~Chapter 12~

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Aizawa P.O.V

After school I found Rei looking out the window in the hall, "Hey, ready to go?" I asked and she turned and nodded. 

'This is going to be such an awkward conversation' i took her to the car and we went inside my apartment, my cat purred and circled around her legs embracing her.

 "Hungry?" Rei asked picking her up while pouring food into her dish, 'i like how She acts so comfortable here', "So do you want to discuss what happened earlier?" I asked sitting on my bed. 

She gulped, "Well I was thinking about it, I don't think it's my business to know if you're not comfortable with it" She explained carefully. 

"I want to be more open about stuff and this is something from my past" I replied and she sat down beside me, "So, ill begin with saying that I haven't done anything like that in about five years" I clarified and she gave a small "Mhm" to symbolize she understood. 

"My first time was with a girl who had a lot of experience, she was a wildcard, To be perfectly honest she irritated me. I disliked her but I was hammered off my ass one day and we did it and never spoke again" I described. 

"The second was with a friend of Hizashi's, he introduced us and we didn't exactly date but she flirted on and off with me and we fucked" I shrugged there wasn't much to the stories, they were one night stands that didn't mean anything to me. 

They were just there to distract from everything going on in my life for an hour or two, "Thanks for telling me" was all she said. Honestly, I expected more of a reaction, "I've never been good with emotions but I'm sensing something is off" I say casually as she puts her head on my shoulder. 

"I am just embarrassed that's all" she replies laughing awkwardly, "Why?" I was confused, if anyone should be embarrassed it's me.

 "Because I'm so innocent, I don't even know how to do anything. I feel bad because I haven't even kissed you yet" I understood now and I put my hand on her back and rubbed it, "Nobody has touched me like you have Rei, nobody has touched me with love before. I flinch every time because I'm not used to it, when those girls fucked me they were doing it out of pure sexual desire. There was nothing loving about it" 

She pulled away and stared at my face longingly, 'The way she does that...'.

She put her hands up to hold my face but hesitated, she breathed in shakily and proceeded to press her soft palms against my face. 

She closed her eyes and leaned in and gave me a small peck on the lips, I turned red when our lips connected. Her lips were so smooth and untouched, My eyes didn't close, I wanted to observe her reaction when she moved away.

 Her eyes were watering, "Are... are you crying?" I was startled by this, She put her hands down and wiped her eyes quickly.

"S-sorry, I was just nervous" She admits, 'dammit she's cute'

 "Sorry if I did it wrong" she blushed and bit her lip. I didn't want it to end, I wanted to kiss her till everything around us disappeared, but I knew she was still learning about me and I was still learning about her. 

I didn't want to pressure her, "I love you Rei Nezu," I said sternly, "I love you too." She stood up and loomed over me, we were about the same height when I was sitting on my bed while she was standing.

 She put her arms around my neck and put her forehead to mine, she kissed my forehead and I felt her warm breath on my nose. 

She was so perfect, I stood up and she looked up at me, I seized her waist and lifted her up and her legs instinctively wrapped around me. I leaned her against the wall and searched her eyes for permission, her eyes were wide and she gave a small nod and I quickly dove into her neck trailing kisses down her flawless skin.

 She let out the faintest moan and she put her hand in my hair and the other over her mouth protecting me from her noises, I moved my mouth before leaving hickeys.

 I moved my head away from her neck and pulled her hand from her face and kissed her, long and hard. 

She put her free hand on my shoulder supporting her while the other continued to get tangled in my hair, I bit her lip and she clenched her eyes closed. 

Her mouth opened and I swept my tongue in for a brief moment, I decided to end it before I got carried away. 

I watched her chest heaving up and down and the spit that connected us drip down her bottom lip which I immediately swiped away, "Sorry" I confess I was going insane, "for what?" she asked breathlessly.

 "For being too rough" I whisper and she smiles, "I felt like I was going to pass out" she admits and my usual dead eyes sparkled with amusement at her comment. 

I tenderly let her down and she grabs her keys, "I have to go home Aizawa" she says and I nod, "Be safe" I murmur and she sticks her tongue out. 


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