ch. 19

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when we got to Olivia's place it was swarming.
"Damn, rich people got it good huh Eli?" Shawn pushed my shoulder playfully "I mean Olivia's parents are barely ever home so she's practically got a mansion in the middle of nowhere all to herself. We never have any issues with cops busting the party because she's so far into the woods on private property with no neighbors to complain."
I laughed a bit exhausted.
"Heey Eli." Olivia slid her arm over my shoulder coming from out of nowhere.
"Hey Olivia, how's the crowd tonight?"
"Same old same old for the most part. Jess has a new boy toy following her around nowadays tho. He invited some people as well so a few newcomers. Nothing major" She took my hand and lead Shawn and I to the basement to a group of her friends looking for a good time.
"ELI" chuckled a few people in a happy tone
"This is why we come free booze and of course eli." Jessica started walking over batting her eyes. I held my hand out and twirled her.
"Looking good Jess long time no see"  I kissed her hand and she bowed. A few people huffed and others laughed. Jessica has always been the Pick me girl type. To be fair she is a theater kid, has been lead role since forever, and her fathers world revolves around her. I just humor her because she pays well.
"Can we get this show going babes" she winked " I don't want to remember tonight." A few people cheered in agreement and with that the party was on.
About an hour and $600 later, Shawn and I decided to go back upstairs and enjoy the party but not before smoking a joint ourselves. When we got upstairs Shawn immediately went for the table full of alcohol. Before I could even follow after him Jason ran to my side handing me a solo cup.
"Whats this?" I shouted referring to the cup
"Vegas bomb baby!" He shouted like a frat boy and clinked our cups together "me too" and we both chugged "yea we gonna be up all night in this bitch!"  He yelled to which the crowd of people raised their cups in encouragement
Next thing we know a bit of the crowd cleared and we landed our eyes on beer pong. He slung his arm over my shoulder
"You thinking what I'm thinking??
"Bro I'm already there!" He said walking away from me and towards the table.
              ~SOME TIME LATER~
"Okay last shot." Jason focused and nailed it as the crowed around us erupts.
"Chug chug chug chug!" Our opponent ended up clutching the nearby trash can before even finishing the cup. Jason and I high five and headed to the basement to smoke my last joint.
Just about everyone from before had cleared outta the basement which was normal.  Get high, go party, high comes down, then back to the basement and repeat. We both just dropped onto the couch and took a brief moment to calm down from the competitive excitement.   After a few I took out my joint and lit it up and passed it after a few puffs.
"What kind is this?"
"To be honest this one was from my personal stash.I don't remember the name just that it's a hybrid. To me that's the perfect start for an hour before ending the night." He nooded his head blowing out smoke and passing it back. We did that for some time till it was almost nothing.
"You keeping the roaches?"
"Nah man, you can keep it. Use what's left on that one hitter I got you a while back."
"I was looking everywhere for you." Shawn handed me a cup sitting on the chair next to mine. I sniffed it and couldn't tell what it was so I just drank what was left of it anyways.
"Sorry dude we got caught up in beer pong."
"I know I watched. I left for a few minutes to go piss and get another drink and you both disspeared. Usually you don't come back to the basment till your planning on leaving and it's still early so I didn't think to look here till last minute. "
"Sorry Shawn thats my fault, I kinda stole Eli away to begin with." Jason laughed. "Man I'm getting a bit cotton mouthed." Jason started smacking his lips together. "Hey shawn could you get Eli and me another Vegas bomb?"
"Oohh and pizza?" I chimed in
"Oohh and chips!" Jason and I looked at eachother and nodded licking our lips
"Yes chips." We both said in unison
"You guys are fucking stoned" he laughed and walked back up the stairs.
I ended up zoning out on the giant fish tank Olivia's parents had in the basement. It almost took up the whole wall.
All I heard next was someone running down the stairs
"Guys Olivia's got karaoke going on now come on!" People started leaving the basement. Jason and I couldn't be bothered we were both afterall waiting for food. I zoned back out on the fish swimming.
"Earth to eli." Jason was waving his hand in my face. I just looked over dazed and the most stoned sounding 'eheheh' laugh escaped my mouth which caused us both to start laughing harder. I started tearing up because I couldn't stop laughing. All of a sudden I ended up with a sudden tiredness ending the laughter. Then the laughing came back and we ended up just laughing and falling Into eachother while sitting. then another wave of calm tiredness washed over. And things were chilled out for a bit so I zoned back out on the fish.
"Hey eli?" Jason said gaining my attention this time
"You know how you said part of the reason you didn't want me was because I can't keep a relationship?"
"Well what if I could?"
"What if I convince you to give me a chance and-"
"No." I said trying to focus on the fish swimming in the tank.
"What if I told you the only reason I haven't been able to keep a relationship is because I've had feelings for you since grade school but because you've never been open to dating anyone I chose relationships I knew wouldnt last."
"Ueh.." I rolled my eyes and went to stand up but before I could even move Jason stood up pushing me back down to the couch straddling my hips. I froze in panick.
"You can't tell me you feel nothing man."
"Dude we've been best friends since grade school nothing more. There was nothing going on in between the lines." I went to push him away but instead he grabbed my wrists pushing them into the couch.
"Nothing?" He started grinding his hard on against my groin. "You can't seriously tell me this doesn't feel good Eli. You just can't."
I could feel my member starting to betray my own feelings. Damn teenage hormones. I don't like him in that way so why won't it stop reacting.
"You feel it I know you do." He got closer to my ear grinding harder against me "feel my hard cock rubbing against you. Mmhm" He started moaning in my ear.
"Jason please-" footsteps rushing down the stairs interrupted my sentence
"Eli?" My eyes widend hearing braidens voice break slightly behind me.
"Cop boy. Great." Jason said still hovering above me.
"Eli?" Braiden said a bit more abrasive. I froze.
"Get lost officer before I have to put a restraining order on you for stalking. Seems like you pop up everywhere my little Eli is."
"Jason just get off of me okay?!" He looked up at braiden then back to me then back to braiden and finally back to me. He leaned into my ear and whispered.
"Mmhm I think I see whats going on here. Be a good boy and tell me the truth. unless you want him hearing about how you were having a hard on." I glared at him as he pulled away.
"So admit it fuck face. I do excite you." He said loudly and licked the side of my face.
"Alright fine... but its only physical. You'll never be able to have me in the way you'd want. I'd mentally be checked out and the only good thing you'd be to me is the nearest warm body."  I spat that last sentence out with venom. He unhanded my wrists getting off of me after that.
"Thats cold.. even for you Eli. I refuse to belive I'd only be a body to you." He started walking up the stairs but stopped "Till next time braiden."

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