~Chapter 23~

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Rei P.O.V

I showed Aizawa my room, I had a double bed with a sky-blue comforter set with a white flower pattern adorning it.

 I had a desk with diaries and bobbleheads of random animals decorating it, My room was smaller than his apartment but it wasn't bad.

 "There are boxes in the closet from when we moved here" I stated and he opened the closet to see dresses and shirts, "I'm only taking my clothes and some of my books, oh and my stuffie" I held up a stuffed animal of a raccoon and he found that humorous.

 "Come to think of it, its destiny" I muttered and he looked perplexed, "I loved this raccoon since I was a small Child. now I'm dating a human version of a raccoon" I joked and his eyebrows furrowed, "You might just have to carry this stuff on your own" He said Monotonously, I could tell he was joking so I playfully punched his arm.

 "Yeah then you'd never get this again" I gestured to myself and he hid his face behind his scarf, "That's what I thought" I giggled and began placing my stuff into the boxes he had pulled out for me.

 I had an idea and quickly snuck my hand into Aizawa's pocket and pulled out his phone, i swiped the camera icon and held up a small box and stuck out my tongue, Aizawa Lifted his face from the scarf and grimaced. 

"Rei" he sighed and I took the picture, I smirked, "Moving day" I put the caption on it and saved it. I handed him back his phone which he took back easily, "I need a new phone" I admitted remembering it had broken. 

"I'll take you to the store tomorrow" He mutters and I smirk, "I can go by myself" I was testing him to see what he would say, "I will take you," he said a little forceful and I giggled. 

He didn't want to leave me alone again, "You are so intimidating" I poked his chest and he gripped my wrist and My eyes widen.

 "Hm" he let go of my wrist and I pouted at his reflexes, "Aizawa, I promise that I'm going to break down all those walls you built up" I taped my box and he put his hair behind his ear and scoffed. He knelt down and picked up two boxes, I picked up my pillow and box and we went outside. 

As we left my dad waved, we weren't far so there wasn't a need for a tearful goodbye, "Are you sure you won't mind?" I just wanted to be sure. 

He didn't answer but gave me a 'really' look and I squeezed his leg while he was driving. 

We took the boxes into the apartment and shadow immediately jumped into one of the boxes purring loudly, I pulled out my books and placed them on an empty shelf and Aizawa began placing my clothes in the closet with his clothes. 

"Here" Aizawa rummaged through his desk and threw me a key, "Your set," He says and I hug it. "Thank you, Aizawa" I tilt my head and beam like a fool, "This is so wonderful!" I squealed pushing the key into my pocket and slamming myself onto the bed scaring Shadow who was still prowling inside the box. 

"The neighbors are going to hate me" Aizawa sighed and I shot him a glare, ''Just for that, I won't get you a birthday present" His birthday was in a couple weeks and I had no clue what to get him.

 "Alright" he shrugged and stretched, he looked tired, I gripped onto his arm and tugged making him fall next to me on the bed.

 I quickly took advantage and got on top of him smirking. I watch his eyes widen and his deadpan look turned to a more focused one as my legs were on either side of him and I was sitting on his stomach. 

"You should take a nap" I muttered leaning down and kissing his forehead, he wrapped his arms around my back and twisted so I fell beside him and he curled up next to me whilst holding me tightly.

 "For someone who hates people, you're a cuddle bug" I felt his arm squeeze my waist harder and I squeaked and his hot breath on my neck hitched as if he had laughed.

 I got enough strength to twist my body so I could face him, his eyes were closed and his beard was perfectly trimmed as always, I moved a strand of hair from his face causing one of his eyes to open.

 "Tch" he put his hand on the back of my head and pushed my face into his chest and I complied, he was so warm and I drifted into slumber. 


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