others. Disregarding the consequences, and believing this is what Justice means, they live their f...