~Chapter 26~

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Aizawa P.O.V

I watched the ambulance load the woman and child, "Its Eraserhead" citizens muttered amongst themselves. I scoffed and looked down at Rei who was wheezing, the paramedics knelt beside her. 

"Do you know her?" they asked and I nodded, "Rei Nezu," I said and they loaded her on to a stretcher.

 I thanked the heroes who had helped clear the area and the one who had caught her before smashing her head on the ground, I stepped inside the ambulance and watched as they stuck an I.V in her. 

The sound of her lungs constricting caused me to grow tense with concern, "She inhaled a lot of smoke saving that woman and kid" one of them said and I nodded. 

She was a complete idiot for doing something so utterly reckless, however, she did get the mission completed.

 We arrived at the hospital and I sat beside her bed in a chair with my hand on hers, hours past and she didn't wake. I felt myself growing tired, I pressed her hand and drifted off into sleep.

I awoke to the sound of a knock and I opened my eyes, "Just me" a nurse said waving her hand at me to relax. She checked Rei's pulse and smiled, "She's recovering quite well" I relaxed a bit when she said that. 

"Any other injuries?" I wondered and she put her finger up symbolizing to wait a sec and she looked through Rei's charts. 

"She has multiple scars all over, they looked pretty serious. This girl has been through quite a bit" She smiled and put the chart down, "But as far as any recent ones, just the inhalation of smoke". 

I heard another knock and Nezu walked in, I was about to stand up to greet him but he shook his head. 

"I'm her father," He said to the nurse who was rather surprised considering there was so resemblance, "Shes adopted," he said politely and she mouthed the word "Oh".

 I watched the door open wider and saw basically the whole teaching staff, "we thought we might bring some flowers" Midnight said and cemontoss pulled out from behind his back a huge vase full of roses.

 "And a stuffed toy" present mic said in a hushed voice holding up a little wolf, "I will go grab more chairs" The nurse bowed in the presence of such well-known heroes, "No need, miss," Snipe said as everyone crowded in the room. 

"Nezu" I pulled down my scarf so he could see my face, "I-"I began but he held his paw up, "She made her own choice and saved a woman and child, its a heroes duty to put their lives on the line. I'm not mad" I sighed in relief. 

"Aizawa, try to not to be too hard on her. This was her first hero save" He continued and I felt quilt built up inside me, I was planning on giving her a lecture when she woke up but now I was thinking otherwise.

 "She should be discharged by tomorrow, we just have to run more tests to make sure she didn't suffer any brain damage from the lack of Oxygen," The nurse said and everyone looked a little concerned at the mention 'brain damage'. 

"Can I ask you a question" Midnight whispered in the nurse's ear and the nurse went outside the room with her, I was a little confused but when midnight entered the room without the nurse I gave midnight a questioning flash to which she mouthed "Nevermind".

After an hour of socializing everyone left but me, Nezu kissed her forehead and left, I wiped my face from depletion.

 She moaned and coughed before her eyes opened and she covered her mouth and she sat up.

 "W-where am I?" she glanced around and I seized her hand, "Hospital," I spoke gruffly still irate at her for acting thoughtlessly.

 "Are they okay?" she was referring to the woman her child to which I answered with an immediate nod before looking away, I was trying to calm myself from saying anything I would regret.

 "Thank god" She fell back as her head hit the pillow, she felt my hand squeezing hers tighter then usual as if I was trying to control my anger. 

"Aizawa?" she said in a soft voice confused by my actions, "You're a dumbass" I stated and her eyes widened.

 I wasn't joking, I was pissed, I normally didn't get mad or show much emotion but she truly made me angry.

 I would severely punish my students for doing something that reckless, "Look at me" she said with a shaky voice and I pulled my hand away and gripped my chin tightly.

 I clenched my teeth and tried thinking rationally, "I'm alive" she said laughing lightly and I snapped. 

I whipped my head around and my usual deadpan eyes narrowed, "If my students pulled that shit, I'd expel them" I growled and she averted her eyes from my stare.

 "I did the right thing" She whispered, "The right thing was to wait for directions," I said feeling myself get louder by the minute.

 "She'd be dead" she retorted crossing her arms, "And you could be too right now" I muttered my words chosen carefully. 

"But im not" She looked at me with an icy stare, "This is real Rei, that situation will be one of the easiest you'll face as a hero. You ended up in the hospital-" I began but she scoffed and wiped her face as if a tear had fallen which I had yet to see. 

"You still think I'm a kid, You keep treating me like I'm one of your students" She leveled me a dry look, "I am not one of your fucking students Aizawa, I will not be lectured like a child" I grimaced at her comments. 

"I know that" I whispered to myself, "Do you? Because you're treating me like I didn't know the risk. I sure as hell did, I knew I could have died" She fumed. 

"If you had died... I couldn't forgive myself" I admitted and her hardened expression softened slightly, "It's not your fault-" I stood up and she lifted her head.

 "Since the first day I met you, I knew you were different. You were in my head, constantly in my head like a damn parasite. I would go to sleep thinking of you, my life changed" I looked at the ground, "I can't go back to the way it was before Rei" I felt her hand on my pant leg.

 "We're heroes Aizawa, we make risks so others don't have to." She smiled and tilted her head, "I'll be more careful next time okay? I promise". 

I felt her hand tug on my pant leg and she moved over and I sat on the bed beside her, "I'm sorry" I saw her mouth and I wiped her face as a tear slipped from it.

 "I didn't mean to yell"I felt her smile fade and she patted her pillow and I laid down and she twisted her body so the I.V wouldn't get tangled and I put my arm around her.

 "I saved people though"I felt her body tense at the thought, "Yeah you did"I replied, "I may have been an idiot but... they're alive and that's what matters". 

"Just don't leave me, please don't leave me" I felt my heart ache and I held her tighter, "Aizawa, I'm okay" she whispered and I buried my head inside her neck breathing in her lavender scent. 

"I am never letting you out of my sight again" I growled and she chuckled, "Protective much?" She said sarcastically and I bit her neck softly and she squeaked.

 "Get some rest, idiot" I muttered and she snuggled into me and nodded, "Okay" she breathed out. 


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