Chapter Six.

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"Oh, so you were seriously serious about coming over here everyday?" She questioned
me, answering the door.

I couldn't sleep last night anyway, so I decided to start my day off the way I really desired to--with her.

"You thought I was playing, Jay? I need to spend time with my babies--uh, my baby as much as possible." Fuck. Her face softened a little at the sound of my slip up before quickly tightening back up again.

"I didn't think you were serious Michael. I just don't think you being over here all the time is a good idea. Besides, this is a bad time. I need to get dressed and run some errands."

"You keep saying I shouldn't be here, but won't say why. I know we haven't gotten along that well in the recent past, but we're about to be parents Janeé, we gotta figure this out."

"And I agree, but that doesn't mean you have to be here everyday." I could tell there was something more she wasn't saying. I wish I didn't have to guess with her all the time. This is why I can't be with her ass now.

As I looked at her, trying to read her mind, I noticed she was wrapped in a robe and was holding it closed up to her neck. I looked her once over, concluding she was naked underneath it. Her nipples poked out slightly against the thin robe and when she turned to walk away, her ass was bouncing a little too much for her to be wearing underwear. I reminded myself I was with Aja now and averted my eyes. This was torture. Why was I doing this to myself?

She looked startled when she returned to her living room 30 minutes later and I was sitting on her couch watching TV, having made myself at home.

"Why are you still here Michael? I told you it wasn't a good time."

"I don't care what you said--" I felt myself getting too easily frustrated, even a little upset that she was trying to get rid of me. "What errands you gotta run?"

"I wanted to look at some baby stuff. Probably get a crib and maybe start buying some gender-neutral clothing, I don't know."

"You were going to pick a crib without me?"

She huffed loudly in frustration. "Yes. It's not like we live together or anything. You can pick out your own crib for your place."

She was right. What she said made perfect sense, but it still made me mad that she wasn't considering me in even the smallest decisions about the baby.

"This is my baby too, Janeé. And you need to start including me in shit like this." The look on her face told me she didn't like my tone.

"To look at some fucking clothes and pick out a crib that you'll probably never see? That's ridiculous, Michael. I'm going to leave now, so I'd appreciate it if you left too."

I planted myself in front the door with my arms folded. "How you leaving without your keys?" I dangled them high above her head.

"Why are you always taking my keys?! The last time you took my keys was the night of your bir-birthday." Her eyes filled up with tears at the memory of that night when I showed up with Alex to the party she planned for me.

"C'mere, Jay. I didn't mean to bring the memory back up," I wrapped her in my arms, trying to console her and was surprised she let me. That was until I felt her hands reach for mine, ripping her keys from my grasp.

"Ha! Gotcha sucka!" She said in victory. Little did she know, I already took her car key off the keychain. I waited for her to realize I would have the last laugh, but she didn't and surprised me instead.

"I guess you can come with me," I smiled and started reaching  in my pocket for her key, until she said, "But you can drive since you wanna come so bad." I decided to wait until she was in my car before giving it back to her. I didn't want to make her mad and change her mind.

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