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"we're gonna head out now." lia informs me, grabbing dillon's hand as they walk into the kitchen. "okay, i love you guys." i hug them and dillon kisses my cheek. "keep your lips off my wife." nate playfully scowls at dillon, causing lia and i to laugh. "goodnight, bro." they wave as they walk out of the house and i turn back to the sink, finishing the dishes. "baby you can finish that later, let's go to bed." nate suggests, wrapping his arms around my waist and resting his head on my shoulder. "if i don't do them now, i never will." "then don't, we'll make sam wash them." i laugh, "have you ever seen sam do dishes? he can't even do his own laundry." "then i'll get to it tomorrow, just come to bed. you look exhausted." "i'm fine." i insist, shaking my head at him. "mia, you can't lie to me. i know you, i know when you're just tired and i know when you're exhausted and you're exhausted baby." i sigh and turn to him, "even if that's true, a woman's work is never done." "well, your's is." he plucks the wash cloth from my hand and tosses it on the counter. "go lay down. i'll do the dishes." he points down the hall leading to our room. "nate, no. you work, i take care of the house, and eventually the kids when we have them. that's how marriage works." "that's not how our marriage works and you know it. now go rest, you deserve it." i groan, "why did i have to marry the best man in america?" "because you love me." he pecks my lips, "and this is the last time i'm gonna say this, go to bed." i shake my head and stand my ground, "nope." "okay, i didn't want it to come to this." he picks me up and tosses me over his shoulder before carrying me into the room and laying me in our bed. i cross my arms and pout. "i'm gonna go clean the kitchen and you're gonna stay in here and wait for me, okay?" i just stare at him and his eyes darken, "get off your attitude, mia." "no, i don't think i will." he walks over to the door and slams it closed before turning towards me. "get up." i try to contain my excitement as i stand up. i love when nate gets like this. "what is your problem?" he asks as he pushes me against the wall, "i just wanted you to go to bed because you're fucking exhausted and you had to go and get an attitude over it. you know what you get when you give me an attitude." yes i do, and i love it. a smile tugs at my lips and he steps back, "too bad for you, because i know it's exactly what you want so i'm not gonna do it. lay down." he walks out of the room and i groan, climbing in bed. my eyes flutter closed almost immediately as i get comfortable.

i'm half asleep when nate returns to the room, and he starts talking to himself. "so damn stubborn, i knew she was tired." he mumbles before i feel him climbing in the bed, moving stray hairs out of my face and kissing my forehead. "i married the right one." i open my eyes and look up at him through my lashes, only to see him watching me. "are you watching me sleep?" "and if i am?" he raises his eyebrows as he waits for a response. "nothing." i cuddle into him and smile before kissing his cheek, and he wraps his arm around me. "go back to sleep, baby. i didn't mean to wake you." "did you have fun cleaning the kitchen?" "no, no i did not. i don't see how you keep the whole house clean everyday. just the kitchen was a nightmare for me." i laugh, "that's why i hate making dinner, i hate doing the dishes." "i totally get that, it was a nightmare." "that's why i wanted to do the dishes, today was your day off and i didn't want you having to do anything." i admit. "baby, i took the day off because i wanted to spend time with you and relax, together. i'm always in the studio, doing what i love. and yeah, that might be what supports us but i'm having fun when i work, you don't have fun keeping up with the house and watching the kids when sam's working. it's okay for me to help you, baby. this marriage works because we love each other, and support each other, and help each other through everything. are you okay? you've been really insecure about everything lately." i shrug and he rubs my side, "talk to me, baby." "i honestly have no idea." i tell him honestly. "you don't think it's because...you could be pregnant?" he suggests and i shake my head, "we went to the doctor three days ago. i wasn't pregnant then, and it would be too early to tell now." "well, in 4 days you're gonna take a test. your doctor said the earliest it would test positive is 7 days after ovulation, right?" "yeah..let's just, not get our hopes up." i mumble, putting my arm on his stomach and resting my head on his chest. "you're right." he agrees. "hey, everyone's coming out here for christmas, right?" he asks and i nod, "nora, tyler, and mom already booked their flights and hotel rooms, have you heard from your family?" "yeah, mom called me earlier to make sure, that's why i was asking. who all's coming?" "well, that's hard to answer honestly. i don't know what's going on with sam and the kids and his family. unless rachel comes out here or nina goes to nebraska for christmas, he's gonna miss christmas with either sammy or landon." i sigh. "and stassie is here too, and she'll probably want to see addie just for holiday pictures and shit." he adds. "we'll talk to sam about it in the morning, we should get some sleep." "yeah, you're right. goodnight, i love you." he leans down and presses a soft kiss to my lips before turning off the lamp and engulfing the room in darkness. "i love you too. goodnight." i kiss his chest and fall back to sleep in his arms.

Song-------> Vibe Out- Sammy and Skate

Baby 2: Coming Soon《Nate Maloley》Where stories live. Discover now