Blessing||Hawks x Reader

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Hawks was madly in love with a beautiful woman who was unfortunately quirkless, but that didn't stop him from falling head over heels for her. She a shy and nice person. Brave when she had the confidence. She was so nice most villains didn't even want to hurt her. They let her go because of her kindness. To others that was her quirk.

Hawks was so in love he was already wanted to marry her even though they've only been together for a year. He knew she was the one and he didn't want to miss his chance. He flew his was to the U.A school. He was going to ask her brother, Shota Aizawa aka Eraserhead for his blessing. She wasn't anything like her brother. She was nice and sociable. But at times she could be anti social like her brother. She was also shy unlike her brother.

Hawks landed at the front of the school and strolled his way to class 1-A. He knew Aizawa was most likely sleeping but this was important and he couldn't wait. He opened the door to the class and immediately students noticed the pro hero.

"Wow Hawks! What are you here?" The young green haired student was in awe.

Hawks have a smile "I'm here to ask your teacher if I can marry his sister"

Everyone gasped and the ladies squealed. They knew about Aizawas sister and met her on a couple of occasions.

"Oh your going to marry her! How cute!" Ashido squealed.

Aizawa was sleeping and didn't even hear the hero walk in. Hawks shook the sleeping man "Aizawa wake up!"

Aizawa groaned and glared at Hawks "what do you want? And why are you here"

"I came to ask you something important. It can't wait you grumpy man" he chuckled.

Aizawa sighed and got up from his sleeping bag "what is it. Make it quick"

"I would like to ask your blessing to marry your lovely sister" he smiled.

Aizawa was a bit shocked at first. I mean he didn't think Hawks would actually come and ask for his blessing. It was a surprised to him.

"You actually came all this way to ask me that" Aizawa said with slight surprise in his voice.

"Well of course! I mean I want her brothers approval especially since we would be brother in laws" Hawks said.

Aizawa shook his head "well I don't care if you marry her. As long as she's happy"

"So I can? Thanks Shota! I promise I'll take care of her!" He flapped his wings happily.

"I know you will. Now go. I'm going back to sleep" the sleepy man got back into his sleeping bag.

"Bye Hawks!" The students all said.

"Bye kids! See ya later" he flew back home to wait for his lovely soon to be wife to get home.

Couple hours later the girl walked into the home they shared. She was out shopping with the little friends she had. She was immediately greeted by her winged boyfriend.

"Hello there beautiful" he gave her a peck on the cheek.

She blushed and smiled "hi.."

"Did you have fun with your friends?" Hawks asked.

She nodded and headed upstairs to the bedroom to put her stuff away. Hawks followed her like a puppy. He was debating on popping the question now or wait a little longer.

"What did you do all day?" She sweetly asked putting the clothes she bought away along with some shoes and hoodies.

"Well I watched a movie, had lunch, and went to visit your brother" he said slowly putting out the ring he had in his pocket.

Y/N was busy her new stuff away she didn't even notice "oh you did? Why?"

"Well I wanted to ask him for his blessing" he got down on one knee behind her.

"For wh-" she turned around and froze.

"To ask if I can marry you of course!" He smiled.

"H-Hawk.." she quietly said.

"My dreariest Y/N will you be my beautiful perfect wife for as long as we live?" He said. On the inside he was shaking.

She softly cried but nodded a yes to him. Hawks jumped up and slipped the ring on her. He scooped her up in his arms and spun them around.

"Woo hoo! Im gonna get married!" He cheered.

She held onto her lover and giggled "I love you.."

He smirked "I love you too honey"

The shy girl softly whispered in his ear "maybe we should celebrate~" she kissed his ear.

Hawks was shocked at first but a big grin was on his face "oh with pleasure baby~ let's make some kids while we're at it too"

-Months later-

Now Y/N was getting married and was pregnant at the same time. She was 5 months in and had a little belly on her. But that didn't stop her from
having confidence on her special day. She walked down that aisle with confidence but of course her big brother Aizawa was there with her walking her down.

Hawks was shaking his is shoes. Was this happening? Was this a dream? Nope. This was real. He was getting married to his pregnant fiancé. He couldn't wait to finally make her his forever and for the baby to come out.

The two shared their vowels with Hawks crying giving his because he is a softie. Y/N cried during the end of hers because well she was staged fright. She lost her confidence halfway down the aisle. Finally it was the time.

The two husband and wife shared a sweet kiss and they lived happily ever after ❤️

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