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I was almost caught; almost. It was very stupid of me to go with Liam in an attempt to wreck Tina’s task. I shouldn’t have gone, knowing that she saw the wound she caused me on my forearm. Nevertheless, I think the rush back at that alley took that wound off of her mind; maybe she believes I was injured because of Eleanor. However, I have to make sure that Eleanor knows what I told Tina so that if Tina asks her, she’d know what to say and whatnot.

So in the following day when I woke up, attached my blue contacts, gelled my trimmed hair and put on my usual attire, I went straight to Eleanor’s dorm to tell her everything. All the time while I was telling her what had happened, her eyebrows were scrunched together and the scowl never left her face.

“That is very irrational of you, Harry. She could’ve torn that ski mask off of your face or worse; she could’ve killed you.” She spoke sternly once I was done.

I sighed, “But nothing happened, El.”

“Fortunately,” Her eyes showed concern, “We must not misunderstand Augustina, Harry; she can be very smart and strong when needed. She’s always prepared fort he worst and whenever you think it’s her end, she pounces with no mercy. You must not rush things out.”

“Okay, okay,” I started, throwing my hands in the air. “I know it was very irrational of me to go with Liam, but I never thought she’d escape. I thought maybe this was her end, you know, since we cornered her and everything.”

She crossed her arms above her chest, “Harry, almost everyone knows Augustina’s end is not going to be that easy; it’s gonna be very tough to take her down. That’s if she doesn’t take us down first.” She pointed to herself then at me, and anger bubbled up in me, causing me to rise from my position.

“She’s not going to, I promise. And I also promise you that she’d die easily; I’ll take her down easily after taking everything she has left.” Eleanor looked at me like I had just grown a pair of horns. She shook her head before speaking.

“Don’t be so sure Harry; you don’t know what she’s capable of.” Was the last thing she said before we got out of her dorm and headed towards the lounge.


“Guess what?” Augustina chirped excitedly once she saw me sitting on a couch and scrolling through my phone.

I looked up to find her looking excitedly at me. She was wearing her usual black leather jacket and as for a change, a black t-shirt was underneath it. Surprisingly, she wasn’t wearing her black jeans, instead; she was wearing a pair of dark blue shorts reaching her mid-thigh, revealing her tanned legs. Her dark hair was down in wavy locks which cascaded past her shoulders and framed her face. I tore my eyes off of her body before cocking an eyebrow at her.

“What?” She pursed her lips together and puffed her chest higher, placing both hands on either sides of her hip.

“Liam Payne,” she started. “The guy without the ski mask yesterday is called Liam Payne.” My eyes widened for a moment before I snapped myself out of my shocked state. However did she know it was Liam?

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