Chapter Seven.

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"This nigga told the clerk I was his cousin and then gon' turn around a few hours later asking me to meet his girlfriend."

"You lying, sis! My boy got more sense than that," Sterling and I were hanging out at his place making pizzas while I caught him up on the latest tea.

"Apparently not and neither do I, because I said yes." He looked at me stunned shaking his head.

"You don't think that's a good idea?"

"Uhhhh," he said rubbing his chin. "Aja is cool. I actually like the girl. She's little up tight tho, kinda like her character on the show, but still cool."

"Ok, so what's the problem?"

"Why should you meet her? I mean you're not in a relationship with her. Mike is, and whose idea was it to meet? His or hers?"

"Hmm, I don't know." I paused for a minute trying to think about what difference it made whose idea it was. If it was hers, I guess she could just want to survey my feelings for Michael.

"The only reason I agreed is because she'll potentially be around my baby, IF I trust her. I figure if I'm going to trust her, I might as well meet her now and get the process going." 

"True, I guess. So you and Michael kissing-cousins, huh? Y'all nasty. My nephew bouta come out with four eyes and three legs or something."

"Shut up fool! I'm laughing at yo silly ass, but I was 38-hot at the time. If we weren't in that store I would have punched him in the damn throat."

"What did he have to say for himself?"

"Some shit about him trying to protect me and that it wasn't time for everyone to know yet."

"How you feel about that?"

"Honesty I agree with him, I just wish he'd done or said something different. He said we'd talk soon about how we'd deal with all the attention that we'll inevitably get."

"You think it'll be weird, you sitting down getting to know Aja?" I shrugged my shoulders.

"I'm sure it will, but it needs to happen for my baby's sake and my own. I feel like I need to see them together anyway. Remind me that the decision I'm making to move on is the right one."

Sterling nodded his head reluctantly as he sprinkled cheese on his pizza.

"But I swear Sterling, I almost lost all the willpower I had the other day in the car with him. I don't think he knew I knew, but he was staring me down the whole car ride to the boutique. Then he reached over and touched my stomach so lovingly I wanted to melt into the seat. I don't know if it's me or the baby or both, but he's been very handsy with me lately. I'm not sure how much more I can take."

"Y'all two make me sick. He's torturing the both of y'all by keeping this relationship up with Aja. And you could stop all this by telling the nigga how you feel about him. Y'all should be together right now, preparing for this baby as a couple. I can't believe this shit." He looked genuinely disappointed at our situation.

I looked down shamefully, wondering if confessing my feelings for Michael would be all it would take to get him back. But I did that three months ago and he continued dating Aja, so why should I put myself through that again?


I know that was super short, but I couldn't think of anything else important to say lol. Get ready for some drama next chapter. I've been typing so much this weekend my thumb joints are sore 😩. Update coming tonight? Definitely tomorrow, if not tonight.

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