Chapter Twenty-Seven.

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4,083 words people. Consider this my apology for taking so long to update. You're welcome.


Michael didn't have a way to contact her, so he decided that he would take the few hours he did have to himself everyday after filming and stake out at her condo. Some days he didn't get a wink of sleep, staring at the front door of her building. Other days he'd fall asleep in his car like he was homeless with no where else to go. He didn't have anywhere else to go as far as he was concerned. Janeé was his home, his comfort, his life. It had been almost a month since he'd laid eyes on her, a month since she left him in the Maldives wondering if she was dead or alive. He tried using the key she gave him, but it didn't work anymore. He was locked out of her condo like he was locked out of her life.

It was a true burden carrying the weight that not only was he the reason why she wanted nothing to do with him, but that all of this could have been prevented if he'd just told her the truth about Aja. How could he have been so stupid?

Janeé knew there was a time limit on how long she could keep her distance from him. She had been cleared by her doctor for travel just before their disastrous trip and that was nearly month ago. Her regularly scheduled appointment was later this week and as much as she wanted to be selfish, her conscience told her it was only right to allow Michael to come to the appointment—even if he was a lying cheater. Part of her was nervous to reach out to him again. Would the stress she felt after learning the truth about him return and harm her baby? Would he try to persuade her to take him back? Would she be stupid enough to do it? Or worse, would she discover that her nagging thoughts were true; Michael never really wanted her back in the first place, he just was doing it because there was a child involved.

They'd always talked about how they looked up to both sets of their parents as examples of what Black love and Black families were supposed to be. Maybe they both had just gotten caught up in wanting that idyllic lifestyle for themselves. Maybe what she though she felt for him wasn't even real. Whatever the case, she'd have to get over it now and figure out a way to deal with him for at least the next 18 years or so. The thought alone had her heart beating rapidly.

"We have to see him sometime I guess," she said to her belly. "I just wish we didn't. I wish I didn't love him." Her eyes filled with water but she swallowed them down before they escaped. She got out of her car and walked to Michael's doorstep slowly, hoping her mind would talk her out of what she was about do. When she rang his doorbell, her heart raced faster than it did when she first saw those photos of him and Aja. It was all for naught because he wasn't at home. She hadn't been in contact with him so she had no idea what his schedule was. Who knows when he'd be home, but she couldn't leave. Her mind told her that if she left now, she may never have the courage to come back, so she waited—for hours. She left her keys in a her purse in the Maldives, so she couldn't get into his house. The house that was supposed to be theirs.

The day turned to night as she patiently waited for him at his doorstep. When Michael pulled into his driveway late that night, he was already thinking about the clothes he'd change into before going to sit outside Janeé's building. He was so focused on getting in his house that he didn't notice her at the door at first. She looked peaceful sitting there leaning against the doorframe. He stood over her thinking about the last three weeks. He felt like he couldn't breathe without her, which made sense because he felt dead inside. He constantly thought about what he'd do when he saw her, but now that she was right there in front of him he couldn't think straight. He crouched down and continued watching her as she slept, wondering how she would act when she woke up. Would she listen to what he had to say? Or would she run away like she did on their vacation?

He reached down to palm her stomach, it had grown so much since the last time he saw her. He felt BJ stirring, their child always seemed to respond to his touch. He pretended for the moment that everything was normal between them, like everything was the way it should be. His other hand found her stomach, which woke her up abruptly.

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