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"good morning, my love." nate greets with a smile as i find my way into the kitchen, discovering my mom, tyler, nora, kaylan, stew, kami, and monte all sitting around our dining room table. "good morning." i make my way over to him and press a kiss to his cheek. "i thought they weren't coming until tonight." i whisper, referring to my in-laws. "their flight got cancelled so they drove here." he informs me just before the doorbell rings. "that must be lori, dave, and the girls." my mom gets up and rushes to our front door, me following close behind to see my second family. "hey!" they all file into the house and mr. wilkinson is the first to hug me, "mia, honey, how are you?" "i'm great, dad, and yourself?" i ask with a smile. "fantastic! christmas in california was a great idea. it keeps lori from stressing out and you know what they say, happy wife happy life." "think i got you beat. i have a perfect wife and together we have a perfect life." nate kisses the side of my head as he joins in our conversation. "keep it that way, nathan, or you know mia will call me." mr. wilk warns. "he will; we both will." i assure him. "where are my grand babies?" mama wilk asks curiously. "landon's with nina but addie and sammy are upstairs." my mom tells her. "and i'm gonna go out on a limb and assume that sam is still sleeping too." "you'd be wrong, actually. sam got up early and went to invite stassie to spend christmas with addie." nate explains. "that's a huge waste of time. he should know she's just going to jet off to mexico or something." "it is such a shame that she takes being the mother of such a wonderful little girl for granted." my mom shakes her head. "i'm gonna go back into the kitchen so your family's not just sitting in there alone." "okay, baby." nate kisses the top of my head and i turn around, walking back into the kitchen. "oh, kami and monte are here already?" lori asks nate. "yeah, they just got in about an hour ago." "dave, let's go say hi." they follow me into the kitchen and i hug kami first, "sorry i didn't say anything a minute ago. i just woke up and i've been very scatterbrained the past few weeks." "oh, that's okay, sweetie. how have you been? how are things looking on the baby front?" she asks. "what baby? there's no baby." tyler replies quickly. wow, could he be more obvious? "well, have you been in to see a fertility doctor? and has nate been checked? it's very important to check in on those things when you're having such a hard time getting pregnant."

nate's right. it is hard lying to your mother-in-law. when i'm lying to my mom, i don't even think twice because i've been doing it my whole life, but lying to kami is hard.

"nathan! i need to talk to you!" i shout, quickly adding, "in private, right now." "what's up, baby?" he comes into the kitchen and i point to our room. once we close the door behind us, i let out a long sigh. "what is it, baby?" he asks as he pulls me into his chest. "remember how you told me yesterday that you felt bad lying to my mom about the baby?" "yeah, what about it?" "i felt the same way just now when i lied to your parents." i frown. "really? my mom and dad are so easy to lie to." "to you, yeah. you've been lying to them for 23 years." "and for the past 2 years of our marriage have you learned nothing about how to lie to my parents?" he asks. "have you learned nothing about how to lie to my mother?" "why would i want to lie to gen?" "why would i want to lie to kami and monte?" "okay, i get it, mia." he laughs.

my phone starts ringing from my bedside table and i walk over to it, unplugging it from the charger and answering the call. "hello?" "is this mia maloley?" the woman asks. "this is she. may i ask who's calling?" "this is amy from the t-shirt company calling to inform you that the shirt you ordered should have arrived this morning." "i'm sorry, could you please hold on for a moment?" "yes, ma'am." i cover the phone with my hand and look at nate, "could you call madison and ask her if that package came in the mail for me?" he nods and pulls out his phone to call madison. i had this shirt made and delivered to madison and jack's house because we're going over there tonight for the christmas eve party where nate and i are going to give everyone the good news. i also don't want to wear it over there, and i was paranoid about the small possibility of my mother or anyone else finding it here. it was much easier to just send the package to madison. "what is it, nate? i'm soooo busy right now. my mom and mrs. g won't stop throwing shade at each other and jack isn't helping me at all, he's just sitting on the couch watching basketball with our dads." madison groans into the phone, not even bothering with a hello or any small talk. "mia asked me to call and ask you if that package came in the mail." "yeah, it's here. i put it up in the closet in the guest room." she tells him. "thanks. good luck with your mom and mrs. g." "thanks, i'm gonna need all the luck i can get." "oh, i bet." "mom, stop arguing with mrs. g, please!" she lets out a frustrated sigh, "i gotta go but i'll see you guys tonight." she hangs up and i tell the lady that my shirt was in fact delivered before ending the call. "poor madison." "i know, right? it's a good thing our moms get along." he smiles. "maybe i should go over there early and help out." "if you do, call johnson and have him send mrs. j over there. she'll be a good peace maker."

Baby 2: Coming Soon《Nate Maloley》Where stories live. Discover now