~Chapter 15~

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Two months later

Aizawa P.O.V

I watched my students as they took their tests, I clenched the side of my desk in silent protest of my negligence. 

Every night I would look for her, I would fail, Principle Nezu still smiles and acts polite to me even though he knows I couldn't save her.

 "Sensei" A student raised their hand, "Yes?" I looked up from the ground, "Hows the search going?'' every student in U. A knew of the recent missing teacher and were put on high alert to stay vigilant and cautious of villain activity.

 "The police will handle it accordingly" I replied relieved to hear the bell for them to be dismissed, "Remember, don't slack off on your training" I stated before stacking the tests and leaving the classroom. 

"Hey!" Hizashi screamed waving frantically from the hall, "Hm?" I was in no mood to socialize. I hadn't slept in weeks, "Aizawa" His face turned serious and I returned it with a bored look, "Don't push yourself" He put his hand on my shoulder. 

He was the only one who understood me better then I understood myself, "I'll be fine" I nodded to him and he lifted his sunglasses off to glare at me. 

"You keep looking for her, you must be exhausted" I clenched my fists and grabbed his jacket, "Well what the fuck do you want me to do? I can't sit around while the cops do jack shit to save her, she is probably scared shitless and I'm not there." I watched his expression and I ripped my hands off him, I wiped my hands on my pants, "Sorry" I muttered.

 "She wouldn't want you to worry like this" His statement caused me to lift my scarf over my mouth. "Tch" I turned around and started walking off, "I hate seeing you like this man" Hizashi commented as I left the building.

 That night I put eye drops inside my eyes and I lifted my new goggles to my face, I tightened my boots and pet my cat one last time before exiting. 

I ran across the rooftops of the city buildings, for an hour I jumped from roof to roof, I stopped at the edge of one. My hair flowed from the wind that was circulating throughout the busy streets, I was about to turn to go home when I heard the sound of an alarm going off. 

I knelt down to see the bank being robbed again, I sighed and decided to check it out, as I swung from my scarf down to the lamppost I saw four figures smashing things and throwing money into bags. 

"Wrong night" I whispered strolling into the bank, they stopped and turned, one of them dropped their bags and their mouth opened. 

They were all wearing ski masks like criminals do, "Let's get this over with" I groaned and one of them raised his hand to use his quirk but my hair flew up and his hand shot down. 

"My quirk!" he yelled and I kicked him in the face and gripped his wrist and threw him into a wall, the other threw a dagger at me but deflected it with my scarf.

 I tied him up and slammed him against the wall beside his companion, the other one screamed at the shorter one, "Get the stuff and go, ill beat his ass".

 "Heh" I used my quirk again and the guy was rendered useless, he fell to the ground unconscious when I punched him in the face. 

"Your turn" I tried wrapping the figure but it dodged and flipped behind me, I elbowed behind me but the figure grabbed my elbow and shifted out of the way.

 I used my scarf to pull the figure's ankles out from under it, "Ngh" the sound of a girl yelping caught my attention.

 I got on top of her and ripped the ski mask off, I was caught off guard, "Rei?!" I exclaimed and her eyes widened. She tried lifting her hands up to push me off but I held them down, I searched her face for answers and her blue eyes darted around looking for help. 

Her face was covered in bruises, her hair was shorter than mine and she looked exhausted, but she was still Rei. She lifted her fingers enough and snapped, the police sirens in the distance silenced and the birds flying outside stopped.

 I watched her breathe out slowly, "Aizawa" She huffed and I clenched my fists and punched the ground beside her. She flinched and tried getting me off her, I didn't move, "Where have you been?" I whispered out, "Trust me" She responded quietly. 

"Who did this?" I lifted my hand from her wrist to her face and traced my thumb over the multiple bruises, "I'm okay" she used her free hand to grip onto my sleeve and clutch onto it for dear life as if making sure it was actually me.

 "I thought you were Dead..." I trailed off and her eyes became half-lidded, "I'm not" she pushed my hand down to her chest where I could feel her heart pounding.

 "I have so many questions" I was so bitter, not at her but at the situation, "And I promise, I will answer when this is over" I slowly got off her and helped her up. 

She looked at me and wiped herself off, "Shit" I whispered gripping onto the back of her head and leaned down and kissed her softly. 

She wrapped her arms around me and clenched onto the fabric of my shirt so tightly as if I'd disappear, she pulled away and let me go. 

She gripped my hand and held it to her face, "I promise, ill be okay" she murmured as she dropped it.

 "I can't just let you go" I was a pro hero, I couldn't just let someone who was trying to rob a bank go on the basis they would return, but also i couldn't let her go back and get hurt more. 

She wiped her eyes as if tears were forming her eyes, "I have dreamt about seeing you again, it feels like years. It technically has..." she paused and I gave her a confused look, "I promise my love, I will explain all once this is over" she snapped her fingers and the police pulled in.

 She ran off and I was left standing there, "Damnit" I seethed.

 She ran off and I was left standing there, "Damnit" I seethed

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