~Chapter 42~

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Rei P.O.V

(Sometime later)

"Now try dodging without using your quirk" I stood on a pole at least six feet high, "Right" Rikido Sato was a more physical strength type quirk. He wasn't very good at dodging attacks, I pulled out a water balloon and chucked it at him.

 He sidestepped and I threw another one without warning, it hit him right in the face and he fell back. Water dripping off his face, "You're dead!" I exclaimed sliding down the pole.

 "You were expecting me to warn you when I would throw the next balloon, you must never expect to be given warning. A villains main priority is to catch you off guard" I helped him up and clapped my hands together gaining everyone's attention. 

"Class is dismissed, towels are by the entrance" I waved them off and they all trudged back to the building. Mina shifted to give me a saddened look which was odd, she was usually so energetic, "Miss Nezu?" I smiled at her.

 "Yes, Ashido?" I put one hand on my hip and she shuffled over to me, "Can we talk?" I pulled my phone from my pocket to check the time. 

"Your next class should start in about ten minutes... Alright" I nodded at her and she gave a grateful expression. 

"I know this isn't my place but are you and Mr. Aizawa dating?" My eyes widened and my face turned red, "W-what-", "Please tell me its true." Mina's eyes were enlarged and her smile slowly returned. 

"W-well yes but-" it was ironic, I had just taught a lesson on not being caught off guard but her question completely shocked me. 

"I am so glad" Mina grabbed my hands and I gave her a disconcerted glance, "You see Miss Nezu, ever since the USJ I have felt guilt... I watched Thirteen get severely injured and my classmates..." She hesitated and I felt a lump in my throat.

 She gazed at the ground for a moment and peered back at me with tears in her eyes, ''I'm sorry, I'm not making much sense. What I'm trying to say is... I am happy that Mr. Aizawa isn't alone." I felt her grip tighten on my hands, "Alone?" I repeated that word out loud to make sure I had heard her right.

 "I'm not the best student in the world, haha, and he knows that. But he still believes in me... even though he can be a tad bit strict and scary sometimes." I chuckled slightly and she was taken back by the outburst of emotion. 

"Miss Nezu, I know I speak for all of class 1A when I say thank you. You protected us and continue to teach us how to become stronger" she pulled away and grinned, "Also it must be really hard to date someone as emotionless as that! Haha, See you later Miss Nezu" she waved me off and ran back to her classes. 

I was left there surprised, I was really starting to like those kids. I would protect them and help them reach their potential, even if it costs me my life.

That Night

I threw my keys on the table by the couch and held my stomach, I overdid it again. "Here" I jumped at his voice but turned to see Aizawa holding up painkillers, "don't scare me like that" I laugh and he scoffs.

 My eyes scan the room, "how are you holding up?" I wondered and he leans against the fridge with his sling still tightly holding up his previously broken arm.

 "Better then you" he sighs and I smirk, "At least you can see my face" he still was completely covered in bandages.

 I took the painkillers from him and popped a couple, I handed him two of them and he pulled down his bandages to reveal his lips.

 I leaned over and instantly kissed them startling him, I pull away and giggle. "Could resist" I shrugged and handed him water, " it has been a tiring day, huh?" I clutched my stomach and hopped up on the counter. 

"You have no idea" He sighed, it has been a couple days since the sports festival and Aizawa was exhausted, he had to be with Hizashi commenting on the events the entire time.

 "Our students were amazing" I pull a hair elastic off my wrist and put it in my brown hair, "They better not get cocky" Aizawa put the cup of water down and walked over to me.

 "I'm sure you won't let that happen" he stood in front of me with a slumped posture, I wrapped my arms around his back and put his head on my chest.

 I was still on the counter and shadow was playing with a toy by the couch, "What's wrong?" he questioned with a solemn tone and I held him tighter. 

"I'm just happy you're mine that's all", "tch" he nuzzled closer, "You're almost as needy as hizashi" I let go of him and got off the counter.

 I felt the pain in my stomach grow and I covered my mouth, "Rei?" he said through his bandages. 

"I'm fine" I laugh and walk into the bathroom to puke, I lock the door and kneel beside the toilet while holding my stomach.

 "Do you need anything?" His voice laced with worry, "Nah, I'm good" I wipe my face and open the door to see Aizawa. 

"The doctor says its normal" I smile and his body stance stiffened, "Yeah" He nods and I playfully punch his chest. 

"Don't worry Aizawa, I won't be leaving you any time soon" 

"Don't worry Aizawa, I won't be leaving you any time soon" 

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