Chapter Thirteen.

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"Before we get to anything else, let's address some of the things my mom asked about," he was assertive and not really asking today, which she liked.

"Of course. So what's first?" She shuffled her slightly swollen feet around her kitchen trying to make a snack for her and BJ. It seemed like her appetite was getting more insatiable, the deeper she got into her second trimester.

"The most troubling thing for me is you talking about moving back to Atlanta. I understand wanting to be close to your family, trust me I do, but don't you think you it'll be detrimental for BJ to be so far away from me?"

"You can always move. It's not like you weren't thinking about it at one point." She was purposefully throwing that in his face.

"I bought that house in Atlanta, but the plan wasn't for me to move permanently, Janeé. It was so you'd have somewhere to stay and for us to have something that was ours...I guess BJ serves that purpose now." He paused and smiled, thinking about the blessing they'd created, but eventually continued. "You can't expect me to up and move to Atlanta, my work and family are here."

"Well if BJ and I go to Atlanta, your family will there too," she huffed. She was right, Janeé and BJ were his new family. He wanted nothing more than to be close to her and to their child. He wasn't ready to tell her just yet, but he'd follow her anywhere. He didn't know the exact moment when his life became wrapped up in hers, but that didn't really matter now he figured, he was here now.

Janeé felt a lump forming in her throat,
a warning her hormones where about to betray her again. She lowered her head, hoping it would stop the tears from coming. Michael, sensing her impending breakdown, used his index finger to lift her chin upwards.

"I know. You and BJ are my family now. I'm still tryna wrap my head around that, honestly. Sometimes I still feel like a kid tryna figure shit out. Now I'm about to have my own kid." He gave her a half smirk as his hands made circles around her belly. She closed her eyes and focused on the soothing feeling he gave her, making her hum quietly in satisfaction.

"I'll stay, Michael."

"You will?"

"Well, at least the first three months or so. My doctor is here, so it doesn't make sense to leave now and trying to move right after I have the baby will be too much. We'll see what happens after that."

Her response seemed to appease him for now. In his mind, they'd be together soon, so the rest of her pregnancy and the three months after would be more then enough time to make them a real family.

"What about child support?" She felt awkward bringing it up, especially since he'd insinuated that she might be a gold digger not too long ago. She honestly didn't think she'd need his money if it came down to it, but it was the principle of it all. They both made the baby, so they both should take care of it.

"What do you think? $10,000 a month?"

"That seems excessive, Michael. Maybe you should ask some of your wealthy friends? Whatever it ends up being, I'd prefer to keep our business out of the courts."

"I agree, speaking of our business, I've been trying to think of the best time to make the announcement about you and and BJ. What do you think about my birthday? You'll have about six weeks or so left at that point."

"That's fine, but you don't need to tell anyone about me. I'd actually prefer it that way."

"But you know people will wonder right? It'll probably only make them more eager to find out who you are." She didn't see the point of the public knowing who she was if they weren't a couple.

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