Here For You||Class 1-A x Pregnant!Reader [Part 1]

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Your POV

I was so happy to be apart of class 1-A. They were always there for me and always so nice. It was as bad I thought it would be when I first started at U.A. I was thinking I would be annoyed by my classmates. Sure there are some annoying ones in the class but most of them are amazing!

Today Mr.Aizawa thought it would be good for us to train. Meaning he set up an obstacle course in the field. We couldn't use our quirks just use our skills we already had. I was excited because it was a knew thing!

"Alright class every head out to the field. Expect Y/N. I need to speak to you" Mr.Aizawa said in his tired voice.

Everyone else looked confused and I'll admit I was pretty scared. I hope I wasn't in trouble..everyone made there way to the field except for me of course. I stayed back like Mr.Aizawa said.

"Y/N with your current condition I think it would be best if you stayed back and took notes" He said with slight concern.

I nodded "y-yes sir"

"Oh and..there's something for you in the teachers lounge. It's from me, All Might, and Present Mic.." He looked away.

I couldn't help but giggle "alright"

I made my way to the teachers lounge. I was excited to see what my three favorite teachers got me! It wasn't my birthday or anything so I wondered what it was for. Oh well I'll found out when I get there.

No ones POV

Little did Y/N know that some of her fellow classmates were following her. The idea being Kirishima of course. Kirishima, Kaminari, Midoriya, and Iida all sneakily followed her to the teachers lounge.

"This is a bad idea! Mr.Aizawa is going to notice!" Iida whispered to his fellow students.

"Oh clam down Iida! We'll get back in time. Besides aren't you curious what they got her?" Kirishima smirked.

"I agree with Iida..we will get caught and Mr.Aizawa will kill us.." Midoriya whined.

"Nah we'll be ok! Kirishima is right" Kaminari smiled.

Your POV

I walked into the teachers lounge and saw a little pink bag on the table. I walked over to it and giggled.

"What a cute bag.." I smiled to myself.

I opened the bag and pulled out a onesie. It was light brown with a teddy bear on the front of it. I squealed and looked inside for a thing else. Inside was a pacifier that was white and a little rattle.

"Awww theses are so cute..I love my teachers" I couldnt help but smiled.

Suddenly the door to the teachers lounge opened. I jumped and turned around seeing four of my fellow students on the floor in a pile.

"Guys..? What are you doing here?" I asked still in shock.

"Uh nothing! N-Nothing at all! We were just getting to class!" Midoriya chuckled awkwardly.

"Hold up dude! Y/N what's with the baby stuff?" Kirishima asked pointing at them.

I sighed in defeat. Guess they would know later on eventually..might as well spill the beans now.

"Well..Ok don't make fun of me when I tell you guys ok?" I frowned.

"Of course we won't!" Midoriya said.

"Yeah you can tell us anything Y/N!" Iida proudly said.

I smiled a bit "ok..well I'm pregnant.."

"WHAT?!" The four boys all said at once.

"Who's the father?!" Kaminari asked.

"Is it treating you right?!" Midoriya questioned.

"How manly is he?!" Kirishima asked.

"Who all knows?!" Iida asked.

"Boys enough! Listen only Mr.Aizawa, All Might, and Present Mic know. And well now you guys..also the father he..he isn't around..he left" I sighed sadly.

The four boys all frowned and Midoriya put his arm around my shoulder "w-well you don't need him anyway! You're strong and don't need no man!"

"Yeah and if you ever need a man I'm here!" Kirishima proudly stated.

"Also I'm sure the whole class will be supportive!" Iida smiled.

"Yeah and with all of our help you don't even need a man!" Kaminari smiled.

I smiled at them "aww thanks guys are the best. But I have to tell the whole class fact we should all get back now. Mr.Aizawa would kill you guys once he found you not training" I giggled.

The five of us all went back to class. There stood a very pissed Mr.Aizawa.

"There you boys are. Why did you follow Y/N" he gave them a glare.

"Oh it's ok! There just were being curious no harm done Mr.Aizawa!" I smiled.

He sighed and shook his head "well I suppose they saw?"

I nodded "yes. And I'm ready to tell everyone!"

He nodded "alright everyone listen up. Y/N is going to tell you all something very important. Anyone who doesn't listen will be punished" he smirked.

Everyone nodded and turned their attention to me. I cleared my throat and spoke "ok well as you all know I haven't been participating in any training or anything..well that's because I'm um.." I took a deep breath and spoke again "I'm pregnant. I'm 3 months along"

It was silent at first but there questions starting to pop up.

"Oh Y/N congrats!" Ashido squealed.

"Awww you're babies going to be so cute!" Uraraka smiled.

"Who's the father?!" Hagakure asked.

I sighed "sadly the father isn't around. He left when I told him. But oh well it happens" I chuckled softly.

"You don't need him anyway" Bakugo mumbled "I mean you're strong and he's stupid enough to leave you so"

I smiled "thanks Bakugo.."


I giggled "still..thanks"

Bakugo looked away still blushing. Mr.Aizawa shook his head.

"Alright everyone back to training. Now" he spat.

Didn't take long for everyone to do as he told. I sat on the side lines taking notes just like I was told too.

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