~Chapter 32~

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Rei P.O.V

"Why don't you like All Might?" I wondered and Aizawa gripped my hand tighter, "I don't dislike him. I have a level of respect for him, I just do not agree with his tenacity for having the media involved".

 I looked up at the sky, "Ah, I suppose I understand that." I didn't exactly like the media either, "The class looks promising, I even saw you pleasantly surprised with that young Midoriya" He didn't reply but I knew what he was thinking.

 We had entered the building to see students everywhere about to go home, "I have to go grade papers" He unclasped his hand from mine, I nodded and he shuffled off. I was standing by the door with my arms crossed, my hero uniform was grey with special gloves that enhanced how fast I could snap and how long I could keep time stopped. 

I had boots and a belt with pockets that held my knife and a couple packs of juice for Aizawa when he was grumpy, I felt someone roughly bump into my shoulder and I shifted to see Bakugo storming off. 

Still pissed from earlier, "Kacchan!" Midoriya halted beside me and bowed. "I am so sorry for him-Wait!" He stepped back and his eyes went wide, "H-huh?" I stammered as he pulled out a notebook and flipped through the pages. 

"Is this you?!" He held up a notebook and I was surprised at the artistry, "Y-yes that's me" I was wearing my well-known mask that covered most of my face. 

"You're Snappy, the time stop hero!" He was fanboying hard, "Well to be fair, I didn't choose that hero name" I laughed and his eyes sparkled.

 "You're like the 30th most powerful hero" I chuckled slightly, "I try not having interviews and stuff with the social media, how did you find out about me?" I was actually kind of curious.

 "The city has camera's everywhere, people also filmed it when you saved people from that burning building years ago. I remember watching it on the news with my mom" He calmed down slightly. 

"That wasn't my greatest moment" I put my hand on my neck and smiled, "That was the moment people started taking you seriously" he looked down and gripped onto his notebook tighter. 

"I want to be a hero and save people too..." He trailed off and I remembered everything Aizawa had said to him, I placed my hands on his shoulders which surprised him. 

"You were amazing today Midoriya, You proved everyone who doubted you, wrong. You have serious potential, focus on your goal and don't give up okay?" His eyes watered slightly.

 "Thanks, Snappy!" He exclaimed and I put my hands down by my sides, "Call me Miss Nezu'' I playfully punched his shoulder and he nodded and left for home. 

I had this new found pride like people actually knew about me and took me seriously. Seeing his eyes widen when he realized who I was made my heart skip a beat, it made me feel like I could do anything.

 I walked through the halls and saw Aizawa sitting at his desk cursing, "You okay?" I peeked into the room and he lifted his head and grunted.

 "A lot of homework?" I stood beside him and he rubbed his face, "Three stacks, it's just the first day" He sighed, "Geez. let me help" I sat on his lap and grabbed a pen and began helping him grade homework. 

Within an hour we had finished and I laid back and put the back of my head on his shoulder, "Teamwork pays off" I chuckled and he breathed out in relief.

 "Thanks" I stood up, "Yeah no problem." I scanned the halls and grabbed his hand and we began walking out of the building, "Are we really back to keeping our relationship a secret?" It was a ludicrous question. 

"I wouldn't say 'secret' i don't care who knows, I just want to be professional" I replied and he nodded. "Well, in that case." without a sound he shifted and my eyes widened as his lips collided with mine, we kissed for a while and I dropped my school bag. 

he pulled away and I breathed heavily then punched his chest, "Jerk, you can't be doing that" I covered my red face and he smirked underneath his scarf. 

"Ah, you two" I practically yelped from shock and hid behind Aizawa, All Might walked over and stood over us

'I've known All Might for a while now, he went with us on special Teachers only trips sometimes because my father took a liking to him. But I don't think he knows about us'

"You two lovebirds going home?" He made one of his famous hero poses and continued beaming with his huge ass grin.

'Well never mind, I guess he does know'

"Yeah actually'' I answered moving my head from behind Aizawa, "What are you teaching?" His voice booming through the empty halls.

 I finally stepped out completely from behind Aizawa, "Oh, I'm teaching close combat" I smirked. "You'll do great'' All might put a thumbs up, Aizawa scoffs "Have a nice night All Might" he waved him off and started walking off.

 I turned to look at Aizawa and back at All Might, "Yeah, have a good night" I said lightheartedly and jogged to catch up with Aizawa.

 I turned to look at Aizawa and back at All Might, "Yeah, have a good night" I said lightheartedly and jogged to catch up with Aizawa

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