Chapter Twenty-Six.

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Imma go head and let y'all know now that this is a shorter chapter. There's a little surprise the the end though. 😛

Janeé left the remote island with only the clothes on her back and the few items she packed in her bag. She didn't have time to fully think her escape through because everything happened so quickly. She just knew she had to get away from him for her and BJ's sake. Michael's continued absence was stressful enough before and his infidelity seemed to have an immediate effect on her and her baby. The pain she felt after she walked out of the villa had only lulled slightly in the hours since she left him.

In her haste to leave, she left her wallet, and only grabbed her passport, which meant she'd have to either go back to get it or find another way get home. Jay knew she wasn't ready to face him again, so she had to figure something else out. Thankfully she was pregnant and could get sympathy from just about anyone. It had gotten her a free ride to the airport and a way to reach Andre. She could have called Sterling but she didn't want Michael to know anything about what she was doing. Andre was the only other person she knew who could afford the expensive flight from the Maldives to LA on such short notice.

Ever the hero, Andre booked her flight on the first thing smoking off the island and wired her money so she could get a replacement phone in case she needed to contact him before her flight. She left her phone back at the villa on purpose because she didn't want Michael to have the ability to reach her. After boarding her flight, she closed her eyes and didn't open them until she was back in LA.

"Hey. Thanks for all this." Janeé finally let a few words pass her lips after riding in the car with Andre for some time. She was still in a state of shock and it just made her want to sleep. The 20 hour flight back to LA felt like a nap to her. After she woke up, she was immediately reminded of what Michael did. She wanted to go back to sleep to escape her sad reality.

"Don't mention it. I can tell you don't want to talk but I need to know a few things right now." Janeé nodded. "Did he hurt you?"

"Not physically, no." Andre let out a deep sigh of relief.

He briefly looked to her stomach. "The baby's OK?"

"Yes, but I had this pain when I left—"

"Alright, were going to see your doctor right now." He swerved the car in the opposite direction like something out of a movie and headed for the Ford Building.

"Why did you need me to get you back here?
Did that nigga leave you there by yourself?" She could tell he was trying to remain calm, but his tight lips and intense grip on the steering wheel told her how upset he was at the thought. She gripped his arm trying to calm him down.

"No, I left. I only grabbed my passport, and I didn't want to go back, so yea, I called you. He didn't even know I was leaving."

"Oh. OK. Does he know you're gone now?"

"Nope," She folder her arms and looked out the window.

"You have to tell him, Jay."

"What?" That was the last thing she expected him to say.

"You're pregnant with his child. I know I'd be going crazy if you just disappeared on me. Think about it, y'all were in a foreign country, anything could have happened. You could have been kidnapped or fell in the ocean. His mind is probably racing. It's been a day and half since he's known where you are."

He was right. Jay knew Michael probably had half the Maldives looking for her, but she didn't care. She hoped he thought she was dead, maybe then he'd feel the pain she was feeling at this moment.

"I don't want to," she pouted. "I can't talk to him yet."

"That's fine, but you need to find a way to let him know you're OK...right now Janeé."

She huffed at him and pulled out her phone and called one of the few numbers she knew by heart.

Sterling picked up the FaceTime called almost immediately. "Janeé?! Oh my god, are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I just wanted to let someone know I'm back in LA. You can tell him." She couldn't bring her lips to say his name.

"Why did you leave without telling him?! You're pregnant Jay. Anything could have happened." He took a few seconds to calm down. True, he was frustrated that she just up and left, leaving his best friend to drive himself crazy. But he also was upset for himself. Janeé always held a special place in his life and his heart, of course. He probably just as worried about her as Mike was.

"I'm sorry. It's just, he's worried sick about you, running all around the Maldives trying find you—"

"I don't care!" She screamed, losing it for a second. "Where was your concern for me when he was fucking Aja behind my back?!" Andre looked over at her. He remained quiet, but gently squeezed the hand that was resting on her leg. "Look Sterling. It's just, I don't care. Just let him know I'm fine."

She ended the call and closed her eyes until they arrived at the doctor's office.

"Janeé you're in the last few months of your pregnancy, so please take it easy. Your baby is more developed than it's ever been, so it feels everything you feel."

Janeé wiped tears from her face feeling guilty that she was putting stress on her baby.

"I know it's none of my business," her doctor's voice went down to a whisper even though they were the only ones in the examination room. "I saw Michael...on social media. Are you two OK? I hope the stress you're feeling isn't from any of that."

Janee didn't know how to answer her. It wasn't any of her business, but she had developed a rapport with her doctor and felt like she could trust her, she just couldn't get any words out.

"Just be careful and stay away from stressful situations. Please." Dr. Wright squeezed her hand and hoped Janeé would heed her advice.

After hearing her's doctor's warning, she knew she had no other choice than to stay away from Michael, she couldn't risk the health of  her unborn child. Their child as all she had left of them.

Gon' and cuss me out for this shortie. But while you cussing, let me know:

Did you guess Janeé would leave Micheal in the Maldives? Would you have left him?

Also, here's a snippet of a short story I just posted in Night Cap. Not sure if I'll make it it's own stand short alone story or not, depends on how many chapters I write. You can read the rest of the chapter over in Night Cap right now. Enjoy and let me know what you think!


"What are you doing Chris?" The middle-aged woman was suddenly backed into a corner in the large banquet hall.

"You know exactly what I'm doing Ms. Johnson." He grinned deviously.

His hands unashamedly gripped her ass, making her jump in shock.

"We can't do this Chris..." her voice faded out in the most unconvincing way, letting him know she was enjoying the moment as much as he was. When he pressed his lips against hers, she kissed him back, forgetting where she was and focused on his tongue entering her mouth. Ms. Johnson was quickly brought back down to Earth when her phone started vibrating in her hand, reminding her it was almost time for the mother/son dance. Sanai was a stickler for things being on schedule and wanted everything to be perfect for Bryan's big day, which to her meant keeping to the strict time table she mapped out.

She finally broke away from the younger man, staring him down with a frustrated look before disappearing into the large crowd of people to find her pursuer's best friend and the groom--her son.

***Read more in Night Cap***

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