Chapter Eleven - Friendsgiving

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This chapter is almost 3,000 words. I'm so proud of myself. You know know I love a short chapter lol. Enjoy!


Halfway through my crying session in the car, Sterling called.

"Hello?" I tried my best to mask that I'd been crying but he picked up on that something was wrong.

"What's wrong, Nay?"

"Nothing. I'm good. What's up?"

"You sure?"

"Umhm. What's up?"

"I'm having a last minute Friendsgiving get together this weekend. I want you to come."

"Will Michael be there?" I asked, not answering his question until I got the ones I needed answered.

"I'm not sure yet. Why? Y'all still on the rocks after the Aja thing?"

"No, I think we're good actually." I came to this appointment feeling one way and left feeling the complete opposite.

"Aight cool. So you'll be there?"

"Of course," I sighed thinking about how hard it'll be to get through Sterling's gathering if Michael would be there. Or Aja for that matter. I almost called him back to ask if he invited her but I decided it was time to get out of this parking garage. I didn't remember to ask about them coming until I was ringing Sterling's front door two days later.

(The rest of the chapter is omniscient POV. Playing with this, so bear with me)

"Shit!" She yelled as Sterling's door swung open.

"Not expecting me?"

She remembered she was supposed to follow up with Sterling about his guest list as a very handsome stranger opened the door. Damn pregnancy brain.

"Oh, hi. Sorry, I wasn't saying that about you."

"No worries, uh..." he extended his hand for hers, prompting her to say her name.

"Janeé. I'm Janeé." She thought his smile was amazing. She was glad he couldn't read her thoughts because she was thinking of some things she could do with that seat--smile of his.

"Well, it's nice to met you Janeé. I'm Andre."

"That rhymes--Janeé and Andre," she said trying to subtly flirt with him.

He must have caught on because his smile widened and he still held the hand she lent him when she told him her name. His gaze had Janeé stuck and she hoped like hell he wouldn't look down at her stomach. She didn't want this moment to end too soon and Janeé was sure as soon as he saw she was pregnant, their little moment would be history.

"That does rhyme." He paused, taking her face in once more.

"So, um, can I come in?"

"Oh of course, of course." His slight southern drawl mixed with his mellow voice had her mind going a mile a minute.

"So do you make it a habit of answering other people's doors and making their guests wait outside until you decide to let them in?"

He smirked at her and responded as he helped take her jacket off. "Nah, just the pregnant ones."

So he noticed already. Which means he still was kinda checking her out, even though he knew she was pregnant. Interesting.

As she was trying to think of something cute to say back to him, Sterling interrupted.

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