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the judge walks in, and since it's family court and extremely private, there's no bailiffs or anything, just the lady that types everything said in the court room. "we're here today to decide who gets custody of addison wilkinson. her mother, anastasia karanikolaou, or her father, samuel wilkinson. once i've reached a decision, there will be no changing my mind unless something happens to the child, and therefore it will be in the hands of child protective services. are both parties present and ready to proceed?" the judge asks. "yes, your honor." both lawyers, sam, and stassie respond in sync. the door opens and madison, lia, lana, and benny walk in. they quietly take a seat behind us and madison leans up to whisper in my ear, "what did we miss?" "nothing, the judge just came in. what are you guys doing here?" "we came to support sam and addie, obviously." she responds quietly before sitting back. "i see that mr. wilkinson has quite a few people here to support him. ms. karanikolaou, where are your friends and family?" the judge questions. "they're busy." she shrugs and i can tell by the look on her face, the judge isn't pleased by this answer. "mr. wilkinson, will you please take the stand?" he does as she says and his lawyer steps up to question him. "mr. wilkinson, on what grounds are you filing for sole custody of addison?" "i feel that addie would be better taken care of if she was in my care full time. stass- anastasia barely takes care of her and randomly shows up at my friends' doorstep while i'm working, demanding i take her because she wants to go out." he answers. "and would you say this happens regularly?" mr. warren asks. "yes. she shows up, leaves addie with me, and then she'll come back days later to pick her up, only to bring her back in a couple of days." "he's lying!" stassie shouts, causing the judge to bang the gavel, "mr. polazzio, control your client." "what do you do for work?" mr. warren asks sam. "i make music and i'm a social media influencer." sam responds. "does that provide you a regular, stable income?" "yes, i make enough to pay child support for all 3 of my kids and still live comfortably." "are the other mothers and children present today?" sam nods and points over to us, "the woman sitting closest to the aisle is my son landon's mom nina, and the woman on the other side of the one in the middle is my son sammy's mom rachel, and those are my beautiful baby boys with them." "would you say you have a good relationship with them?" "recently, yes. i've never had a bad relationship with either of them, but it honestly hasn't always been that great." he states truthfully. "no more questions, your honor." mr. warren steps back and stassie's lawyer steps up, "mr. wilkinson, is it true that you work out of your friend nate's home?" "yes, nate has a studio in his house." sam replies. "and is it true that you party a lot and do drugs?" "i use to. i cleaned up my act to be better for my kids." "so if you were to take a drug test, would you pass or fail?" mr. polazzio asks. "i would fail for marijuana but this is california and it's legal for recreational use here." "and if we tested your daughter, would she come back clean?" "she's barely one year old, of course she would come back clean." he answers. "have you ever put your hands on ms. karanikolaou?" "what? no!" sam shakes his head. "objection. relevance." mr. warren calls out. "is it true that addison ended up in the hospital a week ago, under your supervision?" "yes, and i absolutely take full responsibility for that, but her mother didn't even call me or text me back to see if she was okay, after i repeatedly tried to contact her and let her know what was going on. she still doesn't know what happened." sam admits. "no further questions, your honor." the jackass states in a cocky tone, tossing down the papers in his hand." "at this time, i'd like to call mia maloley to the stand." mr. warren stands and i make my way to the witness box, sitting down. "mrs. maloley, what is your relation to mr. wilkinson?" "he's been my best friend since we were younger than addie, and he's also friends with my husband." i reply. "while he's working, do you care for addison?" "yes." "he works in your home, correct?" "yes." i nod. "so if addison had an emergency, he's right in the house?" "yes." "what happened the day addison had to seek treatment at the hospital?" "stassie showed up at my house, yelled at sam for working, begged me to watch addie so she could go out, then she left. sam and nate were working and addie was hungry, so i made her a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but stassie never told me she was allergic to peanuts, so she had an allergic reaction and sam, our friend madison, and i rushed her to the hospital." i explain. "what happened the day ms. karanikolaou showed up to take addison home?" "she barged into my house like she normally does, sam asked her for full custody of addie, she agreed. sam got upset that she would agree to just give up their daughter so easily, so she came into my room and yelled at addie to come with her. addie got scared and was hiding from her, until sam came in and addie went to sam. when stassie left with her, addie was crying for sam." i inform him. "during that argument, did he ever put his hands on her?" "no, sam has never hit a woman." he turns to polazzio, "your turn." "we have no questions for this witness." "you may return to your seat." the judge offers me a smile and i return it. "i screwed your husband!" stassie yells as i walk past her. "no, you didn't. but you just keep making things worse for yourself." i give her a bitch smile and slide back into my spot between rachel and nina. "ms. finn, could you come up here, please?" she hands sammy to me and slides past nina and i to approach the witness box. "ms. finn, what is your relationship like with mr. wilkinson?" "we're good friends, for sammy's sake." "would you say he's a good father?" "yes, absolutely. he calls sammy when he can, he's always talking about addie and landon, and when he has time to come home to visit, he always makes time to spend time with sammy. he asked me last week if i would consider moving here so he could be closer to sammy, and i told him he should move back to nebraska if that's what he wanted but, he said he couldn't leave california because he couldn't leave addie and landon, so i decided that sammy and i are going to move out here next month." my jaw drops and sam turns to me, "did i hear that right??" i just nod, unable to form words. rachel is moving here! "that's all i have for this witness." mr. warren takes his seat and polazzio shakes his head, "no questions." nina's questions went the same, and eventually stassie was up on the stand. "ms. karanikolaou, what type of related do you have with mr. wilkinson?" polazzio asks. "a horrible relationship, he barely agrees to take addie." "would you say he's a bad person to be raising your daughter?" "yes. he parties as much as i do and he sleeps around. she shouldn't be raised around that." he use to do that. "i've heard enough, i can't take this anymore." the judge lets out. "take your seats." they return to table. "would both parties please stand to hear the decision?" everyone stands up and the judge looks at stassie, "you're a horrible person, and i just don't like you," stassie gasps and everyone quietly laughs, "and judging from the fact that this entire time i've watched addison reaching for her father, i'm awarding him sole custody and he will decide if you can have visitation rights. this little girl is clearly better off with her father. mr. wilkinson, you can take your daughter home."

Song-------> Throw Signs- Sammy Wilk ft. Jack & Jack
Album-------> Ready For War

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