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Instead of feeling absolutely ecstatic that she got injured like I was supposed to be, I was feeling rather terrible; so morose, so hurt, so sad, so… guilty.

It was all my fault that she was in that state of hers, it was my fault she experienced the stage of being halfway to death, but stuck in the real world, her subconscious hanging midway between both states, not knowing which is the right option to choose. It was my entire fault that she was shot in her heart’s valve; a very dangerous and deathly partition to get injured at. And, it was my fault that I was feeling this way… that I loved her.

I was directed back at my fraternity to go on a mission to Immortals and spy on them and, if lucky enough, get to talk to Augustina Travis. Well, I think things took an out-of-place turn, didn’t they? I mean, who would’ve thought that the uncaring Harry Styles could one day fall, and if he did, nobody would’ve ever speculated him falling for none other than Augustina Travis.

The thing that saddens me more than anything is that I was the one who told them to invade Immortals in that way and manage to capture on of the heads as captive. I never put in mind that they might capture her… my Augustina. Of course they would, I thought, she’d be wherever damage occurs anywhere in the fraternity; it was very stupid and inconsiderate of me. As much as I wanted to bring Immortals down brick by brick, I did not wish to harm Augustina or hurt an inch of her. I hope I can work out a plan to grant both of my wishes; destroying Immortals, saving Augustina.

“She’s awakening.” Louis spoke slowly from the chair on the other side of the bed she was lying on. My eyes snapped from their fixated position on the ground and up to her, passing by a smiling Eleanor on the way. I suppose Eleanor have guessed my feelings toward Augustina by now, seeing as she is very experienced with these kind-of stuff.

When I looked at her, I found her eyes gradually opening until they were fully opened, roaming around the place, taking in the surrounding atmosphere. Then she suddenly groaned, placing her right hand on the injured part of her chest where her heart lied underneath. I felt a pang within my own heart.

“Where… what…” she incoherently spoke, looking quizzically around her at us. That’s when our eyes met, when my guilt increased and my heart crushed inside of me.

“Hi there,” I managed to let out, managed to sound happy in spite of my sappy mood composed mainly of guilt and morose. 

“What – happened?” She asked in perplexity, her eyebrows crunched together as she stared at me in confusion and puzzlement.

I pulled on a weak and faint smile, and I think it was genuine. “You’re alive, that’s what matters.”

Her mouth opened slightly and an audible breath emitted past her parted, pale lips. Swallowing, she blinked a couple times, still staring straight at my fake, blue eyes. I breathed heavily, thinking what if she knows the whole truth by only looking at my eyes… what if she had the power of reading minds? But, that’s impossible; we’re not living in a paranormal novel, are we? Though, I could not help myself but wonder what cold happen if she knows I was the one behind that horrendous state she was in, and behind numerous terrible things that happened to her and to other people for the last couple months.

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