Imagine||Hitoshi Shinso x Blind!Reader

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No ones POV

Y/N was born blind. It's an unfortunate disability to have but she isn't helpless. Because of her disability her other senses are enhanced. It's her quick. Being able to smell and hear better then most people allows her to be able to live a life. But she does need some help. Luckily her boyfriend Shinso is with her to help her with the things she can't do.

Y/N was in her class which unfortunately is a different class then her boyfriends. She was in class 1-A and her boyfriend was in class 1-B. She sometimes needed with some stuff and having her boyfriend there was perfect.

Her eyes weren't white or anything. Her E/C eyes were a little faded of color. They weren't as colorfully as most eye colors are. But it never was a bother to her. She wasn't self conscious about her eyes. Sure she sometimes would hear people talk about her eyes but she never cared.

The bell rang and that meant class was over. Y/N packed up her stuff and made her way to the door. The other students always let her go first even Bakugo let her go first. He wasn't that heartless.

She said her normal thank you with her bright smile that made most the
boys blush over. She walked to class 1-B and waited for her boyfriend.

"Hey babe" Shinso hugged his girl.

She gave him a big hug back "Hey babe! Ready to go? Your place this time"

He gave a nod "ok. My parents aren't home so don't be surprised when they don't say hi to you"

She gave a little laugh "alright"

Both of them walked hand in hand to Shinso's house. It was a habit that they would go to each other's houses everyday after school.

"How was your day babe?" Shinso asked in his usually monotone voice.

"It was good. How about yours? Did Denki and Midoriya try to befriend you again?" She giggled.

He sighed and nodded "yeah. I don't get why they won't leave me alone. I don't want friends"

"Well you gave me. Am I not a friend?" She said.

"Well you're my girlfriend. That's different" he mumbled.

"Buuuut you became my friend first" she smirked.

He blushed embarrassed. Luckily she couldn't see that "well I had too. You weren't going to just go out with a stranger"

"But if you didn't want a friend then you wouldn't have even bothered right? And I'm still your friend so" she giggled.

"No comment" he said opening the door to his house.

"I win" she smirked walking in.

"Whatever" he mumbled.

Both the students made their selves comfy on the couch. Y/N was laying on Shinso chest while he had his arms around her. They were watching their favorite show, F/S, they always had to watch it with each other.

Y/N ran her fingers through his hair. She loved doing this and so did he. She didn't know what his hair color was but she knew his hair was fluffy and stuck up. She imagined his hair was black and his eyes she imagined they were a light red. She didn't think you were right about it though.

"You're spacing out. You ok?" Shinso asked slightly worried.

"Hm? Oh yeah I'm ok! I'm just trying to imagine what your hair and eye color are" she smiled.

He gave a small smile "what color do you think they are?"

"Well I think your hair is black and your eyes are a light red color!" Y/N chipped.

He gave a light chuckle "wrong. My hair and eyes are purple"

She gasped "really?! Wow that's so cool! I wish I had cool colors like that" she pouted.

"I like your hair and eye color. If fits you. Your H/C hair fits your personality and your eyes too. Doesn't matter if they are faded a bit. You look beautiful anyway.." He shyly said blushing a bit.

She smiled "really?"

"Of course" he mumbled kisses her cheek.

She snuggled into his neck taking in his sent. She was lucky to have a boyfriend like him. Sure he could be pretty rude to others but he was always sweet and caring to you. He never would be rude to you ever.

"I just wish I could see image in my head isn't the same as actually seeing you" she sighed sadly.

He slightly frowned "I know babe. I wish I could make you see for the first time..I would do anything"

She kissed his cheek softly "I know you would. I love you"

He gave a smile "I love you beautiful angel"

"I can tell you are smiling! I can imagine you having a beautiful smile!" She smiled.

"Well I don't know about beautiful. But you can believe that" he said.

She pouted "I will!"

Shinso patted her head smiling to himself. She wasn't just lucky to have him, he was also lucky to have her. Someone who didn't judge him for his quirk. She knew he wasn't evil. Despite his quirk she loved him and trusted him. And that's just what he needed. Someone who loved him for him and she needed someone who loved her for her.

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