Ch. 1

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I was in my room just mellowing out ,smoking some weed and thinking.
'Are Fish like birds to crabs? How can short people get high? If I dropped the soap on the ground would the soap be dirty or would the ground be clean?'
All of a sudden I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard my parents screaming from the bottom of the stairs, I waited a second waiting for them to say whatever they said again. I sat up waiting then Some guy I've never seen before barged into my room.
"YOUR SISTER!" I heard my parents as the guy shut the door. I immediately ran out and followed the guy to my sisters room where he was leaning over her crib. I jumped on his back before he could even touch her and he shook and spun in circles trying to get me off. I dug my nails into shoulders but he still managed to throw me off of him. He turned around and pushed me away from him and I ended up back against the wall. He went towards her crib and I looked to the right of me, there was a snow globe. Right before he could get to her I took the snow globe and smashed it onto his head and he fell. I grabbed my little sister and rushed downstairs with her. I walked out of the house and into the garage and handed Lilly to our mother. Just then two cop cars parked in front of our house. One went to the front door the other came out to the garage. The woman came out of her car and got into the back and brought out two pups who I'm assuming were in training. 'Shit i have pot in my room.'
I ran upstairs as my father was heading to the front door to talk to another police officer this one was a guy. I opened up my bedroom door and burned an incense stick and took the weed out of my top drawer: i ran back downstairs closing my door and going out to the garage. I walked passed my mother and went to go out to the garbage bin hoping the smell would cover up the weed but the police lady was right next to it so I looked around the garage. Mom had the fire pit going. I threw the baggy in there hoping the leaves that were burning would be a good excuse for the smell because they smell very similar.
I walked back inside the house before the police lady could see me. She was taking mom and lily around the house with the pups. I saw the male police officer and our eyes locked but then I heard mom crying outside and immediately walked back out to her. I saw the police lady putting mom in cuffs and lily was on the ground playing with her toys. I walked up and asked what was going on.
"She's saying that we were burning marijuana and that she's taking us to jail for disposing of drug paraphernalia." My mother started sobbing. I jumped in front of her and put my wrists out.
"It's mine.. I was burning it in the fire pit. Take me not my mom. She had nothing to do with it." The lady took the cuffs off my mom and put them on me and on the way to the police car. I asked her if she wanted to make a bet.
"You have my interest." The woman said
"If I can get out of these handcuffs you let me go. If I can't you can take me in and I'll be truthful about everything and go quietly without an issue."
"Okay kid, you got yourself a deal."
She laughed a bit taking a good look at the handcuffs. I took my fingers and felt the metal for a week spot then just lifted it up with my fingers and it broke. The police woman looked at me like I was magic. I took the other cuff and did the same then dangled them in front of her.
"Well... I did make you a deal and I lost.. I'll keep my word and let you go but if I catch you again you'll be going straight to the police station."
"Fair enough." I said even though I didn't care much since marijuana is trying to be legal for recreational use anyways.
"Oh and you can keep those handcuffs, I won't be needing them since they broke." I took them in my hand and we all walked back inside the house and sat at the table with the police man and my father. I dropped the handcuffs on the table and the male police officer looked at them astonished and confused.

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