Chapter 5: Latino

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3rd POV
*I got everything from google translate so if it doesn't work you can't really blame me. I'm also not bilingual so I don't know how often you guys switch or something*

Percy and Leo shared a secret that no one else at camp knew about. Percy had just woken up from a very, very deep sleep and was a little disoriented.

Instead of speaking English he spoke Spanish, Sally taught him when he was younger, and Leo automatically spoke Spanish back to him.

"¿Qué hora es en este momento?" Percy asked leaning on his left elbow and scratching his head in confusion while squinting. (What time is it right now?)

"No te preocupes, aún no te has perdido el almuerzo." Leo said back automatically not even looking up from the clock that he was tinkering on. (Don't worry, you haven't missed lunch yet.)

Percy nodded and sat up. While stretching from the long sleep Leo realized what had just happened and sprung up from the chair he was sitting on.

"¿Sabes español?" Leo asked confused a bit but happy that someone else shares the same language with him other than Greek. (You know Spanish?)

Percy looked back at Leo also shocked that he let it slip. "Esto se mantiene un secreto." Is all Percy said before trying to find some pants to put on that don't have a stain. (This stays a secret.)

"Why?" Leo asked cocking his head to the side in confusion. He didn't know why Percy would hide that he knew another language.

"Annabeth would beg me to learn or learn it herself if I refused. I like to have secrets too ya know." Percy said not even turning around just feeling the confusion Leo was emitting.

"Eso es genial. Wanna come see me blow something up?!" Leo fidgeted a crazy grin on his face. Percy turned around with and equal crazy grin and nodded rapidly. (That's cool.)

"Wooo!" They both shouted as the rushed down to the forged. Demigods alike scared of what was going to come.


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