True Love||Fumikage Tokoyami x Silly!Reader

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Your POV

I was beyond excited! After school I was finally going to spend time with my boyfriend! We rarely got to spend time together since he's always busy with school. I mean U.A is tough! Unlike him I was home schooled. It was kinda lonely since I didn't have many friends but it was drama free!

I skipped my way to U.A. I was so happy to finally see him! It's been weeks since we saw each other!

No Ones POV

He won't admit it but he did miss     Y/N. He never seemed like he missed her but when she was away his heart would ache for her. He couldn't think when he didn't see her for a couple days. But of course none of his peers even knew he had a girlfriend. He refused to let anyone find out. Mostly because they would ask questions.

The bell rang for school to end and he backed up his stuff quickly so he could meet up with his girlfriend. But little did he know his peers noticed his hurry to get out.

"You seem excited to leave Tokoyami" Asui commented.

"Yeah what's the rush!" Uraraka smiled.

"I'm not rush-"

"Fumikage! I'm sorry I know you wanted to meet up but I just couldn't wait to see you!" Y/N rushed over to the embarrassment bird man.

"It's fine..Im just surprised you are here" he blushed. But of course it wasn't that noticeable to everyone else but Y/N.

"Whos this Tokoyami? A friend!" Uraraka smiled.

"Well friend is in the title.." he mumbled.

"Hi I'm Y/N! I'm his girlfriend!" She chirped.

"You have a girlfriend?!" Uraraka exclaimed.

"Tokoyami you didn't tell them about me? Why not!" The girl pouted.

"Because..I just didn't think of it..I'm sorry my flower" he gave a small kiss on her forehead.

The girls all squealed "so cute" thinking the two of them were beyond cute together.

Before anyone else could say anything Tokoyami walked his girlfriend out of the school holding her hand.

"I like your friends! They seem nice!" She giggled.

He gave a small sigh "Yeah my classmates are quite something..sorry if you got embarrassed"

"Oh don't worry about me! I wasn't embarrassed at all. But I know you were. How cute" she gave his hand a squeeze.

She always knew when he blushed based on the fact he would avoid eye contact. And he was.

"Oh no need to blush honey! It's cute when you get all embarrassed!" She pecked his beak.

"Not helping.." he mumbled.

She then unlatched herself from him and ran into the park to the swings.

"Come on Tokoyami! Let's swing!"

Tokoyami slightly sighed but had a smile on his face. Well a smile that was barely noticeable. He jogged over to her and gently pushed her on the swing.

"Hey have i ever told you that I love you?" She smiled as he pushed her.

Tokoyami smiled a bit to himself "Yes..many times. And you know my answer is the same"

She stopped herself on the swing and got off turning towards him "that you love me back! And sometimes you even say you love till the end of the earth and back" she had a big smile on her face.

That made Tokoyami really blush. This time she could really tell he was blushing. This made her smile ever more.

"I love it when you blush! I wish I could actually see it though.." she frowned.

He gave her a big hug "please that's the last thing I want.."

"Oh please don't be so dramatic! Now come let's get some food!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him to the restaurant nearby.

The way there Tokoyami would always take glances at her. She never noticed. But Tokoyami knew he was going to end up with her for the rest of his life.

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