Chapter Two.

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I decided to take Sterling's advice and call him. I didn't know how he'd react to me because I haven't spoken to him directly since that day at his house when I told him I was pregnant. He made sure of that. The next day, I was served with papers from his lawyer, requesting a paternity test and that I not contact him directly. I had 30 days to respond and I took 29 of them to decide. On the final day, I had my attorney draft papers notifying him I'd take the test.

"Hey, can we talk?" I was unsure if Michael would even pick up the phone.

"Go 'head," his voice was emotionless.

"Well, I thought it would be good for us to talk."

"I answered the phone, didn't I? Whasup?" He sounded impatient.

I paused to take a moment to not let his attitude deter me from my mission--getting back in his good graces.

"I was hoping to see you in person, Michael. We have a lot to talk about." I could barely get my sentence out before he jumped down my throat.

"We don't have shit to talk about Janeé. Not until we get the paternity test results. If the baby is mine then we definitely need to talk, but if not, then you can go on with your life and I can go on with mine."

I understood he was upset, not knowing if he was about to be a father, but he acted like I wanted this to happen. Sure, I played my part, but he was carrying on like we were in a relationship.

"Why are you acting like we were together? Like you didn't tell me you didn't want to be with me?!"

"You're just not the woman I thought you were, Janeé." He sounded so disappointed. "Was this all a game for you?"

"What, Michael? No. What are you talking about?"

"I mean you're pregnant and either way these results go, you and your baby will be set for life. Seems like you chose your candidates wisely." His tone was accusatory.

It took me a second to get what he was really saying. "Are you calling me a gold digger?"

The phone fell silent.


"I'm here," he replied, not answering my question, but still making it clear how he felt about me. His accusation told me exactly what I needed to know. He thought I was conniving and low, no better than Brandon or Alex, which meant he longer saw me in the way he once did.

"How could you ever think that, Michael?"

"Look, I gotta go. I'll see you after I get the results. Or maybe not, depending on what they say."

He hung up, leaving me stunned.

I sat on my couch and cried, realizing maybe it was time to let him go.


"Hey big head! Long time no see."

"Sterling!" I squealed in excitement.

I was truly happy to see him, but I also haven't had much adult interaction in the last month or so. I have enough money to just rest for the duration of my pregnancy, so that was the plan for now. Things were stressful enough for me and I didn't want to throw work on top of the that. I talked to Michael a few more times since he all but called me a gold digger, but each time we spoke, it ended in an argument. The whole situation was hard for both of us and as afraid of the results as I was, I just as ready to find out the truth and move forward.

"Wow, you getting big, sis." He looked down my stomach in amazement, but I frowned at him in disapproval of his choice of words and hit him on the shoulder.

"Damn, I'm sorry!" he giggled, rubbing his arm.

"Watch your mouth, no woman wants to hear those words, even if she is pregnant." He nodded his head and made his way over to the kitchen, plopping grocery bags down on the counter.

"So what you bring me? I've been so hungry lately." I frowned as Sterling proceeded to pull out vegetable after vegetable from the bags.

"Wait, what the hell is this?" I grabbed a purplish-white thing off of the counter.

"It's called a rutabaga, Nay." He snatched it from me. "You need to start eating better." He pointed to my trash can, which contained a crumpled McDonalds bag and folded up pizza box on top.

"I know, it's just that--"

"It's just that nothing. You need to do better for yourself and my nephew."

"Nephew, huh?"

"Yea, I can see me and Mike teaching him the player way already."

I rolled my eyes as I began loading the groceries he brought into the fridge. "First of all, I'm hoping for a girl and no child of mine is going to be a player."

"Not if I have anything to do with it," he mumbled, probably trying to avoid another blow to his body from me.

"Will you have anything to do with it, though? If it's not Michael's?" My heart rate picked up, nervous about the answer he'd give me.

"I already told you I'd be here for you no matter who the father is." He wrapped his arms around me consoling me, as tears began rolling down my cheeks.

"I know it's a lot to ask," I finally got out between my sobs. "But you're my best friend too, now. I want Michael to be the father so bad, but if he's not, I'm going to need you even more."

"Yea you right about that. But hey, look at it this way, if that crazy nigga Brandon is the father, we can move away and I can be the step daddy." I pushed him away from me as we both laughed.

"Why you always gotta play?"

"I ain't playing girl! With hips like yours, we'll have a house full of kids in no time. That baby in your stomach wouldn't be an only child for long!"

Sterling pulled out a skillet as I waddled to the couch and turned on the TV. After he was done cooking, he made his way over with my plate and plopped down on the couch facing me.

"So you ready for the results?" I was just starting to enjoy my food, but his question robbed me of my appetite.

"Yea, I guess so." I placed my plate down on the coffee table in front of us, staring blankly into it, like it held the answers of the universe. "I got a call from the diagnostic center yesterday saying we should have the results by the end of the week."

"Damn, OK. So it's about to get real."

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