~Chapter 6~

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Rei. P.O.V

I was still a little shakey but I maintained my balance well, I tightened my grip on his hand and he turned and looked at me. "I'm not going anywhere," he said slightly showing amusement on his face, "Neither am i" I replied. 

People walked past us with no sign of recognition on their face, "How come they don't know you're a pro?" I said barely audible so only he could hear. "I tend to stay in the shadows. like I said I don't like being the center of attention" His boots barely making a sound as we crossed the street, I didn't live too far from his place. 

"Hey, Mr.- I mean Aizawa?" I quickly corrected myself and he grunted in response, "Do you think maybe, I could learn some hand to hand combat from you?" I waited for his reply. "As long as you teach me how to make those rice balls" He countered earning a chuckle from me, "Alright, its a deal".

 As we were about to turn onto my street I saw my father talking with a police officer outside the door, I let go of his hand quickly so nobody would see.

 I wasn't embarrassed but it just wasn't something I thought everybody should know, he didn't seem fazed by my decision to let go of his warm hand. We walked side by side to the door and the police officer greeted us, "Good morning" He raised his head and I curtsied with the shirt. 

'that was extremely cringey' I thought to myself as I knelt down and scratched my father's ear as a form of greeting before walking past him, I opened the door to the apartment and watched Aizawas eyes dart from the officer to me. 

I opened my mouth to ask if he wanted to come in and have tea but bit my lip quickly after, he seemed to notice what I was trying to suggest but his eyes darted to my father and gave a small shake of his head. "Thank you, Mr. Aizawa" I bowed being sure to call him that in front of others, "Sure" he nodded and walked off, I smelt my shirt and practically swooned at the smell. 

I went into the bathroom and took a shower, the smell of lavender mixed in with the steam, I had lavender shampoo and conditioner that I lathered throughout my brown curly hair. 

I looked at my hand through the water and decided to try something, I squeezed my eyes shut and I snapped my finger and all time went still, I opened my eyes and saw the water stopping in mid-air. 

I grabbed a water droplet and it moved like gel through my fingers, I felt that weak feeling taking over me again but I took in a deep breath and focused all my energy into my fingers. 

"Resume" I murmured snapping my fingers and all time continued, "Rei, its Aizawa" Nezu knocked on the door, "Oh one moment" I turned off the water and wrapped a towel around me. 

I opened the door and all the steam began flowing out, "Hello?" I took the phone from my father and my eyes widened, "Why did everything stop?" His voice was concerned. I nearly dropped the phone but fumbled with it, "W-what?" my voice was hoarse, "Everything stopped" He repeated. 

"I-i don't know" I replied, "Did you use your quirk?" He breathed into the phone, "Yes, But it shouldn't have... included you" I whispered. "Don't use it again till we see each other at school tomorrow" He was about to hang up but I blurted "Wait" and he held the phone closer to his ear.

 "Can I give you my number?" I felt the heat rush to my cheeks, He didn't reply instead I heard him going through his stuff. "Okay" I figured he had gotten a notebook, I told him my number and we hung up, I handed my fathers phone back to him and finished my shower.

Aizawa P.O.V

I looked at the numbers written on my notebook and rubbed my thumb across the paper, I threw the notebook on my bed and rubbed my hands through my hair. 

I leaned back in my chair and stretched, my cat hopped into my lap and I pet her gently.

  'Why did she let go of my hand so quickly?', 'Did she find it embarrassing?', 'What are we now?' I let my thoughts swim around in my head, my overthinking got the best of me and I went to the shower. 

I took off my shirt and looked at myself in the mirror and winced, I was covered in scars, some self-inflicted but most were caused by villains who had gotten the upper hand.

 I saw them as failures, "tch" I stepped into the shower and let the cold water wash over me, I leaned against the wall and wiped my hand over my face. I was deciding whether or not to text her, I got dressed and put my hair in a ponytail. 

"here" I poured some food into Shadows bowl which she delightedly ate, I laid on my bed staring at the notebook till I said "fuck it" and texted her.

Aizawa: Hey

Rei: Whose this?

Aizawa: Who do you think.

Rei: Sorry, I'm just excited to have someone text me!

Aizawa: Ah

Rei: I was going to invite you in...

Aizawa: Yeah, I noticed.

Rei: Decided against it though

Aizawa: Wise choice

Rei: Also about the quirk...

Aizawa: I wouldn't worry about it tonight, Don't do it again.

Rei: Yes sir

Aizawa: You left your dress here

Rei: Oh shoot! I'm sorry

Aizawa: It's fine.

Rei: Aizawa... What are we now?

Aizawa: What do you want to be?

Rei: I don't know how to make decisions, you choose

Aizawa: I'm not doing this over text, we can talk about it tomorrow

Rei: Okay

Aizawa: Rei?

Rei: Yeah?

Aizawa: You looked cute in my shirt...

Rei: Did the serious and stoic Aizawa just compliment me?

Aizawa: Shut up

Aizawa: Shut up

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