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(unedited sorry)




At one in the afternoon, I had received the familiar blue envelope on my desk, the papers inside of the envelope merely peeking from the edges, meaning the person who arranged the file had been in a hurry. I fixed my stare upon the object for some seconds, intensely looking at it and trying to guess what my next task would be. In a matter of minutes, I was already seated on my chair behind the desk and opening the intriguing envelope with cautiousness laced along with the feeling of wanting to know more whatsoever; eagerness.

I read the words and sentences written on the white sheets of paper with fixed concentration, my mind trying to absorb all the information written and memorizing them. After knowing everything that I must know about the task, I placed the sheets back inside the envelope and placed it firmly in one of my drawers and locked it afterwards, securing the valuable object for safety. Sighing, I got up with a smile on my face and walked to the door, opened it, then started heading for my tag-partners; Harry and Bill. It must be a huge deal if they’re sending three on the same mission because this happens quite rarely. But truthfully, the task isn’t just an ordinary task; it’s extremely important and dangerous.

When I arrived at Harry’s dorm, I found Bill discussing with him the matters of the task, both of them arranging the missions and deciding on what to do. Harry looked rather nervous about the whole thing, which made me curios as to why, while Bill looked perfectly normal and situated. I was feeling the median of both of their emotions; not so nervous, but not perfectly calm. I had a feeling that something won’t go well, and that gutting feeling made me quite pessimistic about the whole situation.

“What’s wrong?” I asked Harry as soon as Bill had left the room, finally having the chance to interrogate him. We were standing behind the window, staring at Manhattan’s traffic and business, the noise of car honks and people’s chatter being the only sound filling the room. He snapped his head in my direction, stared straight into my eyes and then shrugged. I sighed, “There’s something bothering you, and I hope you tell me…?” I don’t know the reason why the sentence flowed out of my mouth in a form of a question, for I didn’t want to speak it that way at all.

He placed both of his elbows on the railing of the window, and then burying his head deep in his hands. “I’m afraid, Tina.” He surprised me by saying. I blinked my eyes a couple times before placing a hand firmly above his back, which was slightly leaning forward. “You don’t know how much I’m afraid right now.”

I parted my lips to speak, but nothing fell out of my mouth as there were no words to be spoken. I was taken aback, not knowing the precise reason behind his fear. Everything–according to me–started not making any sense as the words of his lingered in my brain, and I no longer felt like I wanted to know more about what was troubling him, for what he had said intrigued me but also scared me away. But when my curiosity overcame my fear and got the best of me, I asked him about the reason behind his fear.

He just looked at me with really sad eyes and a depressed facial expression that could kill any happy vibes around him. “I’m afraid they’d take you away from me, Tina.”

I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. “Who’re they, Harry?”

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