~Chapter 7~

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Rei P.O.V

"Good morning" I smiled at my father who was sipping his green tea, "Ah, Rei. Did you sleep well?" He seemed in a delightful mood, "Yes" I began brushing my hair. 

"Oh really?" He set his teacup down and I turned, "Uh" I tilted my head in confusion, "You were up so late, you must be quite exhausted" I gulped and laughed. "Those memes are addicting" I slapped my knee and gave him finger guns trying to play off the fact I was up late texting Aizawa.

 "Mhm" his ear twitched and he stood up and walked over to me, "Could it be Aizawa?" He wondered and I turned bright red and laughed loudly and wiped a fake tear from my eye, "Aizawa? Oh him? You gotta be kidding me, he's like fifty" I slap my knee again and my father narrows his eyes.

 I have never truly seen my father mad, but I knew when he was suspicious, "Alright" He smiled and opens the door and I leave my brush on the counter and waltz out as if nothing was wrong. 

We drive to school and I go to the Teacher's Lounge, Midnight greeted me, "Oh sweet Rei" She hugged me and I hugged back. Midnight was always so kind to me, "You smell... amazing" She sniffed my hair and I squeaked, "Don't you have something better to do" I recognized the voice and moved away from Midnight to see Aizawa wearing his hero outfit.

 "Mr. Aizawa" I bowed and he eyed me for a moment before disregarding me completely as if I was a mere acquaintance, 'Shouldn't be offended' i thought for a moment before walking off. I was halfway down the hall when I felt a fabric wrap around my wrists and I was pulled to Aizawa, He held my hand for a moment and squeezed it. 

I knew he was a man of few words and he didn't know how to express his emotions, but that squeeze conveyed more to me than a hundred words. 

"Class is starting soon" I hummed and he sighed, "Right" He continued holding my hand as we entered the classroom, as the students turned to look he let go of my hand. I sat at the desk again taking notes learning more from his teaching methods, Aizawa was grading papers while the students took their tests.

 I looked over at him and laid my head on the desk, I watched him look so concentrated and I smiled.

 I realized how handsome he was, "Rei" He turned his head to me and I jumped slightly. "Y-yes Mr. Aizawa?" I asked and he stands up and casually walks over to me and puts a piece of paper on my desk, "Take this" He whispers and goes back to work.

 I nodded and read the note, it said 'After school, let's go for a walk.' 

 I tucked the paper in my pocket and slowly looked over at him and he caught my eye contact, I gave a small nod and he lifted his head in response.

 At lunch, I handed Aizawa a rice ball and patted his arm when I passed by, I went to the bathroom and began reapplying my makeup.

Aizawa P.O.V

'This rice ball is amazing' I finished eating the last piece as students came back into the room, I saw Rei walk past me and I noticed she had down her Mascara again.

3 hours later

I set my papers inside my bag and I felt a hand on my shoulder, I tensed at the sensation, I wasn't used to it. 

"Aizawa", I shifted to look at her and I brushed a piece of my hair out of my face to get a clearer look, "Ready?" She let go of my shoulder and I nodded.

 I set my bag down and she set hers beside mine, I locked the door to my classroom and we walked outside the school side by side. 

"Any place in particular?" she started walking in front of me backward, I shrugged and she pouted, "You can't just invite-" she began but I scoffed. "Coffee" I muttered and she stopped, "I Don't have my wallet" she admitted, "I'm buying" I watched her mouth open to protest but I gripped onto her hand and pulled her alongside me. 

The sky was blue and the smell of lavender as caught alongside the breeze, her hair glinted from the sunlight and her eyes darted from me to the ground because she was too embarrassed to stare directly. 

'Her hands are so soft' i thought while smirking to myself, "Its beautiful out" She raised her free hand to let the wind engulf her fingers. 'You're beautiful'

"Yeah," I said coolly, and I let go of her hand for a moment to open the door to the coffee shop, she saluted and declared, "Thank you, sir!".

 'She's so odd' i shake my head and sat down at a table with her. 

"I've never been to a coffee shop before" she admitted putting her head in her hands while beaming ear to ear, 'she smiles a lot' I clicked my tongue.

 "What kind of coffee do you want?" I watched her eyes widen and she then bit her lip, she likes biting her lip when she is hesitant or troubled.

 'Oh rei, you're so socially awkward', I stood up and walked to the counter and paid for the coffees. "Here," I handed her a cup filled with caramel Cappuccino, "Thanks!" She tasted it and her face lit up, "It's soooo good" she nearly leaned back completely in her chair.

 ''They have good stuff here" I sipped my coffee and when I looked back up from the drink I saw her glaring at me, "You drink coffee black?" she made a disgusted face. "Most of the time" I replied shrugging at her blatant unlike for black coffee, "That's just hot bean water," she said and I let out a small exhale of air to show some amusement.

 "Ya know, I really appreciate this" she raised her coffee to symbolize a toast, I watched her sip her drink again and gently put it back on the table. The coffee shop was filled with people and the laughter of friends filled the air, I hadn't realized but I was gazing off into the distance.

 "You look sad..." I turned and realized I had spaced out, "No" I shake my head. "Do you come here often?" Her voice had grown softer as if comforting me, "Yeah, the coffees good" I flinched when I felt a warm hand on my arm.

 "I like listening to people talk because it makes me feel less lonely, that's why I watch movies so much" She gave me a rueful expression and I exchanged it.

 "Is that why you come here so often?", 'Damnit she is perspective', "Sometimes" I stared at her hand that was placed on my forearm. 

"Well, I'm not lonely when I'm with you" She let a small chuckle and patted my arm before pulling away, "Rei?".

 "Hmm?" She hummed after sampling more of her Cappuccino, "I am not good at conveying emotions, I don't talk about my problems. I am sorry" I watched her eyes as if they were searching for an answer to an unknown question, "But, you make me feel..." I got lost in her blue eyes and she blushed.

 'God, I can't explain for shit' I whispered something under my breath and she looked down at the table, "You make me feel the same" She muttered, 'She understands...'

"So Aizawa, Does this mean we're dating?" She laughed and I blushed, "Yeah" I quickly replied. "This is so cool" She grabbed her face and squealed, "You're such a child" I scoffed and an anime irk mark appeared on her face. 

"That would make you a pedophile Aizawa and I do not associate with Perverts" She stuck her tongue out and I rolled my eyes, her phone began buzzing and she answered to hear her worried fathers voice on the other end. 

"One sec" she mouthed and I nodded, "Yes- No! I'm fine" She said standing up, "I'm sorry I gotta go" she whispered to me and I understood.

 As she was about to walk out she stopped and ran back to me, and I tensed up when I felt a soft pair of lips on my cheek, "Thanks for the coffee!" she exclaimed waving as she ran down the street. 


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