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"we're gonna have a baby." i look at nate as tears of joy fill my eyes and he pulls me into a strong embrace. "finally." he smiles before giving me a passionate kiss. when we release each other, i walk into the bathroom and grab the sticks, then walk out into the living room with nate and madison trailing behind me. "guys!" i shout and everyone turns to look at me. "we're having a baby!" "seriously??" i nod and show them the tests. "oh my god, finally!" the girls all hug me and sam gives nate a hug. "i'm so happy for you guys! i can't wait to go home and tell jack." lana smiles. "please don't. you guys can't tell anyone, okay?" i tell them. "why not?" lia asks. "yeah, why?" nate asks. "i wanna tell everyone when they come for christmas next week, including the guys so you have to swear you guys won't tell the jacks or dillon." "okay, we promise we won't say anything." madison promises and lana agrees. "lia?" i look at her and she shrugs, "what's one more secret? i haven't even told dillon i'm pregnant." we all look at her in shock and her eyes widen, "fuck did i just say that out loud?" "uh huh." i pull her into a tight hug, "when did you take the test?" "last night. dillon's not gonna be happy if he finds out that you guys knew before he did, so could you please all act surprised when i tell him? i wanna do it tonight while we're all together." "yeah, if course." madison nods and everyone agrees. "i'm so excited! now we can go through our pregnancies together!" "i know!" she squeals.

the jacks, dillon, derek, tez, and hayes all come over around 5 to hang out and see the kids. the guys are currently in the back yard, the kids are napping, and the girls and i are all in the living room talking. "so, when are you gonna tell him?" lana asks lia. she shrugs and glances out the back door, seeing dillon drinking a beer and smoking a blunt with the guys. "no fucking clue...i wish i could drink." she sighs. "it's not bad to have one glass of wine a day when you're pregnant." nina informs her and rachel nods, "i did with sammy." "shit, really? be right back." i stand up and go into the kitchen to pour myself a glass of wine, and at that moment, sam walks back inside to get another beer. "um, what are you doing?" he asks as he sees the wine bottle in my hand. "drinking a glass of wine." "nate!" he calls over his shoulder. "snitch." i mumble. "what's up?" nate walks into the house and when he sees me, he gives me a disapproving look, "what are you doing? give me that." he takes the bottle from my hand, "you know you can't drink now, mia." "rachel and nina told me that their doctors told them it wouldn't hurt to have a glass of wine everyday. i wouldn't drink it if i thought it would hurt the baby, you know that." "i promise, it won't hurt the baby. i did it with landon, rachel did it with sammy, and they're both fine." nina informs him as she comes in the kitchen. "you drank when you were pregnant? when?" sam asks. "every day. just give her half a glass, they'll both be fine." she assures nate. "can't you just smoke a blunt instead? i know that's okay because your mom smoked when she was pregnant with you, tyler, and nora." "yeah, my mom thinks the reason we're all so smart is because she smoked all the time when she was pregnant all three times." (a/n: real shit my mom says that about me and my brothers all the time, I guess that also explains why we're all potheads😂) "so we agree? you're not going to drink this?" nate asks. "no, i still want it. it won't hurt anything." "fine, but from now on, you get one glass a week, not one everyday." "okay." nina grabs the bottle from him and gets a wine glass out of the cabinet, pouring it for me. "this is about as much as i drank." she hands it to me and pours another glass with the same amount. "i love you." i kiss nate's cheek and walk back into the living room with nina. she hands lia the glass and sits back down beside madison. "oh thank god." lia sighs in relief. "nate said i can only have a glass once a week, so i'm gonna be sippin on this all night." the girls laugh at me and i playfully glare at them before taking a small sip. "we should get high." lana suggests. "do you think that's a good idea? they're pregnant." madison gestures to lia and i. "my mom got high as fuck everyday when she was pregnant with me and my siblings, and we're all smart as shit." "you're also all total fucking potheads." rachel laughs. "damn right." "i'll go get the weed." lana jumps up and walks out to the backyard. "i wonder when her and johnson are gonna set a wedding date." madison lets out and most of us nod in agreement, except rachel. "wait, johnson and lana are engaged?" she asks and we nod, "yep. now we're just waiting for g to propose to madison." i smirk at her and she blushes, causing us to all 'ooh' at her. "alright, don't get your hopes up about that one." she laughs. "you guys have to give us jadison babies. it's a must." nina tells her. "no time soon." she shakes her head. "why? there's no time like the present." lia responds. "i have a three year birth control rod in my arm. wanna feel it?" "i'll pass." i shake my head. "yeah, me too." nina agrees. "i'll feel it." rachel shrugs, reaching out her hand and madison takes her finger, guiding it to the rod. "woah! that feels weird." rachel lets out and madison nods, "i know, right?" "i come bearing mary jane!" lana comes back in and passes the lit blunt to me.

Song-------> What's The Move- Sk8
Album-------> Skaterade

Baby 2: Coming Soon《Nate Maloley》Where stories live. Discover now