~Chapter 11~

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Rei P.O.V

When we walked into the building I tried pulling my hand away at an attempt to keep our relationship a secret a while longer, however, Aizawa gripped even tighter. 

"But" I hissed but he continued holding it, I grew anxious when we stood outside of the teacher's lounge about to enter and I felt his thumb trace my hand and I knew he was reassuring me of his actions. 

As we entered holding hands Present mic screamed and I flinched, "What's this?!" he almost dropped his coffee cup, "Shut up, you're hurting our ears" Aizawa said.

 "How could he not scream? You guys are holding hands" Midnight announced making a swooning display, I leaned into Aizawa and he protectively let go of my hand and put his arm around me. 

"How long?!" Present mic accelerated past Midnight to get in Aizawas face, Aizawa used his scarf to pull him away. "Also what kind of night were you two having? He has a black eye" Midnight blushed and leaned to my ear, "Didn't know you were that kind of partner".

 I tilted my head in confusion, "What do you mean?", Aizawa gave midnight a scowl, "Wait, how inexperienced are you?!" Midnight squealed and Aizawa scoffed.

 "I didn't give him that black eye," I responded defensively and midnight gave present mic a suggestive face, "I sure wish she did" and Present Mic almost busted his gut chuckling. 

"What's all the commotion about?" My father walked in and everyone went back to what they were doing, "I thought so" he purred to himself, pleased by his presence quieting everything down. 

"Present mic, Rei will be your assistant for the remaining school year" with that statement Aizawa rubbed my arm for a brief moment before leaving to his classroom, I was one step closer to becoming a pro.

Aizawa P.O.V

I decided to put that picture I had in my pocket on my desk, I trudged into the classroom and rummaged through my pockets. A sudden realization caused me to feel a twinge of alarm, 'The picture must have fallen out when I was fighting that villain'. 

The students wandered in and whispers broke out amongst them about my beat up appearance, "Take your seats, I'm not repeating this" I decided to let it go, I could just ask Rei to print out another one. 

The day felt like it was never going to end, once it was my break time as another teacher took over to teach classes, I curled up in my sleeping bag while sucking down a juice. 

I felt my eyes closing, "Your girlfriend is hilarious" Present mic said kicking me so I'd wake up, I opened my eyes and if looks could kill, he'd be dead. 

"I know" I wasn't going to deny it, Rei once she got out of her shell was amusing, "She laughs at my jokes and doesn't roll her eyes like you do" He continued to berate me.

 I'm not going to lie and say he Wasnt my best friend, Rei and Hizashi were my favorite things in the world. 

"Don't you have someone else to harras?" I rolled over, "Aizawa?" I heard her voice and sighed, "Yes?". "Be nice to Hizashi" She scolded and My friend laughed, "See what did I tell you, she's amazing" I turned back around to see him with his arm resting on her head as if they had been friends for years. 

My eyes turned red and my hair went up as if warning him to back off, Rei scrunched her nose in disapproval of my hostility. Honestly, I didn't care, I guess I am a little protective, I don't get attached easily but when I do...

"Are you tired because you were busy all night?" his question caused me to grit my teeth, Rei was rather innocent and tilted her head as she usually did. 

"Well no, he fell asleep rather quickly," Rei said and Hizashi seemed extremely amused by her answer, "So you're a one pump kinda guy huh?" he raised his eyebrows at me.

 I knew exactly what he was talking about, "Is this an inside joke?" Rei slipped her hands into the pockets of my sweatshirt, I unzipped the sleeping bag and stood up, "Nothing happened, genius" I slapped his hand off her and gave him a disapproving glance. 

"Well, when it does..." Hizashi made finger guns, "When it happens, you will be the last person who knows" I snapped. 

"When what happens?" Rei appeared completely lost, me and Hizashi shared a look. "You see little Rei, when a mommy and a daddy love-" I hit the back of his head and took Rei's hand and led her out to the hall where we could be alone.

 "I feel really dense but what was he talking about?" She peered up at me and I mentally cursed Principle Nezu for sheltering her so much, "Nothing that matters, just teasing me about things that won't happen for a long time" I answered trying to change the subject.

 "He said, mommy and daddy? so does that mean he was referring to kids?" Rei proceeded to pester me about the discussion, "In a way..." I was turning red at this topic. She began whispering to herself trying to figure it out and suddenly it clicked, she raised her free hand to cover her face. 

"He was referring to... that stuff wasn't he?" and I gave a curt nod, "I haven't really thought about it" She admitted and used the sleeve of my sweatshirt she was wearing to pull her hair behind her ear. 

"Don't worry about it"I felt her stop walking and I looked back at her, "You don't want to do that do you?" She bit her lip unsure of what to say next. 

'Fuckin hell, I am going to punch Hizashi', "Not yet..." I trailed off and she pulled her hand away from mine so she could put her hands on her face. 

"Have you before?" this was not the best place to talk about something so personal but it couldn't be helped, thanks to Hizashi the topic was blatant and had to be resolved.

 "A couple times" I watched her expression change from embarrassment to sadness, "W-with who?" students began filling the halls and I walked over to her and put my hands on her shoulders. 

"I was young and stupid. Tonight ill tell you everything okay? Just don't feel pressured to do anything" I squeezed her shoulders before walking back to my classroom. 


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