Chapter Thirty-Five {Ruined}.

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**Just for clarity's sake, Michael was the one who said he didn't love her anymore at the end of the last chapter**

Carry on🥴


She knew she couldn't be with him, his lies had made that impossible. Still, she wasn't expecting him to say those words. There was no reason for him to say those words to her.

"Jay? Jay—you in here?"

Andre's voice was welcome sound. She needed an escape, to be rescued and here he was yet again, saving her from him.

"You good?" He immediately noticed her red eyes as Michael stood in front of her, wanting to make sure she was okay before addressing him. She nodded in the affirmative, but he knew better.

"You made it," she squeaked. She wanted to be more enthusiastic about his arrival, but the wind had just been unexpectedly knocked out of her.

"Yea. I'm here." He answered her, but looked at Michael with suspicious eyes. "BJ cool?"


Michael would have been a fool to think Andre wasn't still in the picture. Not after he'd pined after Janee the majority of her pregnancy.

"C'mere." Andre reached his hand out and she quickly grabbed it before wrapping her arms around him. He returned her embrace, closing his eyes and quickly getting lost in her touch. Michael continued standing there, unsure of what to do. He suddenly felt out of place and out of sorts like he had before the party started.

 He suddenly felt out of place and out of sorts like he had before the party started

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"Janee, I wasn't done."

"I heard all I needed to hear, Michael."

Something about her tone sounded very final.

"Wait—" he took a step towards her and Andre stood between them. Janee looked relieved.

"You heard her, bruh. Chill out," said Andre.

"Can you keep an eye on him, please?" She barely let Michael answer before quickly shuffling out of the room with Andre.

In the 90 minutes BJ continued sleeping, he asked himself over and over why he'd told her he didn't love her. It was a lie. One he told to protect her.

He didn't deserve her love.

Michael could see there was something there for him, or that's what he told himself. He wanted to see something in her eyes, so that's what he saw. But he knew he didn't deserve that, so he lied.

He found himself watching from a distance again. This time with his son at his side after waking from his nap. They watched from inside the house as Janee laughed with their family and friends. Andre was close by, of course.

After watching what felt like torture television, Michael made his way back down to the party.
The closer they got, the more excited BJ became, bouncing up and down in his arms. He assumed the excitement was for Janee, but when they reached her, her son lifted his arms to Andre. Michael's heart sank a little.

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