There For You||Tensei Iida x reader

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Let's be real here, who doesn't love Tensei? Also I'm sorry if this is sad 😞.

No one's POV

You were trying to call Tensei on his phone to ask him what he wanted for dinner so you could make it before he got home. You honestly had no idea where he was. You figured he was doing hero work but you couldn't be quite sure. You tried about 2 times but decided to stop. It was odd because he always answered your calls. Let alone tell you where he was going. But this time he did none of that. Which you had to admit made you worried.

You tried to call Tenya because who knows maybe he would know where his big brother was. But he didn't answer either. You got a call from Tensei's mother, Yuki. (I made up her name because we dont know it 😂).

"Hello? Yuki?" You said.

"Y-Y/N you have to come to the hospital now.." it sounded like she was crying.

"Why? What happened? Are you ok?!" You panicked thinking something was wrong with her.

"It's T-Tensei..a villain got him.." her voice cracked.

Your eyes went wide. A villain? But no villain has ever beaten him! This can't be true!

"W-What? Is he ok?! Is he alive?!" You cried.

"He's alive..but he's in very bad condition..he can't even talk hardly let alone move. please hurry. He's been worrying about you. Even when he's hurt.." she whispered.

You hung up and quickly ran to your car. Tears rolled down your face as you drove to the hospital. You were happy he was alive but if he couldn't even move hardly then you knew he was in bad shape. You couldn't imagine how Tenya would react. You and him both looked up to Tensei as a hero. Though he is your boyfriend and not your brother, still you wanted to be a hero like he was.

Once you reached the hospital you quickly packed your car and ran inside. You quickly went to the front desk to ask where his room was. The lady told you and you thanked her. You ran to his room and you saw Tenya and Yuki outside the door.

"Tenya! Yuki!" You shouted.

Tenya was first to run to you and hug you. You and him were close despite the fact he was much younger then you.

"I-I'm so sorry Tenya! But he's ok right? I mean alive right? Your mother said so!" You sobbed.

Tenya gave a small nod finally letting go. Yuki gave you a hug too.

"I know you are taking this hard too Y/N.." she said.

"I need to see him" you let her go and walked into the doors.

You eyes went wide at what you saw. There you saw your boyfriend all wrapped in bandages. He was hooked to IV. He had a mask on to help him breath. His eyes closed. You quickly made your way to his side.

"Tensei.." you whispered "it's me     Y/N.."

He slowly opened his eyes "Y/N..? I-I'm so sorry...I was suppose to be a hero for you and both looked to me and..and I failed.." he softly said.

"Shh Tensei please save your energy..b-beside it's not your fault..  y-you did what you were good at! Being a hero..saving people! Please don't blame yourself honey.." you cried into the bed.

Slowly and softly Tensei but his hand on yours. He tried his best to gripped it as much as he could.

"N-No don't cry..please" he whispered again.

You gripped his hand and sniffled "Tensei I cant help it! The love of my life is badly hurt..of course I'm going to cry!"

His facial expression was softer then it was before. Like he felt bad for putting you in this situation. He couldn't bring anymore worlds out of his mouth so all he did was hold your hand as you cried.

"Tensei..n-no matter what happens to you or what state you are in when you heal I'll be there for you. I'll still love you! Because I couldn't live without you Tensei.." you kissed his hand softly.

A tear went down his face as he weakly smiled. He knew you would stay with him no matter what. But hearing you say it really made him happy.

-couple months later-

You and Tensei were making you way to Tenyas class room. Well more like Tensei was rolling his way. For he was in a wheelchair for the rest of his life after the accident. But you nor anyone cared. To you he was still your Tensei. As for everyone else, he was still the engine hero they once knew.

You both reached his class room, Class 1-A, when Tensei swung opened the door. On his way out the door, Yuki noticed Tenya forgot his lunch. Yuki called both you and Tensei so you both could take it to him. She knew Tenya would enjoy a visit from his brother and his girlfriend.

"Hey little brother! You forgot your lunch! Mom called me and had me and Y/N bring it to you!" Tensei chuckled wheeling into the class.

"B-Big brother?! Y/N?! Uh yes thank you! Sorry I was in a rush this morning.." Tenya blushed.

You giggled and handed him his lunch "it's ok kiddo. Just don't forget it again. Meals are important" you patted his head.

He took the lunch and put it on his bed. He did his stranger hand movements as he gave you both a thanks.

"T-Thank you both!" Tenya bowed.

"Pro hero Ingenium! Wow I've seen you on the tv! Never thought I'd actually see you!" Midoriya cheered.

"Yeah Iida told us how your whole family are heroes!" Uraraka smiled.

Tensei chuckled "Yeah our family has a long line of heroes. It's just part of the family"

"Are you doing ok" Todoroki suddenly asked.

Tensei gave a smile and a nod "yes much better thank you! Anyway we should get going. Before Aizawa wakes up.." he mumbled the last part.

"Too late.." you giggled.

"Tensei what a surprise. Why are you here" Aizawa bluntly asked.

"I was dropping off Tenyas lunch! He left it at home. We're leaving go back to sleep grumpy" he chuckled going to the door.

Aizawa rolled his eyes and looked at you "I'm Shota Aizawa. Don't think we ever met"

"No we haven't. I'm Y/N L/N. Tensei's girlfriend of 2 years" you smiled.

Aizawa gave a nod and went back into his sleeping bag. Both you and Tensei gave a goodbye to Tenya and the other students the left.

"Wow I can't believe Aizawa actually introduced himself to you. He usually doesn't do that at all" Tensei said.

You giggled "Yeah from what you told me he's very anti social"

"Well he is! But I guess maybe he's changed. I guess everyone can't changed honestly" he said.

You gave a nod "yeah I agree!"

Once you both made it home you and him went to the couch immediately laying down. You both cuddled up together.

"You know I love you right?" Tensei suddenly said.

You smiled "I know. I love you too"

"You sure? I being in a wheelchair doesn't drive you away does it?" He shyly asked.

You sat up looking at him "no of course not! Why would you say that?"

He sighed "well I mean there's a lot of thinks we can't do now..because of my condition we can't swim, go to amusement parks, workout together, or even go to the beach..I just feel like I'm a bother to you now. I can't do a lot on my own. I feel like a kid not a man"

You sadly looked at him and cupped his cheeks "Tensei remember what I said to you while you were still in the hospital? I said I will always be there for you and love you no matter what happens when you heal. And I mean that. You are still my Tensei I fell in love with years ago"

Tensei softly smiled and nuzzled his head in your chest. Now he was on top of you while you were on the bottom.

"Yeah you're right..I'm sorry I doubted you. I love you so much honey" he kissed your chin.

You giggled "I love you more my hero"

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